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Chanda Williams

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The primary focus of Chanda’s research interest lies in the field of integrative health and health disparities research, specifically the evaluation of the clinical effectiveness and psychophysiological mechanisms underlying the practice of yoga and meditation for marginalized, underserved, and underresourced populations. These behavioral techniques include breathing exercises, physical postures, and mindfulness meditation. These practices produce a coordinated psychophysiological response called the relaxation response, which is associated with a reduction in psychophysiological arousal and a sense of well-being. These techniques are effective for many disorders with a psychosomatic component exacerbated by stress.

Chanda is a TRIM predoctoral fellow and doctoral candidate in somatic depth psychology. She is conducting a qualitative, post-hoc study that seeks to increase the understanding and explore the long-term impact of trauma-informed, mindfulness-based yoga therapy for incarcerated populations. Additionally, Chanda is collaborating with UCSF faculty to examine the current uptake and acceptability of integrative oncology practices and complementary therapies (e.g., diet, exercise, yoga, and supplements) among Black individuals with cancer.