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Modeling Neuroepigenetic Disorders In 2D And 3D Neurons

March 30, 2023
  • 00:00It's my pleasure to
  • 00:02introduce Doctor Yang,
  • 00:05who is received this MD from Shanghai
  • 00:09Medical College of Punan University and
  • 00:12his PhD at Baylor College of Medicine.
  • 00:15And he completed his pediatric residency
  • 00:18and Clinical Genetics Fellowship at
  • 00:20Texas Children's Hospital at Baylor,
  • 00:22at Baylor and then joined the Yale
  • 00:25Department of Genetics in 2019.
  • 00:27His research focuses are the discovery of
  • 00:30rare diseases and modeling neurogenetics
  • 00:33and neuro epigenetic disorders using
  • 00:35human derived ipscs and mutant mice.
  • 00:48Thank you. All right.
  • 00:57Well, thank you for and hyphen
  • 00:59for organize this event.
  • 01:01Also for the invitation,
  • 01:02I shoot the clothes.
  • 01:04I'm not stem cell biologist,
  • 01:06I'm not biomedical engineer either.
  • 01:09So while I'm here,
  • 01:13sorry, how do I convince?
  • 01:17So how do we get interesting for the
  • 01:20bring organize IPSC and 2DS3 neuron?
  • 01:24So I'm kind of called genetics. I see.
  • 01:26The patient in the clinical. Sorry
  • 01:30for real genetic disorder
  • 01:31and then back to the lab.
  • 01:33Wow, that didn't work. Sorry.
  • 01:40Go one more time.
  • 01:45Oh, OK. Thank you. That means we
  • 01:47need every step together, right? So.
  • 01:52Next lab, we can try modeling the
  • 01:55genetic new epigenetic primary aspect
  • 01:57of brain development in the lab,
  • 01:59primarily using the Moss model
  • 02:01or other animal model,
  • 02:03understanding the function of gene,
  • 02:05understanding the disease mechanism,
  • 02:07passive Physiology as a physician,
  • 02:09definitely interesting develop
  • 02:10a treatment back to the family.
  • 02:13However, as probably I would say
  • 02:17almost all the success we learn
  • 02:19primary from the brain from the mice.
  • 02:22Did not translate well come to the
  • 02:25human we fail miserably for many,
  • 02:27many of the successful exciting
  • 02:30story for mice.
  • 02:31So that's what we're asking could
  • 02:34we kind of study for the IPSC,
  • 02:37derive patient, derive 2DS3 neuron,
  • 02:39feel this gap, but just this challenge.
  • 02:42So I'm going to give you two
  • 02:44example in in my lab,
  • 02:45probably focus on the
  • 02:47first one the time I say.
  • 02:49So I hope you feel these two disorder
  • 02:52are very interesting in general.
  • 02:53So this is Endrum syndrome which is
  • 02:56oftentimes many syndrome named by physician,
  • 02:58the first recognized name endrum,
  • 03:02it's a very classical severe end of
  • 03:04the new developmental disorder IQ,
  • 03:06it's very low IQ like 20,
  • 03:08they don't speech at all,
  • 03:09don't have any speech.
  • 03:11More challenges and they have
  • 03:13very severe epilepsy and almost
  • 03:161/3 is medically intractable.
  • 03:18It's very devastating to the family.
  • 03:21It's very interesting molecular basis,
  • 03:24a primary genetic defect IS15Q11Q13
  • 03:28and matured patient have a 15Q11Q13
  • 03:31deletion cross this region,
  • 03:34but interestingly because
  • 03:35it's imprinting related.
  • 03:37So the paternal delition delition
  • 03:39come from paternal chromosome
  • 03:41caused a complete separate syndrome
  • 03:43called the pero alloy and with
  • 03:45the delition come from mother
  • 03:47maternal alloy cause the end German.
  • 03:50So over the time we know the gene
  • 03:53response for this larger delition
  • 03:55it's ubiquitin protein like this 3A.
  • 03:58As more interesting this region is,
  • 04:00we also know maternal duplication
  • 04:03only maternal duplication from mother.
  • 04:06Costs about 1 to 2% in the Ed Pass
  • 04:09autism but not paternal so you can
  • 04:11see it's very very interesting.
