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Verity Hill

BA, MSc, PhD
Associate Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Microbial Diseases)

Contact Information

Verity Hill, BA, MSc, PhD

Mailing Address

  • Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases

    60 College Street

    New Haven, CT 06510

    United States

Research Summary

Viruses have genomes which mutate rapidly, and on the same timescale that they are transmitting from host to host. The mutations leave a fingerprint of where viral lineages have been in time and space, and by applying models which combine evolution, immunology and epidemiology (phylodynamics), we can reveal this history. With genomic sequencing entering a new era with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the sorts of questions we can ask of this data are constantly expanding, especially when combined with non-genomic data such as mobile phone and human mobility data.

Research Interests

Arboviruses; Dengue Virus; Disease Outbreaks; Encephalitis Virus, Eastern Equine; Epidemiology; Biological Evolution; Phylogeny; RNA Viruses; West Nile virus; Molecular Epidemiology; Genomics; Ebolavirus

Public Health Interests

Emerging Infectious Diseases; Epidemiology Methods; Evolution; Global Health; Viruses; Neglected Tropical Diseases; Mosquito-borne Diseases; COVID-19

Selected Publications