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LISTEN Study Welcome from Akiko Iwasaki

February 27, 2024
  • 00:00Hello, my name is Akiko Yasaki.
  • 00:04I'm a professor of immunobiology at the
  • 00:08Yale University School of Medicine.
  • 00:11It's really great to meet you,
  • 00:12and welcome to the Yale Lesson Study.
  • 00:16Yellison study is very important
  • 00:18because we are going to be linking your
  • 00:21symptoms and your health records to
  • 00:24the biological parameters that we will
  • 00:27be measuring from the participants.
  • 00:29So the idea is
  • 00:31to enable what different symptoms may
  • 00:33be linked to different biological
  • 00:36features that we'll be measuring,
  • 00:38which includes variety of parameters related
  • 00:41to the immune system as well as Physiology.
  • 00:45And this type of analysis will enable
  • 00:48us to understand the underlying
  • 00:50pathogenesis of long COVID and the
  • 00:53possible treatment that we can come up
  • 00:55with together to improve the lives of
  • 00:58people who are suffering from long COVID
  • 01:01as well as post vaccine health issues.
  • 01:05So I really encourage you all to
  • 01:07fill out the symptom surveys and the
  • 01:10health surveys from the lesson study
  • 01:12and to link your medical records
  • 01:14so that we can better understand.
  • 01:18Whether your existing medical conditions
  • 01:20as well as the newly diagnosed
  • 01:22medical conditions can also be linked
  • 01:25and related to the immunological
  • 01:27features that we will be studying.
  • 01:30Thank you so much for joining the Yellowstone
  • 01:34community and together we are going to
  • 01:37find the root cause of LON COVID disease.
  • 01:40And to be able to come up with therapies
  • 01:43that can actually help the lives of people
  • 01:46who are suffering from this long covic
  • 01:49as well as post vaccine related issues.
  • 01:53So I really look forward to working
  • 01:55with all of you and to meeting you
  • 01:58in different town hall meetings and
  • 02:00other events that we're planning.
  • 02:02Thank you.