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Biomimetic Scaffolds for Multicellular Culture And Therapeutic Cell Delivery

March 30, 2023
  • 00:00We're moving now to the next speaker,
  • 00:02Angelica Gonzalez.
  • 00:03She's a associate professor of biomedical
  • 00:06engineering at the Yale School of
  • 00:09Engineering and Applied Science.
  • 00:11Her appointment is an association with the
  • 00:14vascular Biology and Therapeutics program.
  • 00:17We should provide the convenient
  • 00:19platform for her research.
  • 00:21Research is focused on the
  • 00:23development of biomaterials for
  • 00:24use as investigational tools,
  • 00:26particularly for the investigation
  • 00:28of immunological responses
  • 00:30to inflammatory signals.
  • 00:32Thank you very much.
  • 00:54Thank you to the organizers
  • 00:56for having me here today.
  • 00:57I am, As for indicated,
  • 01:00a biomedical engineer, so don't really
  • 01:03see myself in these spaces very often.
  • 01:05So I'm flattered to have been invited and
  • 01:07I hope this is informative to your group.
  • 01:11The work that my lab does really
  • 01:13focuses on the idea that organs,
  • 01:16organoids really require the the aid
  • 01:20of microvasculature specifically to
  • 01:23feed the cells the multicellular.
  • 01:26Constructs within the structures
  • 01:27in order to deliver nutrients,
  • 01:30oxygen, but also when you add
  • 01:32vascular structures into anything,
  • 01:34you increase the multicellular interactions.
  • 01:38We consider the vasculature itself
  • 01:40a multicellular structure and it
  • 01:42increases the complexity of these.
  • 01:45These organisms,
  • 01:46but it's as tissue engineering has developed,
  • 01:50as organoids are continuing
  • 01:51to develop in their systems,
  • 01:53it's clear that an understanding
  • 01:54of the microvascular structure,
  • 01:56in particular its diversity,
  • 01:57the way it grows,
  • 01:59and the way it maintains homeostatic
  • 02:02and converts into a pathological
  • 02:04structure is important to understand.
  • 02:07And so that's what my lab has come to do.
  • 02:09Over over years,
  • 02:10we have us come to appreciate
  • 02:14that the multicellular constructs,
  • 02:16endothelial cells and the parasites
  • 02:18are required for formation of
  • 02:21a healthy vasculature.
  • 02:23So what you see up on the upper right
  • 02:26hand corner is a placental organ where
  • 02:28you can see microvascular structure both.
  • 02:31Let's see.
  • 02:33Longitudinally and transected and
  • 02:35cut in the transverse of supported
  • 02:38within these structures that
  • 02:40we outgrow in order to isolate
  • 02:42a human vascular structures.
  • 02:44You can also see that the structure
  • 02:47of the microvasculature,
  • 02:48and this is in human lung tissue that
  • 02:50we sliced can be is quite apparent.
  • 02:52The individual cells line the
  • 02:53lumen of the vessel.
  • 02:54The parasites are in the outside
  • 02:56of that supporting that structure.
  • 02:58In this auto fluorescent image and
  • 03:00in the second harmonic generated
  • 03:01generation image you can see the
  • 03:04complexity and the support required
  • 03:06of the extracellular matrix,
  • 03:07another component of this complex structure.
  • 03:11And within the actual wall of the
  • 03:13microvasculature is what we consider
  • 03:15a basic called the basement membrane.
  • 03:17It supports the growth of the
  • 03:19endothelial cells and the pericides
  • 03:20within these structures as well.
  • 03:22And so all of these cells again
  • 03:24work together in order to deliver
  • 03:27nutrients support the structure
  • 03:29of full organs are are natural
  • 03:31organs as well as the
  • 03:35as well as organoids that are
  • 03:37now becoming vascularized.
  • 03:40So as an engineer, what we've come
  • 03:41to do is really think about how most
  • 03:44systems rely on biochemical signals
  • 03:46and cell cell interactions that
  • 03:48that are required in these organs.
