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Mark Costa, MD, MPH

Research Scientist in Psychiatry

Contact Information

Mark Costa, MD, MPH

Research Summary

I have been involved in various research initiatives, related to serious mental illness, social inclusion, health disparities, and substance use disorder (SUD) such as: 1) Life Stories of people with serious mental illness and criminal justice involvement; 2) development of the pilot shared medical appointment project on diabetes for the Yale New Haven Hospital Primary Care Center led by a peer support; 3) co-investigator on Dr Bellamy’s PCORI grant to improve healthcare outcomes and choice for people with mental illness with the help of peer supporters; 4) project manager of the evaluation of the Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Supported Employment Program; 5) project manager of the Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery (CCAR) Recovery Coaches in Emergency Rooms program 6) Co-investigator on Dr Bellamy’s R34 Harambee research project for people with serious mental illness and other chronic illnesses; and 7) project coordinator of the NIDILRR Advanced Rehabilitation Research and Training program on employment for people with psychiatric disabilities. He also brings his clinical experience in SUD and mental illness from his work as a psychiatrist in Brazil, where I was also involved with advocacy and discussions around health disparity and quality of life regarding people with serious mental illness and/or SUD.


Public Health Interests

Behavioral Health; Chronic Diseases; Community Health; Epidemiology Methods; Global Health; Health Care Management; Health Policy; Mental Health; Community Engagement; Stigma and Discrimination; Health Equity, Disparities, Social Determinants and Justice; Implementation Science; Qualitative Methods

Selected Publications