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Introduction to DMIWizard

January 21, 2020
  • 00:00Hello and welcome to a brief introduction video to D my wizard and specifically a version 1.1.
  • 00:08D my wizard is a matlab based GUI aimed at the processing of 1D and 3D deuterium metabolic imaging data acquired on a number of.
  • 00:19Of platforms. This video just gives you a brief walk through of the most common operation that you do within their software.
  • 00:29If you have any kind of trouble or any kind of questions or require modifications.
  • 00:35Please contact me directly at
  • 00:41OK, at this point, I'm assuming that you have downloaded the my wizard software from the website.
  • 00:47In this case. It is D.
  • 00:48My wizard version 1.1. Zip and you can now go ahead an unzip that file.
  • 00:53And normally I'd like to copy this and put it in a place where I like it to be in this case.
  • 00:58Let's make a dmi directory on the C drive it will paste it there.
  • 01:04And and ideally you've also downloaded the dmi wizard data file.
  • 01:09It also zip file that contains a number of Emerson.
  • 01:13MRI files that you can use to practice.
  • 01:16The Dmi Wizard. So far with it also zip file so go ahead and unzip that or copy that and put it again in the in the place where you
  • 01:26want it to be.
  • 01:29There we go. So the first thing you typically want to do is going through the demon Wizards Directory and then go through the D my wizard settings dot text
  • 01:40file. At name implies, it is a simple text file it holds some information about the colour scheme of the Demon Wizard.
  • 01:49GUI's about the font name and sizes and also about the default part name.
  • 01:54So you want to change this to the directory name that you have on your computer in this case.
  • 02:00It's the C drive and then the dmi directory that we just made if you're happy with you can save that.
  • 02:08And you can see dash already showing premade settings as well.
  • 02:13That allow you to do a dark mode.
  • 02:15GUI setting and you can change those as you see fit.
  • 02:20OK, so normally then I would like to copy the directory name and paste it into Matlab.
  • 02:28And then the GUI can be started by just typing D my Wizards in the command line.
  • 02:35And then you gonna get your main window as shown here.
  • 02:39The main window has basically 2 main menus.
  • 02:43One is for the processing of one dimensional spectroscopy data and the other one is for the processing of 3,
  • 02:50Dimensional Amar Spectroscopic Imaging data.
  • 02:54So let's first quickly go truly one DM arrest data.
  • 02:58And used to emphasize that this video is not an exhaustive manual to all aspects of their software that you can find in the menu.
  • 03:06As I'll show later this is just a quick walk through on some of the most important features.
  • 03:12So this is the menu for the one dimensional spectroscopy.
  • 03:16The lines in green and boxes in green and typically related to the file loading and file handling items things in blue are spectral processing things in yellow are related
  • 03:29to baseline correction integration and things in red are associated with a chemical shift referencing so the first thing you typically want to do,
  • 03:39if you want to load in a data file.
  • 03:43So that's where the D my wizard underscore data comes in.
  • 03:47There's basically 4 different types of files there is a 3 dimensional.
  • 03:52Dmi there is a one dimensional spectroscopy.
  • 03:55But one average. There's a one dimensional spectroscopy with 180 averages,
  • 04:00and there is 3. Dimensional MRI in this menu were interested in #2 and #3.
  • 04:05So you can open that and then you can read this being brokered data you can read the FID file.
  • 04:12At this point, it hasn't loaded the data.
  • 04:15Yet yet just selected the file that you want to load you wanted,
  • 04:19and indicate which vendor the data is from in this case,
  • 04:22it is broker and then you can go ahead and load the data.
  • 04:26And then the data will be displayed here in Figure 1 the time domain data.
  • 04:31The red and blue on the real and imaginary aphids.
  • 04:36Ann.
  • 04:37In this case, these boxes here they indicate the data structure and Emmanuel have a lot of information about this.
  • 04:44But basically here you have to indicate how the data structure is at the moment.
  • 04:49It is just 1F ID so all of these values are one so you can go ahead and do appreciate the information.
  • 04:56And there, you basically have your spectral or frequency domain over there.
  • 05:02Ann. You can see it's not properly centered so you can hit this zoom out button and then you can go ahead and zoom it in.
  • 05:11Closer to a manual zoom again,
  • 05:14I can type in numbers here minus 0.4.
  • 05:19Mine is your .5 for example,
  • 05:21loops.
  • 05:23Now he can type in one.
  • 05:27How to do that plus or minus buttons to to achieve the zoom that you want so the first two are zontal zoom.
  • 05:35These 2 are a vertical's room.
  • 05:38And then the one on the bottom is a vertical school zoom with a factor of 10 in intensity to every time you go up is a factor of 10,
  • 05:47so you just make it as you see fit.
  • 05:50New bit of horizontal zooming etc,
  • 05:52etc. And you can always zoom out,
  • 05:55then you go to the maximum spectral width and you can of course,
  • 06:00zoom in again.
