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Applications Open: Diversity Enhancement Program in Oncology at Yale Cancer Center

February 14, 2023

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a request for applications for the Diversity Enhancement Program in Oncology at Yale Cancer Center (YCC) (see attached).

The Diversity Enhancement Program in Oncology is an initiative established by the Section of Medical Oncology at YCC. The Program is designed to foster underrepresented in medicine (URiM) trainees’ interest in careers in hematology/medical oncology (heme/onc) and to build a pipeline to bring URiM candidates to the YCC Heme/Onc Fellowship Program and YCC-Advanced T32 Training Program for Physician- Scientists.

The Diversity Enhancement Program in Oncology supports 2 URiM medical students or residents to spend an 8- week oncology rotation at Yale in summer 2023. The rotation will include an oncology clinical experience in conjunction with a clinical or translational research project. The selected medical student(s) or resident(s) will be mentored by YCC faculty and co-mentored by Heme/Onc T32 Fellows. The Section of Medical Oncology at YCC will cover the expenses including living, transportation, and research for up to $5000 per person.


Required Application Materials:

  • Candidate’s NIH-formatted biosketch.
  • Detailed career plan. Maximum length: 1.5 page.
  • A letter of support from the candidate’s institution. Maximum length: 2 pages.
  • Documents should follow NIH requirements (0.5-inch margins, 11-point font)

Submission Instructions:

Application Deadline:

• Due date for full applications: Monday, March 27, 2023 at 5:00 PM ET

Program Start Date: Monday, June 19, 2023

Additional Questions:

• Please reach out to Roy S. Herbst, MD, PhD at; Alfred Lee, MD, PhD at; or Meina Wang, PhD at

Submitted by Isabella Backman on February 15, 2023