  • 04:13If a duplication for father
  • 04:15relatively normal
  • 04:18so. So with with over the time we
  • 04:22learned this is more complex sort of
  • 04:24a genetic epigenetic defect majority
  • 04:26of the logic deletion we have a poor
  • 04:28mutation in the maternal chromosome you
  • 04:30put in like H3A we have another two
  • 04:33class of a where kind of uniprantal
  • 04:35dysomy 2 comes come from same parents
  • 04:37and of imprinting defect that's also
  • 04:40small number for case color you B3
  • 04:43gainer function contributor for autism.
  • 04:47So now you put in like a G is an open.
  • 04:51H3A some of you very familiarly percolation
  • 04:53pathway and the most interesting to
  • 04:55us is this is epigenetic phenomenon
  • 04:57kind of imprinting the expression
  • 04:59for the gene in the next generation.
  • 05:01It's depend where this come from.
  • 05:03So for the ENDROOM gene actually it's
  • 05:06very interesting which is first kind
  • 05:09of new specific imprinting gene in non
  • 05:11neuro both Gene Express both earlier express.
  • 05:14In the neuron in the brain only
  • 05:17maternal allele expressed.
  • 05:19So that's the how interesting this
  • 05:21phenomenon is and over the time we
  • 05:23and many other understanding for the
  • 05:26mechanism how could this they cell
  • 05:28type specific as a less specific
  • 05:31infinite phenomena happen.
  • 05:32It's actually due to a very very long,
  • 05:34almost mega based long non coding a RNA.
  • 05:38Are part of what we called also antisense
  • 05:40for the UB3 gene only expressed from
  • 05:43paternal chromosome then silence for
  • 05:46the sense on the paternal console.
  • 05:48So that's the mechanism and we also
  • 05:51generate a many Moss model over
  • 05:53the time to study this mechanism.
  • 05:55Overall Moss model provide many many
  • 05:58valuable insight however that's.
  • 06:02Also the capitulate a lot of the human
  • 06:05phenotype reasonable well especially
  • 06:07we're interesting for the epilepsy
  • 06:10or abnormal EEG.
  • 06:11However then we take this one on try
  • 06:14understanding it because as you know
  • 06:15one set of patient have no control for
  • 06:18the seizure or lifetime which is very,
  • 06:20very challenging.
  • 06:21So we try understanding,
  • 06:22use the muscle model industry
  • 06:24understanding why this epilepsy so
  • 06:27common just highlight one phenomenon
  • 06:29we use this is very specific.
  • 06:31To Physiology phenomena measure the
  • 06:34action potential with particular
  • 06:36folks on fast component after
  • 06:39hyperpolar polarization.
  • 06:40We realized in this particular engine
  • 06:42mouse model in the brain and neuron
  • 06:45this FHP is increased and we have done
  • 06:47a lot of work using the biochemical
  • 06:50molecular and linked it to the Ek channel.
  • 06:53It's enhanced function for BK
  • 06:56channel contribute this phenomena.
  • 06:58Then we also show this link to indeed
  • 07:00in link to the epilepsy in the mice,
  • 07:02which is you can use the antagonist
  • 07:05Hassel and can reduce the amplitude
  • 07:08and the frequency eventually suppress
  • 07:11the seizure in the mice.
  • 07:13So that's all good.
  • 07:14The question come to whether this
  • 07:16is translated between the human
  • 07:18so that come to what we got into
  • 07:21the IPSC 2D and three you are.
  • 07:24That's one time I moved to the
  • 07:26Yale and then I realized the world
  • 07:28class of the stem cell center.
  • 07:30So I talked to Hifi and India and the child
  • 07:33home and say hey why we just do this
  • 07:36create a repository for the Andrew IPIC.
  • 07:40So luckily we got a very generous support
  • 07:43for the fast foundation for Andrew
  • 07:45and therapeutic they give very general
  • 07:48support and right before the COVID.
  • 07:50So over the last three years
  • 07:51even during the COVID,
  • 07:52we were able to generate.
  • 07:55One day cell line IPS IPSC cell line from
  • 07:59different genotype including the control.
  • 08:01This is free to everyone here.
  • 08:02If you're interested you can just e-mail me
  • 08:05are free to distribute it to each of you.
  • 08:07So that allow us to really ask the
  • 08:10question whether phenomenon we study from
  • 08:12mice is the translator from the mice.
  • 08:15So I'll just give you a few slide and
  • 08:17the summers are published already.
