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Development of Regionally Defined Human Diencephalic Organoids

March 30, 2023
  • 00:00Next is Doctor in Huon Park,
  • 00:05who received his PhD at the University
  • 00:08of Illinois Ivana studying and signaling,
  • 00:11and then became a postdoctoral
  • 00:13fellow at Harvard Medical School.
  • 00:16Working in reprogramming from 2009.
  • 00:19He conducts stem cell and brain organic
  • 00:21research at the stem cell center in genetics,
  • 00:24and his main goal is to construct and
  • 00:26investigate human brain and diseases.
  • 00:33First of all I want to do thanks
  • 00:35to organizer and and also I
  • 00:36want to give thanks to Florida.
  • 00:38Actually Florida is one of the first
  • 00:40person actually the pioneer of this
  • 00:42brain overnight field at Yale actually
  • 00:44they I really appreciate a walk
  • 00:46before and also I found I found as
  • 00:48a director for the stamps at center
  • 00:50he always encouraged us to walk on
  • 00:51a little bit more challenging work.
  • 00:53So the because of the high found we actually
  • 00:57start working on this 3D brain overnoid.
  • 00:59So today I'm going to actually
  • 01:01share the couple of a new kind of
  • 01:04unpublished work so related with
  • 01:05the diaspolic brain organoid.
  • 01:10So basically we are studying
  • 01:12human brain ourselves.
  • 01:13So we are very interested in human
  • 01:16brain development and disease
  • 01:18and especially we are using human
  • 01:21brain organoid as a mother system.
  • 01:23So if you look at this structure,
  • 01:25it's called like a brain organoid and
  • 01:27some people say cortical organoid,
  • 01:29cerebral organoid.
  • 01:29So you can imagine whatever,
  • 01:32like you can imagine like oh,
  • 01:33how our brain function and can we mimic
  • 01:37this kind of our brain function within
  • 01:40this brain organoid like a higher order,
  • 01:42like a cognitive function as well
  • 01:44as maybe like something that related
  • 01:46with disease and neurodegeneration.
  • 01:48OK.
  • 01:48So there are a lot of opportunity
  • 01:51using this human brain organoid.
  • 01:53For the basic neural development biotic
  • 01:56question as well as disease and Human
  • 01:59Genetics for the brain disorders.
  • 02:02OK, so about setting aside all
  • 02:05those question,
  • 02:05I think maybe first we want to
  • 02:08really generate the brain organoid,
  • 02:10some really structurally functionally
  • 02:12reproduce as a human brain.
  • 02:16So basically two years ago actually
  • 02:18as I said following the Florida,
  • 02:20the pioneering work like almost like 7-8,
  • 02:23nine years ago we were we were studying
  • 02:25like a brain disorder using stem cell,
  • 02:28but we are most focusing on 2D.
  • 02:30But we thought that maybe it's a
  • 02:32good time for us to really develop
  • 02:34this tool like a 3D especially we
  • 02:37were interested in more like a
  • 02:39regionally defined brain organoid so.
  • 02:43During embryogenesis or during
  • 02:45the mutilation,
  • 02:45there are five of primary vascular in
  • 02:49the brain, neural tube talence Apollon,
  • 02:51Dience Apollon,
  • 02:52Visions Apollon and Visions Apollon.
  • 02:56And from this primary vascular the
  • 02:59older brain structure in adults
  • 03:01actually form.
  • 03:02Especially in the Talence Apollon
  • 03:06we have this cortex and Dyne C.
  • 03:10So a few years ago we developed
  • 03:13a couple of method to produce the
  • 03:16cortical organoid.
  • 03:17Especially we made a dorsal cortical
  • 03:19organoid.
  • 03:20At the time we named them as a
  • 03:22human cortical organoid.
  • 03:24And again we also generate the method
  • 03:26to produce ventral cortical organoid.
  • 03:29We named them as a video
  • 03:31ganglion gaminous organoid.
  • 03:32So there was a structure.
  • 03:33Actually,
  • 03:34if you look at all the sections
  • 03:35in the immunostaining and really
  • 03:37show like cortical layers and
  • 03:39when we measure activity,
  • 03:40we can see the neural activity.
  • 03:48So with the success of this
  • 03:50generating the cortical organoid,
  • 03:52we thought that maybe we try to generate
  • 03:55the another region of the the full
  • 03:57grain like a subcortical region called
  • 03:59the catalamus and we were successful.
  • 04:02And we named them as human thalamic organoid.
  • 04:05So with the success of this generation
  • 04:08of regionally defined brain organoid,
  • 04:10we questioned ourselves because of these
  • 04:12are the like a really small structure
  • 04:15like a 1 to 2 millimeter structure
  • 04:17and it's a tiny and but our brain,
  • 04:20we are brain is huge and also we
  • 04:22have a really like a the like a
  • 04:25regionally defined brain structure.
