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Eric Penichet


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Eric Penichet


Originally from Los Angeles, California, Eric attended college at the University of Southern California, where he majored in psychology and neuroscience. At USC, Eric was able to hone in on his interests in mental health in laboratories of Dr. Susan Luczak and Dr. Christopher Beam. His undergraduate research focused on leveraging data from twins to examine the genetic and environmental contributions to infant temperament and aggressive behavior in children. As a post-baccalaureate student in the lab of Dr. Beam, Eric furthered his interests in child development by using advanced quantitative methods to examine the genetic and environmental mechanisms through which infant temperament correlates with child psychopathology and accelerated biological aging in midlife. As an MD/PhD student, Eric is excited to develop a skill set in statistical and psychiatric genetics to further his goal of investigating how genetic and environmental variation give rise to psychiatric illness.

Outside of the lab, Eric is passionate about community education, teaching, and mentorship. He enjoys spending time outdoors, lifting weights, reading, and spending time with friends.

Education & Training

  • BA
    University of Southern California, Psychology (2022)
  • BS
    University of Southern California, Neuroscience (2022)