Virtual Care Symposium 2024: "From Novelty to Sustainability – How to Embed Virtual Care into the Post-Pandemic Healthcare Delivery Template"
Register for the symposium!
Date/Time: Wednesday, March 13, 2024, 1-5pm EST
Theme: “From Novelty to Sustainability, How to Embed Virtual Care into the Post-Pandemic Healthcare Delivery Template”
Topics & Lead:
- ROI Shark Tank Session: Discuss ROI on 3 cases and have CFO/financial speakers do a round robin discussion on pass/fail of example cases.
- Lead: Judd Hollander, SVP of Healthcare Delivery Innovation at Thomas Jefferson University.
- AI and Technology Enabled Workflow Redesign: Virtual Nursing, Telesitting and AI enabled documentation.
- Lead: Lee Schwamm, SVP/Chief Digital Health Officer + Associate Dean, Digital Strategy & Transformation.
- Virtual Primary Care: Successes & struggles of implementing virtual care into primary care.
- Lead: John D. Scott, Chief Digital Health Officer at University of Washington Medicine.
- Leveraging Community Spaces to Expand Telehealth Access: Use of libraries to meet the information and virtual care needs of their communities.
- Lead: Elizabeth Krupinski, Professor & Vice Chair for Research at Emor University.
- Webinar is free
- No registration deadline
- No CME will be offered
- We will be using the University Zoom webinar platform & registration
- Webinar will be recorded and subsequently shared to Virtual Care Consensus website
Thomas Jefferson University
Judd Hollander, MDSVP of Healthcare Delivery InnovationUniversity of Washington Medicine
John D. Scott, MDChief Digital Health OfficerEmory University
Elizabeth Krupinski, PhDProfessor & Vice Chair for Research
Host Organization
- Virtual Care Consensus
Conferences and Symposia