  • 03:51But there's an increasing appreciation
  • 03:53that the extracellular matrix itself is
  • 03:56essential for promoting self organization
  • 03:58and other cues within the tissue.
  • 04:00In fact, the extracellular matrix
  • 04:02is a reciprocal communicating device
  • 04:05between cells where they inform the
  • 04:08extracellular matrix and cells are
  • 04:10driven to in their functions by the
  • 04:13extracellular matrix themselves.
  • 04:14Is you, you can see here in collagen
  • 04:17gels that we've created dependent
  • 04:19on the structure here,
  • 04:21the fibrillarity of the collagen gel,
  • 04:24whether it's a small thin fiber full
  • 04:26of small pores or a larger fiber,
  • 04:29it really directs the morphology,
  • 04:32but also the phenotypes of the
  • 04:34expression of contractile fibers,
  • 04:36proteins like alphasin, muscle, actin.
  • 04:39Not only do we think about the
  • 04:41architecture of the extracellular
  • 04:42matrix as an informing,
  • 04:44as a tool in informing the structure
  • 04:47and organization of cells,
  • 04:48but we also know that the composition of
  • 04:50the extracellular matrix is important,
  • 04:52and that means the presentation of
  • 04:54specific proteins like collagens,
  • 04:57laminins and pyronectin and the
  • 04:59biomechanics of those structures.
  • 05:01And as an engineer,
  • 05:02again that's really where we focus on
  • 05:05most of our attention is thinking about
  • 05:07how these elements independently and
  • 05:09in concert work to direct cell behavior.
  • 05:14So we first started in my lab a
  • 05:16number of years ago in developing
  • 05:18novel polymers that would allow
  • 05:19that would allow us to invest cells
  • 05:22both 2 dimensionally and three
  • 05:23dimensionally into their structures,
  • 05:25but really with the idea of.
  • 05:26Turning polymers that looks like
  • 05:29non porous flat structures into
  • 05:31something that looked much more
  • 05:33like a basement membrane.
  • 05:35So here what I'm showing you is the
  • 05:37polyethylene glycol in different
  • 05:39molecular weights so changing the
  • 05:41the length of the chain but can
  • 05:43be modified to look more fibrillar
  • 05:44or pour rated much more like a
  • 05:46human extracellular matrix than our
  • 05:48standard polycarbonate transfers that
  • 05:50we use through creation of either
  • 05:54sacrificial crystal structures or.
  • 05:57Salt structures.
  • 05:58What this does is not only gives
  • 06:01us an altered architecture,
  • 06:02but also changes the mechanics
  • 06:04of the environment to be more
  • 06:07replicative of that that a cell
  • 06:09would want to see in tissue.
  • 06:11So the polycarbonate transwell is on the
  • 06:13order of two gigapascals and stiffness,
  • 06:15something like bone.
  • 06:17Whereas the polyethylene glycol
  • 06:18structure can be modified vastly
  • 06:20to be very soft and viscoelastic
  • 06:22and modified to be stiff as well.
  • 06:26And so as I mentioned,
  • 06:27composition is also a key component
  • 06:29of how we understand the structure of
  • 06:32the tissue that supports the cells.
  • 06:35And that can mean that we can
  • 06:36take whole tissue.
  • 06:37So we've taken skin,
  • 06:39lung and other organs,
  • 06:41decellularize them and then reconstitute
  • 06:43the proteins that make up these
  • 06:45tissues within these structures.
  • 06:47You can do that with cell derived proteins.
  • 06:48And so here I'm showing you that
  • 06:50endothelial cells and pericytes.
  • 06:52Can be cultured, decellularized,
  • 06:54their extracellular matrix evaluated,
  • 06:55and then encompassed into
  • 06:58these polymeric structures.
  • 06:59Or we can take peptide sequences that
  • 07:01are very specific for immigrants,
  • 07:03for example adhesive moieties that
  • 07:05could drive cellular function for
  • 07:07investigation or for function.
  • 07:10And as I mentioned,
  • 07:11not just fibrillarity can be modified
  • 07:13in our architecture of the scaffold,
  • 07:15but we also think about pore
  • 07:17diameter or distribution across
  • 07:19these structures so that we can
  • 07:21modify them to look much more like
  • 07:23a specific type of human tissue.
