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Complications of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Use in Open Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion

November 27, 2021
  • 00:06Hello, my name is Allison Miller and my
  • 00:09thesis is entitled complications of bone
  • 00:12morphogenetic protein to use in open
  • 00:15transforaminal lumbar inter body fusion.
  • 00:18Degenerative disk disease of the lumbar
  • 00:21region causes debilitating symptoms
  • 00:23for millions of adults in the US.
  • 00:25Today. Increasingly,
  • 00:26many individuals with severe disease
  • 00:28are electing to undergo surgery.
  • 00:31One common technique is the transforaminal
  • 00:34approach or transforaminal lumbar inter
  • 00:37body fusion lumbar fusion surgeries
  • 00:39must be performed within osteo genic
  • 00:41material for the fusion to grow,
  • 00:43and the gold standard material
  • 00:45is bone graft harvested from the
  • 00:47patient's iliac Crest.
  • 00:49However, there are alternatives
  • 00:51to using iliac Crest bone graft.
  • 00:54Principally recombinant human bone
  • 00:56morphogenetic protein 2 using RH BMP two
  • 01:00is thought to be advantageous because
  • 01:02it will avoid the morbidity associated
  • 01:04with harvesting the patients bone
  • 01:07and some studies utilizing different
  • 01:09fusion techniques suggests that using
  • 01:11RH BMP two may increase fusion rates.
  • 01:14For these reasons,
  • 01:15RH BMP two is already used in
  • 01:18about half of T lift cases.
  • 01:20Even though this is an off label
  • 01:22indication amid this widespread use,
  • 01:24some observation,
  • 01:25ULL studies have reported increases
  • 01:28in postoperative complications,
  • 01:29including increased ridiculopathy,
  • 01:32heterotopic ossification,
  • 01:34and endplay osteolysis.
  • 01:35However,
  • 01:35no experimental study to date has
  • 01:38quantified the relative risk of
  • 01:40these complications in patients,
  • 01:42and clinicians must weigh the
  • 01:44risks and benefits of RH BMP.
  • 01:46Two use with incomplete information.
  • 01:49In response,
  • 01:50we propose a randomized single
  • 01:52blinded 2 arm controlled trial.
  • 01:54Our study will seek to characterize
  • 01:56the relative risk of radiculopathy,
  • 01:58heterotopic ossification,
  • 01:59and endplay osteo lysis occurring
  • 02:02postoperatively in patients
  • 02:04undergoing key lift with RH,
  • 02:06BMP two as compared to those
  • 02:08undergoing the same procedure
  • 02:10using iliac Crest Bone graft.
  • 02:12We hypothesize that there will
  • 02:14not be a significant difference in
  • 02:16postoperative complication risk and
  • 02:18each of the three complications.
  • 02:20Will be considered independently.
  • 02:22Our study will seek to enroll 356
  • 02:25patients across 10 clinical sites in
  • 02:27the United States over a span of two years.
  • 02:29Participants will be randomly
  • 02:31assigned to receive either RH,
  • 02:32BMP,
  • 02:33two or iliac Crest Bone graft
  • 02:34during their T lift procedure and
  • 02:36each participant will be blinded
  • 02:38to their assignment.
  • 02:40Through six months of follow-up,
  • 02:42we will assess,
  • 02:43for each primary outcome,
  • 02:44using clinical description the
  • 02:46visual analog scale and routine
  • 02:49high resolution CT at two weeks
  • 02:51and six months after surgery.
  • 02:54Our studies experimental design drives
  • 02:56many of its advantages over prior studies.
  • 02:59Our study will limit selection,
  • 03:01respondent and recall biases as well
  • 03:03as known and unknown confounding
  • 03:05variables to a degree not previously seen
  • 03:07in the existing literature on the subject.
  • 03:10Our use of high resolution CT
  • 03:13will characterize heterotopic
  • 03:14ossification and play osteo lysis
  • 03:17more reliably than radiograph,
  • 03:18and finally are equally sized.
  • 03:20Control group will allow for
  • 03:22direct comparison of outcomes.
  • 03:24However,
  • 03:24our study does have limitations.
  • 03:26We will be unable to generalize our
  • 03:29findings to minimally invasive techniques
  • 03:30which may be more popular than open
  • 03:33procedures in the coming decades.
  • 03:35Our length of follow-up is also limited.
  • 03:38It may not be long enough to
  • 03:40describe the course of outcomes
  • 03:42that may spontaneously resolve.
  • 03:43Finally, our study is intensive
  • 03:46and rule will require extensive
  • 03:48personnel and resources.
  • 03:50Since RH BMP two is already used so
  • 03:52widely anti lift our study will be
  • 03:55of great relevance regardless of
  • 03:56the direction of our conclusions.
  • 03:58If our findings support increased
  • 04:00complication rates when RH
  • 04:02BMP two is used in teal,
  • 04:04if patients will benefit as they may
  • 04:06avoid these complications by choosing
  • 04:09alternatives like gold standard,
  • 04:10iliac Crest bone graft.
  • 04:12However, if her finding support
  • 04:14no differences in outcomes,
  • 04:16patients will still benefit as they may
  • 04:19be reliably encouraged to enjoy them.
  • 04:21Potential advantages of RH BMP to use,
  • 04:24namely avoiding iliac Crest,
  • 04:25bone graft morbidity and
  • 04:27heightened fusion rates.
  • 04:29Our findings in this case also may
  • 04:32support FDA approval for RH BMP,
  • 04:34two anti lift which may reduce
  • 04:37financial and logistical barriers
  • 04:39for patients who may benefit.
  • 04:41Thank you for listening.