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Note from the program director

February 10, 2022

Welcome to the first issue of the online Executive MPH newsletter. Created for you, I hope this newsletter will deepen your engagement with the school, provide useful information, and serve as one more way we can communicate with each other.

Each issue will feature a brief note from me and tailored information that we hope you will find both interesting and useful. Short profiles of program faculty members will explain their work in deeper detail and highlight their fields of study. We also will feature one of Yale’s esteemed research centers or programs in each issue, summarizing their work and the ways you can get involved. Each issue includes a Student Spotlight where you’ll have a chance to learn more about one of your colleagues in the program. And as an added benefit, we’ll provide tips on maintaining your personal wellness and let you know about upcoming lectures and events that may be of interest. Lastly, the newsletter will report on the latest research news from the Yale School of Public Health, offer helpful tips for using the Canvas learning management system and provide a suggestion box for anything you would like to share. All submissions come directly to my personal inbox.


Martin Klein
Director, Executive MPH

Submitted by Denise Meyer on February 11, 2022