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Daniel Greif, MD

Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine); Co-Director, Yale Cardiovascular Research Center (YCVRC); Professor, Genetics

Contact Information

Daniel Greif, MD

Patient Care Location

Lab Location

  • 300 George Street
    New Haven, CT 06511

Mailing Address

  • Cardiovascular Medicine

    PO Box 208017

    New Haven, CT 06520-8017

    United States



Dan is Professor in Departments of Medicine (Cardiovascular) and Genetics and a practicing cardiologist. Dan is co-Director of the Yale Cardiovascular Research Center. He received a B.S. in chemical engineering from Stanford and M.D. from UCSF. Dan took a year off from medical school and conducted research in Dr. F. William Luscinskas’ lab at Harvard, studying leukocyte-endothelial cell adhesion. After finishing medical residency at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, he continued there as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Thomas Michel’s lab, studying biochemistry of eNOS and calmodulin. Dan then returned to Stanford for cardiology fellowship and further postdoctoral training, investigating pulmonary artery morphogenesis in Dr. Mark Krasnow’s lab.

Dan’s lab at Yale utilizes multi-disciplinary approaches to study how blood vessels form, are maintained and go awry in disease. They primarily focus on vascular mural cells (i.e., smooth muscle cells and pericytes). In addition, Dan’s lab studies the role of fibroblasts in lung development and fibrosis. Furthermore, they investigate how these cell types interface with other cell types, including endothelial and inflammatory cells. Dan’s lab aims to gain critical insights into pathogenesis of diverse cardiovascular and pulmonary pathologies and leverage these insights into novel therapeutics to ameliorate human disease. Dan is committed to engaging young trainees of diverse backgrounds in vascular/lung research and translate fundamental discoveries to human disease. For more information, please visit Dan’s lab website: and/or email Dan at:

Education & Training

  • Post-doctoral fellow
    Stanford University (2010)
  • Clinical Fellow
    Stanford University (2007)
  • HHMI Postdoctoral Fellow
    Brigham & Women's Hospital (2003)
  • Senior Resident
    Brigham & Women's Hospital (2000)
  • Intern, Junior Resident
    University of Washington (1999)
  • MD
    University of Califoria-San Francisco (1997)
  • BS
    Stanford University (1991)

Departments & Organizations