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Bassel Shanab, MD Student

February 07, 2024

A Day in the Life of a Med Student

Where did you grow up and where were you living immediately prior to medical school?

Bridgeview, IL! I came straight from Evanston, IL where I did my undergraduate studies at Northwestern University. Fortunately, New Haven and the suburbs of Chicago have snow in common.

Why did you choose Yale School of Medicine?

For the Yale System! The flexibility offered to medical students to allow for the best balance of achieving their own goals (i.e., research, advocacy, etc.) at Yale University while still receiving a world-class medical education. More so, Yale's financial aid is second to none; the Unit Loan ensures at-need medical students do not graduate with significant debt relative to the median debt of graduating students nationwide.

Can you briefly describe your schedule on a typical weekday?

I am in my Advanced Training Period, so I am currently preparing for my STEP examinations. This dedicated period entails a near-daily exploration of Yale's vast number of libraries as you hunker down to review the intricacies of the human body (and the innovations of medicine)!

What neighborhood do you live in?

I live on Prospect St. on Science Hill—there are several Yale-owned properties here with neighbors from the Yale community, whether they be post-docs, other graduate students, etc.

What is your favorite thing to do in/near New Haven?

Personally? I enjoy the nearby natural wonders of East Rock or within Connecticut; a beautiful way to spend a morning is hiking or a walk in nature.

Do you have any final thoughts or advice for prospective students?

Reflect on what you desire in a medical school! YSM is a great fit for a driven student, alleviating the limitations of a fixed way of learning with the Yale System and the stress of financial burden.

Submitted by Abigail Roth on February 06, 2024