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Upcoming TLC Medical Education Discussion Group Events

December 14, 2021

Yale School of Medicine’s Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) has virtual Medical Education Discussion Group events scheduled for January and February. If you do not already receive emails from the TLC about upcoming events and would like to receive the registration links for the events below once they are ready, please email

January 27, 12:00 – 1:00 pm (Co-hosted with the Section of General Internal Medicine)
Patient simulation as a clinical resource for medical education and research: Applications and practical tips

Andrés Martin, MD, MPH
Riva Ariella Ritvo Professor in the Child Study Center and Professor of Psychiatry; Director, Standardized Patient Program, Teaching and Learning Center

February 24, 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Applying the Principles of Improvisation in Medical Education

Jeffrey Katzman, MD
Lecturer, YSM, Department of Psychiatry