  • 07:25And what I've described to you is
  • 07:27much of the bulk characteristics
  • 07:29of such tissues and we've also
  • 07:32moved forward to thinking about
  • 07:34new methods or additional methods.
  • 07:37To look at the micro environment,
  • 07:40so as we know when we think about the
  • 07:42extracellular matrix or bulk tissue,
  • 07:43we're thinking about a mix
  • 07:44of proteins and a mix of
  • 07:48elements. But if you think about
  • 07:50what the cell actually sees,
  • 07:51it's a single protein,
  • 07:53it's a single fiber for example.
  • 07:56And so by using Electro spinning
  • 07:58techniques here shown here,
  • 08:00we can create scaffolds that allow for
  • 08:03single cell interactions with fibers.
  • 08:06We can make these fibers in a way
  • 08:08that their mechanics are more
  • 08:10replicative of those of human collagen,
  • 08:12for example,
  • 08:13and also modify single fiber so that
  • 08:16they present either these adhesive
  • 08:19moieties or parts of human proteins.
  • 08:25So what I'm going to describe to
  • 08:26you are some experiments that we've
  • 08:28done in both 2 dimensional systems
  • 08:30using these scaffolds as a planer
  • 08:32structures in which endothelial cells
  • 08:33and pericides can be cultured and will
  • 08:36add neural stem cells to these as well.
  • 08:38Or what I'm showing you here is work
  • 08:40by a collaborator, Andre Lechenko,
  • 08:42who you'll be hearing from next that
  • 08:44was published in 2019 that describes
  • 08:47endothelial cell pericide interactions
  • 08:49and how we used his models to further
  • 08:51investigate the role of vascular
  • 08:53cells in contributing to disease.
  • 08:55State. So as I mentioned,
  • 08:58when we're thinking about how to
  • 09:00replicate human microvasculature in vitro,
  • 09:03we're thinking quite a bit about
  • 09:05not just collecting the cells
  • 09:07and putting them into the space,
  • 09:08but also what they're looking
  • 09:10like in these spaces.
  • 09:12So just by simple modification
  • 09:13of the architecture,
  • 09:14what you can see here is that parasites
  • 09:16can look like more stilt formation,
  • 09:18they can have multiple extensions,
  • 09:20they can look elongated or very
  • 09:23rounded and depending on these the
  • 09:26presentation of these fibriller
  • 09:27structures you can also get these
  • 09:30changes in expression and protein.
  • 09:34Even the collagen that so many
  • 09:35of us use in lab can be modified
  • 09:38very simply through changes in
  • 09:40concentration or curing temperature.
  • 09:42So what I'm showing you here is
  • 09:44that whether room temperature or
  • 09:46additional changes in or at different
  • 09:51temperatures and concentrations,
  • 09:53you can alter the fibrillerity and the
  • 09:56density of these collagen fibers that
  • 09:59would subsequently change the way the
  • 10:01cells are responding to these systems.
  • 10:04So what I hope to have given you so far
  • 10:06is the idea that matrix architecture,
  • 10:07composition and mechanics can influence
  • 10:10cells behavior at the single cell level.
  • 10:13So what I'm going to describe to
  • 10:14you now is how we look use these
  • 10:17engineered models to start to
  • 10:18understand better the complexity of
  • 10:20cellular interactions and what that
  • 10:22means for development of disease
  • 10:26and development of therapeutics.
  • 10:27The first story I'm going to tell you
  • 10:30is a little bit about the microvascular
  • 10:32and the role of parasites in fibrosis.
  • 10:38As I mentioned,
  • 10:39human parasites that we've taken
  • 10:41from the placenta were we've
  • 10:44created structures where we could
  • 10:47incorporate into these polymers a
  • 10:49healthy human lung tissue or an IPF
  • 10:54idiopathic pulmonary fibrotic lung.
