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Global Clinical Electives

Clinical electives allow students who have completed their clerkship year to have a clinical experience in another health care system. The following clinical electives are available internationally and domestically.

Global Clinical Elective Travel Fellowship

We are very pleased to be able to offer opportunities to highly motivated students interested in completing a clinical elective in a low resource setting.

In addition to completing the application form and the indemnification statement, we request that you also provide an updated CV. The application must also be signed by your academic advisor to ensure that you have met all necessary academic requirements.

All of these clinical electives are subsidized from one of several endowed travel fellowships from generous alumni and friends of the school to support students on global clinical electives. These fellowships cover medical pre-trip evaluations and immunizations, air travel and some living expenses; however these stipends may not cover all of your expenses during the clinical elective. You should also be aware that if you choose to add personal time and travel on either side of the elective we can not be responsible if the elective dates must be changed.

Please note that each site has different requirements for the length of the rotation.

Additional Information

  1. Students receiving travel awards are required to submit a written reflection of their global clinical elective experience.
  2. Students are responsible for all other expenses not covered by the OGHE.

We look forward to reviewing your application.

To apply:

For international electives only: Please follow this link to the student grants database and complete the online application. Please enter "Clinical" in the search by keyword field to pull up the "International Elective Travel Fellowship" application.

For domestic global clinical electives: For student interested in applying for one of our domestic global clinical electives, please contact us.

Preparing to Travel

Yale students participating in global clinical electives through the Office of Global Health Education MUST:

  1. Review the travel preparations described on:
    Yale and the World | International Travel and in the International SOS system.
  2. Download and print your ISOS Membership Card containing information on what to do in an emergency.
  3. Register your travel. Requires NetID and password to access.
  4. Contact CIBT for assistance and support with passports and visas.
  5. Complete all requirements of the Global Health Elective Program:
  • Attend Pre-Departure Orientation and Ethics Workshop (please review information on taking photos)
  • Complete Travel Health Requirements
  • Attend Site Specific Orientation with assigned faculty mentor
  • Submit Global Health Elective Reflection and Thank you letter to supporting donor
  • Attend Global Health Elective Debrief Session