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Priya Jamidar

Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases)

Contact Information

Priya Jamidar, FACG, FASGE, MBChB

Mailing Address

  • Yale School of Medicine

    Department of Internal Medicine (Digestive Diseases), P.O. Box 208019

    New Haven, CT 06520-8019

    United States

Research Summary

My research interests focus on advanced endoscopy. These include prevention of post ERCP pancreatitis, management of idiopathic recurrent as well chronic pancreatitis, endoscopic biliary and pancreatic drainage. Early diagnosis and treatment of pancreatic and bile duct cancers. Diagnosis and management of Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction. Am interested in the role of pancreas divisum in recurrent acute pancreatitis

One major study (the SHARP Trial) is a clinical trial of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with minor papilla sphincterotomy (a.k.a., minor papillotomy) for patients with two or more episodes of acute pancreatitis and pancreas divisum, which is an anatomic variant where the pancreatic duct drains through a separate opening from the bile duct. This study is being conducted at more than 15 centers in the U.S., U.K., Canada, and Netherlands with the support of an NIH cooperative agreement. To learn more about the SHARP Trial, please visit here . To visit the Clinical Trials study visit here.

A second important study is a longitudinal cohort of patients who undergo endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for idiopathic acute pancreatitis and sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (RESPOnD Study). The latter is a controversial medical condition believed to cause intermittent episodes of abdominal pain akin to “gallbladder spasms” or, less commonly, acute pancreatitis. Subjects enrolled in this study are being followed longitudinally to carefully measure the clinical impact of the endoscopic procedure.


Research Interests

Biliary Tract Diseases; Sphincter of Oddi; Pancreas

Selected Publications

Clinical Trials