  • 08:18And then to shows the phenomena,
  • 08:21same phenomena we observed from
  • 08:23the mice which you can see the FHHP
  • 08:25which indeed in IPSC the wife the
  • 08:282D new one in the cortical new one
  • 08:30in this is enhanced the two.
  • 08:32So that's increased the frequency
  • 08:35suggestion the hyperexcitable new
  • 08:36one and then we all can can use
  • 08:39in the sort of rescue indeed it
  • 08:41shows that deficiency UPC is a
  • 08:43responsibly electrophysiology.
  • 08:44Phenomena.
  • 08:44Now we got to choose also biochemical assay.
  • 08:49Indeed it's correlated for the BK
  • 08:52channel function in the 2D neuron.
  • 08:55Now you can show also the
  • 08:57paxilance same as in vivo,
  • 08:58in the mice can suppress
  • 09:00this hyperexatibility,
  • 09:01but in the 2D neuron,
  • 09:05now we move on together.
  • 09:13That's we cannot advance. So that's
  • 09:21right. All right. Maybe I did
  • 09:23something which I should not do.
  • 09:28So then when you organize 3D neurons, it
  • 09:30shows very similar discovery of funding to.
  • 09:33Yeah, same thing, the increase the.
  • 09:39Frequency then the pass and
  • 09:41suppress the hyperexcitability.
  • 09:43Of course the question will come
  • 09:45to whether you can recapitulate
  • 09:46epileptic form in the brain organelle.
  • 09:49That's question we still have not
  • 09:51get into that very very very detail.
  • 09:53So that's all looks good because we
  • 09:55can study the mice to translate the
  • 09:57human allow us to the confidence
  • 09:59maybe indeed we can allow these
  • 10:01two system to testing additional.
  • 10:04Particular for treatment strategy.
  • 10:06So one of the thing we are working on
  • 10:09right now is to try to using this strategy.
  • 10:12As I told you,
  • 10:13I could not get into the very detail.
  • 10:15So the mechanism regulate this
  • 10:17imprinting is due to the antisense
  • 10:20Bay long megabase continuous
  • 10:22antisense long line coding RNA.
  • 10:24So the one strategy is if we can
  • 10:27disrupt this long line coding RNA
  • 10:29and then you can reactivate the gene.
  • 10:31On matpat and chromosome is supposed
  • 10:33as like a gene therapy can approach.
  • 10:36So the ASO has proved it's effective and
  • 10:40it's also in the phase one trial right now.
  • 10:42So we think about it with whether
  • 10:44we should do a more permanent fix.
  • 10:46The ASO we need every month sort of
  • 10:48the eye spinal injection and now we
  • 10:51work on this with CRISPR additive.
  • 10:55So working with collaborative with the.
  • 10:58People from the biomedical engineer as
  • 11:01deliver crisp to brain is a challenge.
  • 11:03We actually got this piece of very
  • 11:05exciting data by our AIS in the lab
  • 11:08shall now shows you we use this
  • 11:11chemical modified I MP conjugated
  • 11:13CAS 9 protein and and gala and
  • 11:16they together deliver IT intracego
  • 11:18injection which you can see.
  • 11:20Amazingly this deliver the editing in
  • 11:22the cortical neuro and cerebellum.
  • 11:25Which you can see this a new M cell,
  • 11:27then this green cell,
  • 11:29it's a reactivation after editing
  • 11:32the anti sense.
  • 11:33It's almost like 70% efficiency for
  • 11:36this coach similar to the cortico
  • 11:39that is pretty amazing.
  • 11:41So we feel like this will be the next step.
  • 11:43We are watching actually active working
  • 11:45on the 2D and the 3D neuron right now,
  • 11:47see if for the same delivery it's
  • 11:50effective if entry before we
  • 11:52go to FDI&D and to the human.
  • 11:55So I'm gonna switch the GAIL
  • 11:58for second disorder,
  • 12:00which I hope that you will
  • 12:01find also very interesting.
  • 12:03In the same scene I could
  • 12:05genetically related disorder.
  • 12:06So this is a patient I saw about four
  • 12:08or five years ago in the clinic.
