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Susan Kashaf, MD, MPH

Associate Professor of Medicine (General Medicine); Head of Advisory College, Gold College, Office of Student Affairs

As a clinician-educator based at the VA primary care clinic, I spend the majority of my time providing primary care for my panel of veterans. I enjoy caring for this remarkably complex population and feel fortunate that my position also allows me the opportunity for collegial learning and teaching with residents and medical students in the inpatient setting and in clinic. Over the past decade, I have become more involved with undergraduate medical education at the Yale School of Medicine, mainly through the Clinical Skills Committee and teaching small groups of medical students on various topics ranging from Professionalism to Intimate Partner Violence. I lead the Problem-Focused Patient Examination Workshop, an extremely well-received workshop during the Primary Care/Psychiatry clerkship which uses role play to teach all third-year medical students how to do a focused visit. Due to my background in clinical skills and assessment, I was selected to serve as a Clinical Assessment Coach focusing on direct observation and formative feedback and have used these skills as Director of Remediation for Yale Medical students and now as an Academic Advisor in the Office of Student Affairs at the School of Medicine. My academic interests have always been grounded in medical education, and include undergraduate medical education, clinical skills teaching, coaching and remediation.