  • 04:27And we will question whether we
  • 04:29could develop method to produce more
  • 04:31regionally defined brain or anoid and
  • 04:33either in the cortex and the dilemmas.
  • 04:36And today I'm going to only introduce our
  • 04:39study on the Dilemic region and the like
  • 04:43a so-called like a diencephalic development.
  • 04:46So that's the question.
  • 04:48So let me quickly introduce the
  • 04:50development process of the diencephalon.
  • 04:52So Diane Cephalon developed as a unique
  • 04:55structure called like a prosomer.
  • 04:57So it has a P1 this is P2 area
  • 05:00and P3 and P1 developed as a pre
  • 05:03tecton and P3 developed as A3.
  • 05:06Thalamus and P2 are the major region
  • 05:09that which developed as a thalamus
  • 05:12and the dorsal of ventral thalamus,
  • 05:14thalamy region called hyvenula
  • 05:17and peer gland.
  • 05:18So development biology actually
  • 05:20defined like a development principle
  • 05:23that regulate the development of
  • 05:25this palamic region like especially
  • 05:28there are three major growth factors
  • 05:30that regulate the develop developing
  • 05:33fate of this palamus D MP4 and F
  • 05:36Jeff and the Sony catch up pathway.
  • 05:38Actually the Andre shows all the
  • 05:40chip chip based kind of gradient is
  • 05:43great but in our lab we don't have
  • 05:46this machine and chip and we use our.
  • 05:48Kind of a human hand to to kind
  • 05:50of give a different gradient of
  • 05:52those the growth factors.
  • 05:53So basically the app D MP4 and
  • 05:56after signal induced dorsal fate
  • 05:58of diencephalone and Sony catch a
  • 06:01pathway actually induced the ventral
  • 06:03fate of the diencephalic development.
  • 06:05So the very simple idea is that
  • 06:09oh maybe we could regulate the
  • 06:12maybe the the this the absence of
  • 06:15presence of the growth factors.
  • 06:18BMTF Jeff and Sonic catch but also
  • 06:20if we change the the like a duration
  • 06:23and dosage of those we could develop
  • 06:26different type of diencephalic tissue.
  • 06:29So one of our starting point
  • 06:31was to the change in this,
  • 06:34I mean activate this BMT and
  • 06:36then accept signal.
  • 06:38So basically we induce the BMTF
  • 06:40Jeff signal to dorsolize as well
  • 06:42as we suppress only catch up to
  • 06:45dorsalize this diencephalic fade.
  • 06:47With a couple of month of their work
  • 06:50we found that some kind of organoid.
  • 06:52So here we tentatively named in
  • 06:55the pinion gland organoid and I
  • 06:57will show you some evidence that
  • 06:59they're really kind of pinion gland
  • 07:01contain the pinion gland cells.
  • 07:06So through the developmental process
  • 07:08studies we found that there are few
  • 07:12marker that actually mark the pinion gland
  • 07:15especially you can see that the CRX.
  • 07:18And the bsx and L8X4 are mark that
  • 07:22uniquely expresses in the pineal
  • 07:24gland and of course when we do the
  • 07:27immuno standing for these markers,
  • 07:29so this otx 2 they they are actually
  • 07:31the marker for the Diane Cephalon.
  • 07:34So you can see both thalamic organoid and
  • 07:37the PG or pineal gland organoid express.
  • 07:40Otx 2 but CRX and BSX are only expresses
  • 07:44and pinia glander one are suggesting
  • 07:47that our pinia glander one are expresses
  • 07:50the the protein that uniquely expresses
  • 07:53in the pinia gland in our body.
  • 07:56But I actually haven't introduced
  • 07:58about the pinia gland.
  • 07:59So pinia gland is maybe you are more.
  • 08:02A lot of you are familiar
  • 08:04with this melatonin,
  • 08:05so pineal gland is one of the major brain
  • 08:08region where you regulate the circadian
  • 08:11cycle by producing the melatonin.
  • 08:14So as I show somebody,
  • 08:15basically the daytime suppressed,
  • 08:18but the nighttime actually
  • 08:20stimulate this retina.
  • 08:22And this signal goes through this
  • 08:25complex like a few steps SCN in the
  • 08:28hypothalamus and the superior cervical
  • 08:30ganglion region and signal to the
  • 08:33pineal gland to produce melatonin.
  • 08:34So basically the like a the pineal
  • 08:38gland is a major brain region that
  • 08:41produce melatonin and and this
  • 08:44melatonin production is the regulated
  • 08:47by multiple steps by these engines.
  • 08:50From tip to pen to the selatonin to
  • 08:54melatonin through TPH and some other genes.
  • 08:58So we looked at them and then
  • 09:01compared with the dalamic organoid.
