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Photo dating incorrect

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2013 - Winter


As usual, Yale Medicine is splendid. I well recall Arthur Ebbert, M.D., and you have nicely and aptly summarized his key role at the school.

I might point out the incorrect dating of the full-page spread aerial photograph of the medical school campus on the second and third pages. It shows the medical school on Cedar Street, the hospital, and a bit of what was then named Grace-New Haven Hospital. However, Harkness Hall, the residence for medical students, is missing from the photograph—which shows a large empty field next to the pediatric section of the school. I lived in Harkness for four years beginning in 1956, the first year it opened. Since the caption says, “as it appeared during the 1960s,” that is incorrect. Harkness was in place in the 1960s and there was no empty field between Grace-New Haven Hospital and the medical school.

Thank you for publishing the photograph, which reminded me of a glorious four years—the most important time of my life.

Malin Dollinger, M.D. ’60
Rancho Palos Verdes, Calif.

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