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Kavli Institute for Neuroscience (KIN) Postdoctoral Fellowships Announced

May 17, 2018

The Kavli Institute for Neuroscience has awarded three postdoctoral fellowships.

The KIN Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended to support outstanding Yale postdocs working at the interface of different fields under the joint supervision of at least two mentors with different areas of expertise. They provide at least one year of salary support plus additional research funds.

The recipients are:

  • Huriye Atilgan - “Mapping the cortical substrate for value-based decisions in mice”
    Mentors: Alex Kwan (Psychiatry) and Ifat Levy (Comparative Medicine)
  • Marcus Tuttle - "Phase transitions of neurodegenerative proteins analyzed by solid state NMR”

    Mentors: Steve Strittmatter (Neurology and Neuroscience) and Kurt Zilm (Chemistry)
  • Qiancheng Zhao - “Molecular and functional dissection of the heart-to-brain circuits”
    Mentors: Lawrence Young (Cardiology) and Rui Chang (Neuroscience and Cellular and Molecular Physiology)