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Celebrating One Year of Stories and Experiences in "Paw Prints"

April 20, 2021
by Molly Markowitz

Today marks the one year anniversary of the publication of our first Paw Prints article! In celebration, we wanted to share the following oil painting created by Dr. Kristin Reese, a second year pediatric resident. As a fundraiser for Black History Month, this powerful image was placed on t-shirts with all proceeds going to the Citywide Youth Coalition (CWYC), a local community organization. The CWYC’s mission is: to build youth power through education, leadership development, and anti-racist community organizing. Dr. Reese and Dr. Windy Grant, a second year pediatric resident, modeled their new shirts in the image below while at work at the new primary care clinic located at 150 Sargent Drive in New Haven, CT.

In the past year we have experienced great loss, fear, loneliness, anger, and injustice. However, we have also experienced great strength, hope, sense of community, love, and growth. As we look forward to our second year, we hope to continue to share stories and experiences from the Yale Pediatrics community in order to expose where we need to grow, and highlight where we thrive.