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YSM Biobank

YSM Biobank is a coordinated biorepository that allows for the alignment of collected tissue, plasma, serum and genetic samples, and clinical data, using common processes and information systems. It is a centrally managed, innovative, efficient, and sustainable biorepository with high quality and extensively annotated biospecimens.

Specimen characterization and quality is performed by pathologists in the departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine.

While we work to establish a centralized facility for biospecimen collection, storage, and access, we continue to support the current multiple biospecimen repositories that are essential for the respective research programs on campus in their current form.

Submit a specimen or clinical data request for the YSM Biobank via REDCap.

YSM Biobank Goals & Objectives

The overarching objectives of the YSM Biobank are to support biomedical research including clinical trials, standardize how the university curates and releases data, support focused research, and serve community health initiatives.