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Tribute to Arthur Ebbert rekindles memories

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2013 - Winter


What a wonderful tribute to Arthur Ebbert in the Autumn 2012 edition of Yale Medicine! [“A gentle man,” Yale Medicine, Autumn 2012] Art was very special. I met him prior to my arrival at Yale for my surgical residency in July 1970. As did Art, I graduated from the University of Virginia (UVA) undergraduate and medical schools, and had met Art at UVA alumni events while still a student in Charlottesville. His love for UVA and his adopted Yale were pervasive, and I enjoyed seeing him throughout my six years as a house officer in New Haven. The article in Yale Medicine portrayed him beautifully and captured his humility and grace.

I also want to thank you for the cover picture showing the aerial view of the Medical School campus. While I was a house officer, my wife and I lived in a house at 796 Howard Avenue and our “Memorial Unit” newborn daughter spent the first six months in that house. When these buildings were torn down in later years to make room for new construction, I was saddened that I had no pictorial remembrance of that old neighborhood on Howard Avenue. How wonderful it was to look at the cover honoring Art Ebbert and to view that house that was so important to me and my family in the mid-1970s. You see, having Art Ebbert at Yale and in my life continues to give me such rich memories.

Frederick L. “Rick” Greene, M.D., HS ’76
Clinical Professor of Surgery
UNC School of Medicine
Chapel Hill, N.C.

Great cover and great story about a great man!! I have keen memories of Dr. Ebbert’s arrival at Yale in 1953 during my second year. My wife Rose was a secretary in the Yale Diagnostic Clinic for Dr. Beeson and she met Dr. Ebbert before I did. Her initial comment was “What a charming man!” He indeed was a charm for the School of Medicine with his 34 years of devoted service.

William Narva, M.D. ’56
Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Los Angeles, Calif.

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