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Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee

The EPCC is responsible for the centralized oversight of the school’s educational policies and curriculum, and for ensuring that the educational program is integrated, coordinated, and designed to achieve the school’s overarching goals. The EPCC places an integral role in the continuous quality improvement process for curriculum and educational policies.

If you would like to share input or are interested in the work of this committee, please contact the chair, Michael Schwartz.

Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee

  • Chair, Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee

    Associate Dean for Curriculum; Director of Innovation in Medical Education, MD Program; Emeritus Associate Professor, Neuroscience; Senior Research Scientist, Neuroscience; Director, Medical Studies, Neuroscience

  • Professor of Medicine (General Medicine); Associate Dean for Student Research, Office of Education; Co-Director, National Clinician Scholars Program

  • Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine); Director, Newington VA Pulmonary Clinic, Medicine; Associate Director, MD/PHD Program

  • Professor of Internal Medicine (Medical Oncology); Chair, Breast Cancer Tumor Board, Yale Cancer Center; Curriculum Director, Office of Education; Thread Leader, Pharmacology, Office of Education; Master Course Co-Leader, Office of Education

  • Associate Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases); Associate DIO; GME Director, Educator Development, Department of Medicine; Associate, Teaching and Learning Center; Associate Chair for Education and Academic Affairs, Internal Medicine; Director of YMS Coaching Program , Office of Curriculum

  • Professor of Laboratory Medicine, of Neurosurgery, and of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Vice Chair for Education, Department of Laboratory Medicine; Director of Medical Education, Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology; Thread Leader, Physiology, Office of Education; Associate Director, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, Yale-New Haven Hospital

  • Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Cardiology) and Internal Medicine (Cardiology); Director, Adult Congenital Heart Program; Director Pediatric Cardiology Fellowship Program, Pediatric Cardiology

  • Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences; Director of Across the Lifespan Mastercourse, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences; Interim Vice Chair Medical Education, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences; Medical Education Coordinator, Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit; Director of Residency Ultrasound Curriculum , Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences; Director of Sub internship , Maternal Fetal Medicine Unit; Director of Obstetrics and Gynecology Course, Physician Associate Program; Interim Vice Chair for Medical Education , Obstetrics, Gynecological and Reproductive Sciences; Director, Yale INTEC Practice Based Elective, International Medical Student Education

  • Professor of Medicine (General Medicine); Director of Student Assessment, Teaching and Learning Center; Director of clinical skills assessment, Office of Education

  • Professor of Pediatrics (General Pediatrics); Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, General Pediatrics; Director of the Center for Medical Education, YSM Administration

  • John Slade Ely Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary) and Professor of Pathology; Director, Yale Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) Center of Excellence, Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine; Associate Dean, Medical Student Research

  • Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine; Director, Emergency Medicine Clerkship; Head of Advisory College, Blue College, Office of Student Affairs

  • Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation M.D.-Ph.D. Program Director and Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and of Microbial Pathogenesis; Professor, Microbial Pathogenesis; Director, MD-PhD Program, Yale University

  • Associate Research Scientist; Co-chair Pediatric Protocol Review Committee, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation (YCCI); Member of the FAC executive committee, Yale School of Medicine; Member Human Investigation Committee 4-B, Yale HRPP; Faculty At Large, Educational Policy and Curriculum Committee Members

  • Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine; Director, Point of Care Ultrasound Education, Office of Curriculum; Fellowship Director of Emergency Ultrasound, Emergency Medicine; Faculty Associate, Point of Care Ultrasound Education, Center for Medical Education; Director, Advanced Training Period , Office of Curriculum; Associate Director of the Emergency Ultrasound Section, Emergency Medicine

  • Associate Professor Adjunct; Fellowship Director, Advanced Cardiac Imaging; Director, Cardiology Clinical Trial Unit; Director, Cardiac Imaging (Nuclear, MR, CT), Division of Cardiology; Director, Cardiometabolic Prevention Clinic, Division of Cardiology; Director, Nuclear Cardiology; Associate Director, Preventive Cardiovascular Health Program (PCHPY)

  • Associate Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences; Site Director, Women's Health Sargent Drive; Clerkship Director, Obstetrics, Gynecology & Reproductive Sciences

  • Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Pulmonology); Program Director, Pediatric Pulmonary Fellowship, Pediatrics; Medical Director, Pediatric Aerodigestive Center, Pediatrics; Leader, Health Equity Thread, Yale School of Medicine, Pediatrics

  • Associate Professor of Internal Medicine (General Medicine); Assistant Dean for Education, Medical Education; Director of Clinical Skills, Office of Education; Associate Professor, Pediatrics; Editor, Yale Primary Care Pediatrics Curriculum, Pediatrics

  • Professor of Pediatrics (General Pediatrics); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health; Pediatric Global Health Track Director; Associate Dean for Medical Student Diversity, Medical Education