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Career Advising Activities

September 06, 2023

In addition to Yale School of Medicine's (YSM) six new colleges facilitating broader opportunities to learn about different careers through college gatherings, mentorship, and career exploration, we want to make sure you are aware of many existing career advising activities at YSM.

  • Dean Francis meets with all students individually: (1) the second semester of your M1 year; and (2) the first semester of your M2 year for career advising, academic advising, and personal support, with additional meetings always welcome.
  • Individual meetings with your academic advisor during your M1, M3, M4, and now M2 year, with additional meetings welcome. Advisors provide academic support and career guidance, and assist in the preparation of your MSPE letter. They also can facilitate networking with residency program directors, faculty mentors, and alumni.
  • Career lunches during master courses; course directors invite a broad range of faculty to discuss their careers in the specialties related to the course.
  • Residency information dinners are hosted by the Office of Student Affairs to enable you to meet with chairs, program directors, and residents in your fields of interest. Residency program directors provide specialty-specific career advising.
  • Career advising lunches and dinners with advisors and Dean Francis.
  • The Office of Student Affairs sponsors over 70 student interest groups that host activities throughout the year to expose you to different specialties and provide opportunities to meet faculty and residents within those specialties.
  • Alumni panels on careers outside the mainstream, such as consulting, non-profit organizations, industry, and research.
  • Association of Yale Alumni in Medicine (AYAM) virtual career panels with YSM alums throughout the country. (These are currently organized by Dr. Paul Leong, YSM ’97, VP of AYAM.)
  • AAMC Careers in Medicine sessions during M1, M2, and M3 year.

Jessica Illuzzi, MD, MS
Deputy Dean for Education
Harold W. Jockers Professor of Medical Education