  • 09:03The pineal gland organoid expresses all of
  • 09:06this enzyme that produced the melatonin.
  • 09:10And of course we also look at the
  • 09:12production of melatonin and this
  • 09:14pinia gland when I produce melatonin,
  • 09:16but not the dalamic organoid.
  • 09:18So we are in the process of the like
  • 09:21looking at the, the regulation,
  • 09:22how the melatonin production is
  • 09:25regulated now pineal gland organoid
  • 09:27and also we are thinking that how
  • 09:30we study the function of this pineal
  • 09:33gland organoid or pinealocyte that
  • 09:35produces melatonin in vivo.
  • 09:36So such as transplanting into the
  • 09:39mouse brain or the animal brain.
  • 09:42And we are also interested in because
  • 09:45this if you imagine that the melatonin,
  • 09:47one of the major role of melatonin
  • 09:50is regulating the date night cycle.
  • 09:52But even the features during the field
  • 09:54of development, melatonin is produced.
  • 09:56So basically melatonin seems have
  • 09:58a really important function in the
  • 10:01brain development.
  • 10:02So we are also looking at the function
  • 10:05of the melatonin in the cortical development.
  • 10:08So for the short summary for this part,
  • 10:10we could dorsalize this diansa
  • 10:14polyglobalnoid using using the vmp and
  • 10:17F geff signal and this produced pineal
  • 10:20glandoganoid and pineal glandogano
  • 10:23kind of expressed pineal gland specific
  • 10:26genes and protein and produced melatonin.
  • 10:30And then the right natural custom becomes,
  • 10:33can we really that we may, we torsolize,
  • 10:35but can we actually ventralize the like
  • 10:38a dilamigo 108 or a balance of Polygon?
  • 10:41Going back to the diagram,
  • 10:43I already introduced that the Sonic hedgehog
  • 10:47cooler induced ventralization of the.
  • 10:51Ions at polic fade.
  • 10:52So basically that what we really did, OK,
  • 10:55so we added the sonycatcher to ventralize
  • 10:58the developing dyansa polic organoid
  • 11:03and of course this sonycatcher
  • 11:05induced the ventral fade.
  • 11:06So here we stay in the the talmic organoid
  • 11:11as well as sort of like a ventralized
  • 11:14talmic organoid with lhx two and
  • 11:16elastic 5 and Elastic 5 mark the like.
  • 11:20The ventral thalamic tissue and as you
  • 11:23can see the Sonic ketchup treatment
  • 11:25induces the lhx 5 but not getting the
  • 11:29like dilamic organoid and of course
  • 11:32dalamico one Express 2 which is doso
  • 11:35marking the doso part of the thalamus.
  • 11:40So one of the question actually
  • 11:42that we had was let's sustain
  • 11:44the over and over with the.
  • 11:46The neuronal marker that for the
  • 11:48excitatory and inhibitory neuron.
  • 11:50So here we stain carva.
  • 11:52Of course the carva mark the
  • 11:54inhibitory neuron and the glue
  • 11:56to mark the excitatory neuron.
  • 11:58As you can see here,
  • 11:59is it dramatic that the balamic
  • 12:02organoid mainly composed of the
  • 12:04neuron for the excitatory neuron
  • 12:06and the ventralized balamic organoid
  • 12:08contains the car by expressing cells
  • 12:11suggesting that they are interneuron.
  • 12:14And of course these days you have to
  • 12:16do the single cell RNA sick and we
  • 12:19performed that and made a new map
  • 12:22that unbiased the clustering based
  • 12:24on the gene expression so we could
  • 12:26identify the major cell type in the brain.
  • 12:29So starting with astrocyte,
  • 12:31the glial progenitors and the dilamic
  • 12:34progenitor and then even actually we
  • 12:37could define the ependymal cells and here.
  • 12:41Very interestingly,
  • 12:42we could define of course excitatory neuron,
  • 12:45but we we found two different
  • 12:48elevatory neuron clusters here.
  • 12:52So when we split the the you may into
  • 12:56the group like a thalamic organoid
  • 12:57or ventral thalamic organoid,
  • 12:59of course this in inhibitory neural
  • 13:02neural clusters are enriched in
  • 13:04the ventral thalamic organoids.
  • 13:05So it's a very interesting that we
  • 13:08saw the carbonage neuron enriched
  • 13:09in the ventral thalamic organoid.
  • 13:11But there are two different individual
  • 13:14neural clusters and again the we need a
  • 13:18lot of literature such trying to understand.
  • 13:21Science of public development
  • 13:23process and structure,
  • 13:24development process and function.
  • 13:27And as a pick summary,
  • 13:29so it's known that the thalamus
  • 13:33is a lot of nuclei.
  • 13:35So those in nuclei receive information
  • 13:37or send the information to and from to
  • 13:41the cortex as well as peripheral tissue.
