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Ambrose Wong

Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine; Director of Simulation Research, Yale Center for Healthcare Simulation; Fellowship Director, Medical Simulation, Emergency Medicine

Contact Information

Ambrose Wong, MD, MSEd, MHS

Research Summary

Dr. Wong is a physician-scientist in the Department of Emergency Medicine, with a focus on teamwork, patient safety, mental health crises, and healthcare disparities. He is the Research Director and Fellowship Director at the Yale Center for Healthcare Simulation. He also has expertise in qualitative and mixed-methods techniques for health services research.

Extensive Research Description

Dr. Wong applies healthcare simulation technology to address workplace violence and improve behavioral care in the emergency setting. He has authored eighteen peer-reviewed publications on behavioral emergency care and received an NIH NCATS KL2 & YCCI Scholar Award to implement an agitation code team response intervention. He is the current recipient of an NIMH K23 career development award to investigate the use of health IT in preventing episodes of agitation for behavioral patients in the emergency department. He also received an NIMHD R21 exploratory/developmental research grant that will identify factors contributing to bias and disparities during episodes of agitation using natural language processing and cognitive methods. In 2023-2024, he received PCORI funding for a broad pragmatic study to implement peer support enhanced behavioral crisis response teams in the emergency department as well as an NIMH R01 award that uses system dynamics modeling techniques to develop patient-centered interventions for agitation management.


Research Interests

Aggression; Behavioral Medicine; Competency-Based Education; Education, Medical; Interprofessional Relations; Mental Health; Patient Simulation; Behavioral Research; Patient Safety; Workplace Violence

Selected Publications