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Competencies, EPOs & Milestones

September 02, 2023

Yale School of Medicine’s (YSM) nine competencies frame our goals for the knowledge, skills, and attributes that we aim for YSM students to attain prior to graduation. The associated Educational Program Objectives (EPOs) describe the components of each competency and guide our curricular learning objections. Each EPO has measurable or observable milestones, which students should demonstrate by the end of each phase of their medical education: pre-clerkship, clerkship, and advanced training period. An electronic dashboard, and longitudinal coaches, will help students track their progress.

The details of the competencies, EPOs, and milestones are on this website and in this booklet. We also have created posters displaying the competencies and EPOs, with a QR code which takes you to the website showing the milestones. We have placed the posters in classrooms and other campus spaces to help students and faculty become more familiar with the competencies, EPOs, and milestones.

Submitted by Abigail Roth on September 02, 2023