  • 13:43OK, but there are also very
  • 13:47interesting nuclei called here.
  • 13:49Trm thalamic vaticanal nucleus.
  • 13:52OK, so this is TRM.
  • 13:53Regular TRM mainly composed of a
  • 13:55carbonage neuron and from thalamus
  • 13:57to the cortex there is a thalamic
  • 14:00cortical projection which are
  • 14:01the expected to the neuron.
  • 14:03So this TRM carbonated neuron
  • 14:06regulate the neural activity of
  • 14:09this thalamic cortical or cortical
  • 14:12thalamic projection neurons.
  • 14:13OK, so.
  • 14:14But the very interestingly,
  • 14:16this TRM so around the and
  • 14:20expresses a unique markers,
  • 14:23it's called SST ECL one and SPT 1 esrgm RORB.
  • 14:30So you may know notice that of
  • 14:32course we look at these markers
  • 14:34in our single cell data and as
  • 14:37you can see here we had this
  • 14:40interneuron 1 interneuron 2 clusters.
  • 14:43And as you can see here,
  • 14:45so in one cluster expresses
  • 14:47most of these TRN markers,
  • 14:49okay,
  • 14:50so that thinks that we
  • 14:52could define the cluster of
  • 14:55interneuron one as a TRN cluster
  • 15:00and we are trying to kind
  • 15:02of understand how the.
  • 15:06The TRM regulate the kind of
  • 15:09thylamocortical corticothylamic
  • 15:09projection by putting the multiple
  • 15:11kind of a one or together.
  • 15:13But also we are trying to use this
  • 15:16system to study the gene for the
  • 15:19associated with the autism spectrum
  • 15:21disorder as well as schizophrenia.
  • 15:24But I want to emphasize that this
  • 15:26is one of the first example in the
  • 15:29brain organoid field that the you
  • 15:32could really generate the fine nuclei.
  • 15:35And we stick to the kind of a region
  • 15:38regionalized organoid in the like
  • 15:40a Diane set Poly as well as like
  • 15:44a talent set polyprain organoid,
  • 15:46it's a functional assay.
  • 15:48We measured a neural activity
  • 15:50in the ventral dynamic organoid.
  • 15:52So we used the Voltron to measure
  • 15:55the voltage change.
  • 15:56So we actually tried to
  • 15:59use electrophysiology.
  • 16:00We had a really hard time to
  • 16:02measure the neural activity by
  • 16:04using the electrophysiology.
  • 16:05We also use the caching imaging and
  • 16:07of course the caching imaging worked
  • 16:09pretty well but because here the
  • 16:11TRN contains the carbalizing neuron
  • 16:13and the uniqueness for this TRN is
  • 16:16that it shows like a bust busting
  • 16:20activity which is very difficult to
  • 16:22use the the cache imaging to measure.
  • 16:25So that's the reason we use this Voltron
  • 16:28and we use the AV driven the Voltron.
  • 16:32And in fact the talamigo one other
  • 16:34than the ventral talamigo one or
  • 16:36and measured in neural activity.
  • 16:37So as you can see here so this talamigo
  • 16:40one or have some kind of activity,
  • 16:43but this eventualized talamigo one always
  • 16:45has a more Boston type of the activity.
  • 16:49So we think that the maybe is
  • 16:53a really great new system to.
  • 16:56Kind of define the different
  • 16:58diencephalic and the thalamic
  • 17:00area and we're useful to to study
  • 17:02neuropsychotic disorders that also
  • 17:04especially the associated with
  • 17:06the sleeping disorder for example
  • 17:08because sleeping disorder TRN,
  • 17:10galvanized urine TRN regulate the
  • 17:13sensor information from peripheral body.
  • 17:15So that will be important the
  • 17:18brain region to study those things.
  • 17:21So for summarize this,
  • 17:22so we we found that Sony catcher
  • 17:25induced ventralization of a thalamic
  • 17:28organoid which produced the ventral
  • 17:31thalamic organoid and this ventral
  • 17:33thalamic organoid contains a TRN
  • 17:35neuron and we are going to use this
  • 17:38system to study zero such disorders.
  • 17:42All right. So finally I want
  • 17:44to give thanks to Reed van.
  • 17:46So Reed van actually work almost
  • 17:48everything that I presented today.
  • 17:50So pineo glendo vannoid as well as
  • 17:53Venter Talamigo vannoid project.
  • 17:54So Venter Talamigo Vanno project
  • 17:57was initiated by the Yang Fei.
  • 17:59So who got the he is now assistant
  • 18:02professor in the Shanghai Tech Coast and
  • 18:04also Peter Walk on continuously walk on.
  • 18:07But the Reed van actually
  • 18:09finished up this project.
  • 18:10We are trying to publish that one.
  • 18:12All right. Thank you.