Palliative Care News
Yale celebrates the 50th anniversary of its first graduating class of PAs in 1973.
- October 14, 2023
Alexandria Garino Receives PAEA Article of the Year award.
- May 23, 2023
Commencement Ceremony for the MD Class of 2023.
- April 07, 2023
“It’s raining meds!” Sisi Zheng (5th year MD-PhD), belted out to the tune of It’s Raining Men, joined on-stage by fellow students throwing handfuls of big, colorful, marshmallow “pills” to a highly-engaged audience in Mary S. Harkness Auditorium. This was one of many highlights of the Yale School of Medicine Class of 2023’s Fourth Year Show: Eli Yale and the Residents of the (Morning) Rounds Table.
- November 13, 2022
Elizabeth Prsic, MD, Firm Chief for Medical Oncology and Director of Adult Inpatient Palliative Care at Smilow Cancer Hospital, along with former Yale fellow Julia Foldi, MD, PhD, received a Women Faculty Forum grant to identify and reduce barriers to breast milk expression among medical trainees.
- April 02, 2013
The Palliative and End of Life Care Educators Appreciation Dinner held on March 27th brought together a diverse group of interdisciplinary professionals dedicated to teaching Yale medical students about this critical area of clinical work. Educators included nurses, chaplains, social workers, physicians and physician assistants from Yale-New Haven Hospital, Smilow Cancer Hospital, Yale School of Medicine, Connecticut Hospice, VA Connecticut Healthcare System and Middlesex Hospital who have all
- February 25, 2013
Yale-New Haven Hospital has been designated as the Connecticut pilot site for a Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) program by the MOLST statewide advisory committee.
- January 17, 2013Source: Yale Daily News
With a recent $1 million donation to the Palliative Care Program at the Smilow Cancer Hospital and Yale Cancer Center, doctors are hoping to expand research and patient care in the often overlooked field.
- December 17, 2012
New Haven, Conn. - Yale Cancer Center has received a $1 million gift from the Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation to support palliative care services, research, and fellowships at Smilow Cancer Hospital at Yale-New Haven and Yale Cancer Center through its Palliative Care Program.
- June 27, 2008
What is a good death and how can the health care team provide the best care for patients near the end of life? There are no easy answers, but beginning this fall Yale University students will grapple with these issues under a blended learning curriculum designed to address the physical, emotional, cultural and spiritual needs that occur at the end of life