Clinician Educator-Scholar Track
Candidates for appointment to the Clinician Educator-Scholar track will hold a MD, PhD, or equivalent and have completed appropriate postdoctoral training. From a clinical perspective, Clinician Educator-Scholar track faculty have exemplary clinical skills. They support the clinical mission of Yale School of Medicine and may be a part of an innovative program or specific service.
These faculty are clinical educators who exemplify outstanding teaching, mentoring, leadership, and/or role modeling. They may be engaged in didactics as a course director or seminar leader and are exemplary educators in small group or individual supervision.
Additionally, these faculty drive, integrate, and innovate research on projects in their areas that complement their clinical practice. Faculty often function as integral members of a collaborative team as a clinical or educational expert, but have recognized creative individual accomplishments. A wide array of scholarship is recognized, including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, chapters, reviews, guideline development, case studies, and products that are peer reviewed and disseminated, e.g. web-based curricula or educational presentations that have been disseminated and exist in a public domain beyond the period in which they were presented.
Typically, faculty on this track direct ≥50% of their effort toward clinical, educational, and administrative activities (usually 80% as an assistant professor). Complementing this, 20% of effort is typically allocated to research or scholarly activities that are related to clinical or educational expertise. Support for salary and professional activities is expected to come predominantly from the faculty member's clinical practice, supplemented as appropriate from department funds. Individuals who will contribute to graduate education and who hold a primary or secondary appointment in a basic science or bridge department are eligible for appointment in the Graduate School.
Assistant Professor
Candidates for appointment to the rank of assistant professor on the Clinician Educator-Scholar track are expected to be building clinical, educational, and research scholarship aspects of their practice. With a majority of time spent in clinical practice, faculty in this rank should be evolving their educational and research areas of expertise. Starting to engage in regional and national organizations, as well as cultivation of relationships with mentors, is expected.
They must demonstrate ongoing professionalism and satisfy the clinical practice requirements of their department and YSM as set forth in their official offer letter. Reappointment to this rank requires demonstration of ongoing activities in each of the above-noted missions. Promotion to associate professor is contingent on advancing to the metrics defined for that rank.
Terms for this rank are for up to three years.
Appointment to assistant professor in this track does NOT require presentation to a YSM A&P Committee or the BPO.
Appointment to this rank requires:
- Yale CV1
- Departmental A&P narrative
- Samples of scholarship
- Letters of evaluation
- Search/Faculty Search Questionnaire (FSQ)
- Signed offer letter
- Review/approval:
- Workday entry
Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this track/rank requires:
- Required for department review and submission to OAPD:
- Recommended for department review:
- Workday update
Associate Professor
Candidates for appointment or promotion to the rank of associate professor on the Clinician Educator-Scholar track must have an outstanding record of patient care, education, and research scholarship. There is the expectation of sustained professionalism. Typically, candidates for the rank are known regionally and have emerging national reputations.
Faculty of this rank should excel as educators and research scholarship should be contributing to increased engagement in regional and national organizations. Cultivation of mentee / mentor relationships is encouraged.
Reappointment to this rank requires demonstration of continued evolving clinical, educational, and research scholarship. Promotion to professor is contingent on advancing to the metrics defined for that rank.
Terms for this rank are for up to five years and renewable without limit.
Appointments to this rank requires:
- Departmental A&P narrative
- Yale CV1
- Yale CV2A (part A only) highly recommended
- Samples of scholarship
- Letters of evaluation with referee template and department chair letter of solicitation
- Search/Faculty Search Questionnaire (FSQ)
- Department vote
- Signed offer letter
- Review/approval:
- YSM Term A&P Committee (department chair or designee presentation needed)
- BPO (department chair presentation not needed)
- Yale Corporation
- Workday entry
Promotion to this rank requires:
- Departmental A&P narrative
Yale CV1
- Yale CV2
- Samples of scholarship
- Teaching evaluations
- Letters of evaluation with referee template and department chair letter of solicitation
- Department vote
- Review/approval:
- YSM Term A&P Committee (department chair or designee presentation may be needed)
- BPO (department chair presentation not needed)
- Yale Corporation
- Workday entry
Reappointment information is summarized on a different webpage, and reappointment to this track/rank requires:
- Required for departmental review and submission to OAPD:
- Recommended for departmental review:
- Yale CV2
- Teaching evaluations
- Review/approval:
- BPO (department chair presentation not needed)
- Yale Corporation
- BPO (department chair presentation not needed)
- Workday update
Candidates for appointment or promotion to the rank of professor on the Clinician Educator-Scholar track should be national or international leaders in their field. This should be evidenced by scholarship that has had a national impact on clinical medicine or education, as well as sustained excellence in patient care and teaching.
The strength of commitment conferred by appointment to the rank of professor mandates that candidates in this track have attained the same level of achievement in their domains as candidates for professor in the other faculty tracks. Mentorship of junior faculty is expected.
Appointment to this rank is on a continuing basis, without term.
Appointment to this rank requires:
- Departmental A&P narrative
- Yale CV1
- Yale CV2A (part A only) highly recommended
- Samples of scholarship
- Letters of evaluation with referee template and dean's letter of solicitation
- Search/Faculty Search Questionnaire (FSQ)
- Department vote
- Signed offer letter
- Review/approval:
- YSM Senior A&P Committee (department chair or designee presentation needed)
- BPO (department chair or designee presentation needed)
- Yale Corporation
- Workday entry
Promotion to this rank requires:
- Departmental A&P narrative
- Yale CV1
- Yale CV2
- Samples of scholarship
- Teaching evaluations
- Letters of evaluation with referee template and dean's letter of solicitation
- Department vote
- Review/approval:
- YSM Senior A&P Committee (department chair or designee presentation may be needed)
- BPO (department chair or designee presentation needed)
- Yale Corporation
- Workday entry
Continuing appointment at this rank is contingent upon continued productivity and funding, which are reviewed annually by the department. If either is found unsatisfactory for three years in any five-year period, as determined by the department and the office of the dean, the appointment reverts to a term appointment that expires at the end of two additional years and reappointment information becomes relevant.