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Blackwell, Caro named Webb Fellows

September 01, 2016

Drs. Katherine Blackwell and Andres Caro have been named Webb Fellows by the Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine (APM), the chief professional organization for the psychiatry of the medically ill.

The Webb Fellowship is a prestigious and selective award, based on achievement in the field of Psychosomatic Medicine. Webb Fellows receive recognition at the annual meeting of the APM, support for travel to the meeting, and extensive mentorship in research. They are invited to present their research at a special symposium at the second annual meeting during the award term, and are encouraged to become involved in APM committees and governance.

Caro completed his residency in psychiatry at the Cleveland Clinic, and is now beginning a fellowship in Psychosomatic Medicine at Yale. Blackwell just graduated from her residency in psychiatry at Yale, and is beginning a fellowship in Psychosomatic Medicine at the Hartford Hospital – Institute of Living program.