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E-Shien Chang

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E-Shien (Iggy) Chang is a fifth-year doctoral candidate in the Department of Social and Behavior Sciences, Yale School of Public Health. Ms. Chang has a demonstrated interest in improving the evidence around social determinants of health among underserved older adults through the lens of social justice. Her research focuses on the intersection of elder abuse, family caregiving, and racial and ethnic minority health. Currently at Yale, her doctoral dissertation explores social and cultural risk factors for elder abuse at the individual, interpersonal, and structural levels. Prior to her doctoral studies, Ms. Chang served as the research manager for the PINE study, the largest population-based epidemiologic study on the etiology of elder abuse in the Chinese American community. To this end, she gained expertise in the design and implementation of culturally-tailored community-based interventions to raise awareness of elder abuse among immigrant communities. Ms. Chang earned her MA in Social Sciences from the University of Chicago and BA in Journalism from the National Chengchi University, Taiwan.


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Yale Co-Authors

Frequent collaborators of E-Shien Chang's published research.