  • 12:10It's a very similar to engerman but
  • 12:12that's definitely severity it's 11
  • 12:14mile and moderated compare engerman
  • 12:15and to me it's a severe and and this
  • 12:18is a moderate and with autism as
  • 12:20a predominant feature intellectual
  • 12:22disability interesting they have
  • 12:24macrosuppony which the big brain is
  • 12:26the bigger they have a low percentage
  • 12:28of low frequent preference of epilepsy
  • 12:30too and so so this is the the boy
  • 12:34and what he was nine years old and then.
  • 12:37Later on then was to find interesting
  • 12:40another end of a phenotype.
  • 12:42This is the
  • 12:44sort of a longitudinal sort of picture
  • 12:48from the infant to when he was thirty.
  • 12:52I hope you probably say okay,
  • 12:53that's probably not 30 years old face,
  • 12:57it's probably more old than that.
  • 12:58So that's a premature Asian phenotype
  • 13:00that's we think it's also the other end.
  • 13:02It's very interesting.
  • 13:03That's a delay early new
  • 13:06development somehow later on.
  • 13:07Is actually accelerated aging process
  • 13:11so that's clear a puzzle and and then
  • 13:13we're looking for the genetic we we
  • 13:15did a whole accident in the clinic we
  • 13:17identified the first mutation is patient
  • 13:19other colleague from UK also similar
  • 13:23time 2017 2018 report a few other
  • 13:26case and eventually last five years
  • 13:28will accumulate almost 100 case now.
  • 13:31So what you notice quickly matured
  • 13:33for mutation in the C terminal domain.
  • 13:37And majority for them it's
  • 13:39A-frame shift mutation.
  • 13:40What's more interesting when you
  • 13:42do the computational prediction,
  • 13:44the open reading frame,
  • 13:45actually it's quite interesting,
  • 13:47you can see here if you do the open
  • 13:51reading from open reading from prediction,
  • 13:54regardless where the mutation
  • 13:57location near all and very very same
  • 14:00tail about for the amino acid at N.
  • 14:04So that's to me is a little unusual.
  • 14:07I'm a geneticist,
  • 14:08I see a lot of patient database.
  • 14:10I have not seen this kind of
  • 14:12phenomenon very often.
  • 14:13If it happen one of you,
  • 14:14you have some case like this talking
  • 14:16to me and we kind of working
  • 14:18together to figure out this puzzle.
  • 14:20Interestingly we also generate and
  • 14:23antibody specifically against this tail.
  • 14:26The antibody actually very easy
  • 14:28to generate because this tail if
  • 14:30you against the genome or podium
  • 14:32actually pretty unique.
  • 14:33So allow you to very quickly
  • 14:35generate this antibody.
  • 14:36Now you're testing the patient IP.
  • 14:38At the same time we generate about a
  • 14:41IPSC cell line from this patient too.
  • 14:45So you can see this IPSC cell
  • 14:47line and this abnormal tail,
  • 14:50it's indeed it's stable.
  • 14:52So that raised the question
  • 14:54whether this abnormal tail.
  • 14:56It's actually gain of function or
  • 14:58dominant net function because when
  • 14:59you now call this gene in the mice,
  • 15:01they have no significant phenotype.
  • 15:04But in the habazygs in the human,
  • 15:06it's very definitely a very severe phenotype.
  • 15:09So that we interesting also this
  • 15:11is same mutation or same mutation
  • 15:13in the mouse gene or mouse gene,
  • 15:16you won't be able to create the same tail.
  • 15:19So it's only to the human coating.
  • 15:22So that create a little challenge
  • 15:24to to manipulate in the mice but
  • 15:26of course we can't do it.
  • 15:28We made in the humanized mouse model
  • 15:30by engineering the entire human gene
  • 15:32in the marketing of the car knocking
  • 15:35and replace the anti mouse genome.
  • 15:37So that's ongoing.
  • 15:39We're just talking to people outside
  • 15:42like it's a mouse have azyg have
  • 15:44mild phenol type homozygic actually
  • 15:46end the post Natal early so.
  • 15:48So,
  • 15:48but in any way so we will say OK
  • 15:50that would be good to kind of look a
  • 15:52little more this is a very definitely
  • 15:54because my title is a new epigenetic.
  • 15:56So it's a, it's a H1 link protein
  • 15:59as you know probably have about
  • 16:0011 H one link some of the somatic
  • 16:03form is one of five somatic form.
  • 16:06So this H1 link and the function
  • 16:08for H1 link in largely we still
  • 16:10don't know because over the last
  • 16:1325 years lot of people study cold.