  • 06:02And indeed 2 boundaries are set based on the cursor positions.
  • 06:07An traditional spectral parameters are you can do something from line broadening your phrases 3 hers.
  • 06:12Gaussian requires an additional forget transformation and you can see that the peaks become a bit broader.
  • 06:19Of course, his spectrum isn't properly in phase so you need to face corrected.
  • 06:24This is zero order phase and there's also a first order phase as well.
  • 06:30And then you can also do baseline Correction,
  • 06:33an integration. I'm going to not talk about that.
  • 06:35Today I will talk about briefly about the frequency referencing so if you click this button.
  • 06:41You can pick you can pick the frequency the pic that you want.
  • 06:46And then if you know the chemical shift and I think this will be water.
  • 06:50Then we calibrated and now the access isn't in PM so you can zoom out again and then zoom back in.
  • 06:58And you can see. Now you have your beaks at the chemical shift in PM.
  • 07:03Can have a quick look at the other file as well?
  • 07:06Where we have 180 averages?
  • 07:09If you load in the raw data that job zero file.
  • 07:14You will get a lot of data you actually get 180 FI DS because they're not added together.
  • 07:20Yet so if you want to see all the individual ones you have to indicate that the number of initial Fridays is other than 80.
  • 07:32Feed and reload it. You know basically show you the first F ID and if you now do a free a transformation you now have.
  • 07:41180 Spectra, he will display the full spectrum,
  • 07:44but you can go to the second spectrum that dirt spectrum.
  • 07:48All the way to the very end and so this allows you to see how stable your data is if there's any kind of artifacts or frequency drifts in the
  • 07:57data and they can also be undone with these menus over here.
  • 08:04OK, so that's where all I want to say about the one dimensional data processing.
  • 08:09There's a lot more information in the manual the manual can be found in the Dmi Wizard Directory and it is right over here.
  • 08:17D my wizard version 1.1 manual.
  • 08:19And it has a lot of information about the spectroscopy menu and also about the 3 dimensional.
  • 08:27MSI menu and we'll talk about that right now,
  • 08:31so. We can go to that menu.
  • 08:35Is a fairly similar appearance again things with blue are spectral parameters things in green are associated with file loading things with red in this case are amaray related things
  • 08:48and things were yellow. Our metabolic mapping parameters,
  • 08:52so let's do the first thing is,
  • 08:54we select the dmi data.
  • 08:57Can go to the data directory?
  • 08:58Now it is file number one directory number one that you're interested in and this being broker data.
  • 09:04You need to load the raw data dot job 0.
  • 09:07Again, this only selects it's loading it.
  • 09:11Gives you some parameters in the matlab window about field.
  • 09:15A few number of encodings,
  • 09:17etc, etc. And then it shows you one of the Fridays in this window.
  • 09:23Can you have your information again after selecting for example,
  • 09:27inappropriate waiting you can do a free a transformation?
  • 09:31Take of course, a few seconds because it's a very large data set and then here is the spectrum from disposition disposition.
  • 09:40One eight one out of a data set 2D2.
  • 09:42By 2 by 2 by 16.
  • 09:43So it may be completely wrong location and that's why the spectrum doesn't look very interesting.
  • 09:50So of course I deal with that is,
  • 09:53you want to load in an associated MRI file that can show you where the voxel location is so go ahead and go to the data directory and now it
  • 10:03is directory #4, the MRI.
  • 10:05He loaded F ID file.
  • 10:08Launch.
  • 10:10And then if we ate information and you can see how the Phantom looks like it's a number of tubes with different chemicals in each of the tube so at
  • 10:20the data set of the MRI is 96.
  • 10:22By 96 by 64, so let's go to the centre slides right now,
  • 10:26which is 2D2. And then will also go to the center location in a dmi data set which is a 2D2.
  • 10:34By 2 by 2 by 16,
  • 10:36so let's go to Z slice #8 and there,
  • 10:39you can see the Red Square.
  • 10:41That indicates the voxel location at position one in X.
  • 10:478 in Y an 8 Ng.
  • 10:48It is the true plane dimension,
  • 10:51so if you move the red volume to a more interesting location.
  • 11:02There we have a spectrum and so he began zoom in similar to the one dimensional menu.
  • 11:08So that we can see all of the peaks and we can walk through the data.
  • 11:13And. As such. Right they have different chemicals in different locations.
  • 11:21OK, we can also display the data.
  • 11:24By hitting this Emirates I button there.
  • 11:28Will take a few seconds because it's it's quite a large data set to the 2 actually 2 bye?
  • 11:341024 data point I believe.
  • 11:37With after a few seconds,
  • 11:39he will show you, your 2 dimensional grids on this particular Z slides and you can see you have signal where the tubes are and there's basically no signal where
  • 11:49there are no tubes. Now there are certain spectral that are in red an spectrum that are not in red there in blue now that difference is if a particular
  • 11:59virtual location. The signal in that location is it above the threshold or not.
