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Alumni Fund

December 08, 2021

Welcome to December – the last month of the calendar year!

In the world of the YSPH Alumni Fund, this month represents the last opportunity for donors to get a tax credit for a donation in the 2021 tax year. This year, the month of December is even more important to the Alumni Fund because we have a chance to add up to $25,000 to our Alumni Fund totals thanks to a generous challenge inspired by Marla Grossman, ’90, Yale Alumni Fund Chair of the Board. She will match every gift made to the YSPH Alumni Fund in the month of December dollar-for-dollar, up to $25,000! I encourage you to make your gift this month and double the impact of your contribution.

The month of December is also a month for reflection and giving thanks. I would like to thank our YSPH Alumni Fund Co-Chairs, Elaine Anderson MPH ’76 and Bob Steele MPH ’71, MS ’74, PhD ’75, and the 65 alumni volunteers who serve as YSPH Alumni Fund Agents – each year they reach out to classmates to encourage participation in the Alumni Fund. Their outreach, and your responsiveness, truly reflects the dedication of the YSPH community and provides essential financial support for our students.

Finally, the New Year brings with it a new student-facing Alumni Fund effort called the Yale Alumni Fund Student Ambassador program (YAFSA). Historically a program designed to introduce Yale College students to the importance of the Alumni Fund and making contributions after graduation, two YSPH students are inspiring the expansion to graduate and professional schools. These forward-thinking students, Kingsley Cruickshank MPH ’22 and Ahmad Saleh MPH ’22, are actively encouraging their classmates to participate in the YSPH Alumni Fund to continue the tradition of support that YSPH alumni provided them.

Submitted by Denise Meyer on December 09, 2021