  • 16:15For histone, very, very detailed,
  • 16:17but this is almost like a forgotten
  • 16:19histone for over the last decade.
  • 16:21But now you can come to interesting for
  • 16:24many people because the human disease link.
  • 16:26So again it's a link histone with
  • 16:29the link DNA and it's core histone.
  • 16:31Presumably function is making the
  • 16:34chromity more compact but it's a
  • 16:36very basic component of the histone,
  • 16:39but the link to very selectively
  • 16:41human neuro behaviour and neuro
  • 16:44developmental phenotype.
  • 16:45So, so that's what we would generate
  • 16:47a panel of an IPSL again,
  • 16:49again a child home and in yon.
  • 16:51And for this effort,
  • 16:53sometimes people ask and say
  • 16:55why you didn't do it at Duke.
  • 16:57And I would say, well,
  • 16:58yeah, we want to do at Duke,
  • 17:00but we don't have a facility like here.
  • 17:03I find I left two years ago
  • 17:04before I joined the Duke.
  • 17:06But that's what we lost high
  • 17:07final deal and now we don't have
  • 17:09the stem cell facility there.
  • 17:10So that's what's asking you should have
  • 17:13taken advantage of for we have indeed
  • 17:15excellent facility environment here.
  • 17:17So again remind you this phenotype
  • 17:20patient have a macrocell,
  • 17:21a big cell,
  • 17:22a big brain.
  • 17:23So you look at the cell proliferation
  • 17:26indeed somehow suggesting that
  • 17:28maybe correlate the human phenotype
  • 17:30they are proliferated faster.
  • 17:32Then both in IPSA and MPSC new one early
  • 17:37precursor and we also did it for the I,
  • 17:39I and they seek and looking for.
  • 17:42Whether it's a chromatin structure
  • 17:44affect the downstream transcription
  • 17:46indeed is when you have this mutation
  • 17:49chromatin sounds like more relaxing.
  • 17:51So more gene up regulated and
  • 17:53surprising to us it's you actually
  • 17:56see the set of a gene regulated,
  • 17:58it's actually still in the
  • 18:00chromatin related gene.
  • 18:01Many ask actually chromatin related gene.
  • 18:03So we are very,
  • 18:05very intriguing by this founding.
  • 18:07We also look at because this is a
  • 18:09chromatin structural later protein,
  • 18:10we asking whether that's actually
  • 18:13indeed affect the chromatin nuclear
  • 18:15morphology or chromatin structure.
  • 18:17So we did a EM for this IPIC and
  • 18:20and the neuron we look in the
  • 18:22morphology of the nucleolo and
  • 18:24the nucleus indeed that's alter
  • 18:25the morphology from the nucleus.
  • 18:28So indeed because the unique
  • 18:30this protein alteration which
  • 18:32are not mimicking in the mice.
  • 18:35So that I PRC derived 2D and 3D new
  • 18:38one actually indeed it's the one way
  • 18:41to to do more sort of investigation.
  • 18:43I do have time to show you the
  • 18:45organized other data on different time
  • 18:47and almost close perfect time there.
  • 18:49So I hope that by using the two
  • 18:52example illustrated 21 is that
  • 18:54you don't have to be the stem
  • 18:56cell biologist to study stem cell work.
  • 18:59Second is I hope you also.
  • 19:02Data from if you study mice
  • 19:03actually indeed it would be good to
  • 19:06translate what your mouse discovery
  • 19:07of funding from mutant mice to one
  • 19:09more step between the human device,
  • 19:12this neuron before moving to the
  • 19:15we call it FDI&D study because
  • 19:18we are fail many many occasion,
  • 19:22many example everything is
  • 19:23beautiful in the mice,
  • 19:25it's a fail in the human stage.
  • 19:28So large of the people in the lab
  • 19:31primarily I think the people Kung
  • 19:33Yun is the primary thing is now here
  • 19:36working on the andrewman IPSC and
  • 19:39IPSC organelle and then so nice data
  • 19:42from the mouse for the IP and then
  • 19:45a few other kind of also work in the
  • 19:47similar sort of standing project.
  • 19:49And then of course without your stem
  • 19:53cell center support this kind of large
  • 19:55scale production will not be the feasible.
  • 19:58And all the support I've received and
  • 20:00also the collaboration with Duke and
  • 20:03the EOS for the engine work together.
  • 20:05Thank you.