  • 12:05In this case, these are in red there above the threshold,
  • 12:09the ones in blue or not so by lowering the threshold.
  • 12:13Let's say to 5%. We can change that and if we now show the spectroscopic image again.
  • 12:20Then you will see that you have more red Spectra.
  • 12:28There we go, she's now pretty much everything that we want everything that we want to have signal has signal now?
  • 12:36Why is it important that is important because some operations like linear prediction.
  • 12:43They only work on spectral that are in red and that his basement done just to save some time.
  • 12:50There will be an awful lot of data that have no signal and it will be wasteful to do complicated math on.
  • 12:58Virtual location that have no signal.
  • 13:01Charlottes quickly talk about linear prediction.
  • 13:04As you can see if you load it in the dmi data.
  • 13:10That if it is. Typically,
  • 13:14the way they did my data is acquired it is basically a pulse acquire sequence with the phase encoding gradient in it.
  • 13:22The presence of the phase encoding gradients basically delaye simple acquisition by a little bit,
  • 13:29for this particular scene because it is 0.6 milliseconds.
  • 13:33The spectral width is 2 1/2.
  • 13:35KH making the dwell time,
  • 13:37400 microseconds. So there is about a one and a half data point of delaye between the excitation.
  • 13:44And the first point of acquisition,
  • 13:46let's make that tool. There's two data points that are missing now linear prediction allows you to back calculate those 2 missing data points.
  • 13:56So if you type in here 2 and hit linear prediction.
  • 13:59You basically have to indicate the part of the spectrum that contained signal.
  • 14:05And then you can see here it will do the calculation for 2500.
  • 14:09Spectra that's already a lot of Spectra,
  • 14:11but it goes fairly fairly fast.
  • 14:13But if you didn't have to threshold if we would do it for all Spectra.
  • 14:18Which would be 16,000 so you've definitely improved on the speed?
  • 14:25So if you give it a second you will see that all of this process is done.
  • 14:29All of the signals will be in face never we up and positive.
  • 14:33At the moment, there, not as you can see because of that 2 points data gap.
  • 14:40Cable almost done here.
  • 14:52And there, we are so now we have to display it.
  • 14:57There we are so now if we now work,
  • 15:00a little bit through the data.
  • 15:02You can see that pretty much the picture up M positive if we go down a little bit here.
  • 15:07Go to a different volume see all of the peaks are up and positive.
  • 15:11Now there is important for the final step that I want to talk about which is the parameter mapping parameter mapping allows you to make an image of a given
  • 15:20peak so for example, if we click here parameter map and we select the center peak right over there.
  • 15:27He basically generate an image it integrates this part of the spectrum between the 2 lines and then displays,
  • 15:35it at and as an image but that is a phase sensitive operation.
  • 15:39The signals have to be up in positive if the sequence are out of phase you may end up with zero integral.
  • 15:47You got to do that for other peaks as well,
  • 15:49and you will see you get in a different spatial distribution because the chemical content of these different tubes is different.
  • 15:58OK let's go back to the 3rd Speaker looked a little more interesting.
  • 16:04So we can also do is you can overlay this on an MRI and MRI is really loaded so if we click this button over here.
  • 16:14And we do the parameter net again,
  • 16:16then you can see that you can overlay it with an MRI image.
  • 16:20And so you can see,
  • 16:21there are images now in the background.
  • 16:24But maybe it's not bright enough So what we can do is we can make the transparency.
  • 16:28A little bit lower on the metabolic image and so you can see the MRI a little bit better.
  • 16:34And so there gonna have it,
  • 16:35he MRI in the Emirates Ioannou overlapping with each other.
  • 16:41We can also do an interpolation which that is more like a visual trick,
  • 16:47but it can sometimes look look more appealing.
  • 16:51If you will then you can have you have 3 types of images one?
  • 16:57Is the native Amazon resolution.
  • 17:00One is an interpolation based on FT and one is based on like convolution convolution typically gives the best results and the.
  • 17:11This number 3 basically tells you how much smoothening has been done.
  • 17:21Final thing I would like to remark is sometimes you're not interested in all the signals.
  • 17:27So you can draw an ROI as well.
  • 17:30And so let's say that we drawn ROI over here.
  • 17:38Headsets if we now do the parameter map again.
  • 17:44You will see that. Now he only overlays a map multiplied with the ROI answer.
  • 17:50This could be a good option.
  • 17:52If you want to have a brain only ROI for example.
  • 17:56Now this is an early version of the email is it in the next version.
  • 18:02And is mapping these mapping options will be a lot more sophisticated way you can do multiplication of Maps and a bunch of other of other things as well.
  • 18:13So I encourage you to check the website frequently for newer versions of Dmi Wizard again.
  • 18:20This is only a quick overview.
  • 18:22If you want to have more details you can find it in the manual.
  • 18:27But this is all I wanted to say about it.
  • 18:30Thank you for using the my widget and let me know if you encounter any problems.