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Treating And Preventing Diabetes

November 01, 2020

When Hannah Rosenfield was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 10, her mother Amy immediately looked beyond the standard treatment for something that might benefit her daughter long term. Amy’s search led her to a clinical trial at Yale for those newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, sometimes called juvenile-onset diabetes. Within weeks of her diagnosis, Hannah was enrolled in the two-year study.

Hannah responded well to the experimental treatment. Almost four years after her diagnosis, she was still producing small amounts of insulin. Hannah also participated in a follow-up study to find out the longer-term effects of the new drug she had taken.

Hannah’s three siblings have participated in a clinical trial for relatives of type 1 diabetes patients—part of a series to prevent and treat the disease in its early stages. Knowing whether their other children are at risk for developing diabetes has given Hannah’s parents peace of mind.

Clinical research is really important and it’s the only way things are going to change. Look at the diseases research has eradicated. Maybe diabetes could be the next one – but it will never happen if there’s no research.

Amy Rosenfield

For the Rosenfields, participating in clinical trials has offered both hope and encouragement. They know they’ve done everything possible not just for Hannah and her siblings but also for countless others who suffer from diabetes.

Submitted by Henry Douglas on March 04, 2021

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