  • 10:56We've put these into scaffolds
  • 10:58that were either very soft,
  • 10:59so on the order of 1 kilopascal
  • 11:01like a healthy tissue,
  • 11:02or very stiff 20 kilopascals
  • 11:04like that of a fibrotic tissue.
  • 11:06What this did was it enabled us
  • 11:09to determine whether or not the
  • 11:11effect of the protein changes were
  • 11:15sufficient to drive the morphological
  • 11:18changes and the tip changes that
  • 11:21Perry sites often exhibit when
  • 11:23they are in a fibrotic environment.
  • 11:25What we found was it is really
  • 11:27the stiffness of the environment,
  • 11:29not the presence of collagen,
  • 11:30not the presence of laminin,
  • 11:32that drives these phenotypic changes.
  • 11:34So as you can see here,
  • 11:35the parasites extend uniformly when
  • 11:38they're on a stiffer environment,
  • 11:41increasing their alpha smooth methyl actin,
  • 11:44which is also a marker of Myo fibroblastness,
  • 11:47their trends differentiation
  • 11:49into a fibrotic state.
  • 11:52So having confirmed that these
  • 11:53cells were actually able to
  • 11:55respond to the microenvironment,
  • 11:56so mechanical sensing and
  • 11:58we created the system,
  • 11:59we got to talk with our collaborators in
  • 12:03pulmonary medicine about the
  • 12:05occurrence of myofiberblast trans
  • 12:07differentiation in human tissue.
  • 12:09And so Erica Herzog here in pulmonary
  • 12:12medicine helped us to obtain human lung
  • 12:14tissue and in our control you can see
  • 12:17that in these tissues microvasculature
  • 12:19that's N G2 positive of a parasite
  • 12:23marker parasites are abundant in
  • 12:24the lung and they are well aligned
  • 12:27along the the micro vessel actually.
  • 12:30Disassemble and while the parasites,
  • 12:33the N G2 positive cells are
  • 12:35still alive in there,
  • 12:36they're now positive for alpha SMA,
  • 12:38indicating their contribution
  • 12:40to the fibrotic foci,
  • 12:41so contributing to collagen deposition
  • 12:44and changes in the extracellular matrix.
  • 12:47This is the first time anyone has
  • 12:49shown that parasites microvascular
  • 12:50cells could leave the vessel wall
  • 12:52and contribute to the formation
  • 12:54of a disease lesion in human IPF.
  • 12:56And in fact about 15% of the
  • 12:59cells in these lesions were at
  • 13:02G2 positive and LSMA positive.
  • 13:07So as I mentioned when thinking
  • 13:10about these parasites and their
  • 13:12contribution to disease states,
  • 13:14the initiating factor would have to be
  • 13:17departed with their departure from the
  • 13:19vessel wall in about 2007 through 2011,
  • 13:23Boris Hines and Jeremy Duffield
  • 13:25had demonstrated that in in kidney
  • 13:29disease they in kidney disease wrap.
  • 13:32Mouse and rabbit models,
  • 13:34they were able to observe
  • 13:36parasites leaving the vessel wall,
  • 13:37but no one had observed that
  • 13:39of the the human.
  • 13:41And so with the tools made by our
  • 13:44collaborator Andre Luvchenko,
  • 13:46we were able to evaluate the extent to
  • 13:50which parasites would actually depart
  • 13:52the vessel wall after a TGF beta,
  • 13:56transforming growth factor beta stimulus
  • 13:58to move into the interstitial tissue.
  • 14:01What this suggested was that the
  • 14:04same signals that induce fibrosis
  • 14:06in the human lung could actually
  • 14:08induce the initial departure of the
  • 14:10parasite from the vascular wall.
  • 14:14Not only do these parasites leave
  • 14:16the vascular wall and migrate into
  • 14:18the interstitial, but if we put
  • 14:20them onto a human healthy lung and.
  • 14:23We activated them with the TGF beta signal.
  • 14:24We saw a significant deposition of
  • 14:27collagen 1 suggesting that these cells
  • 14:29are in fact depositing extracellular
  • 14:30matrix in a very robust way.
  • 14:33Not only do they deposit new collagen one,
  • 14:35but they also increase their expression
  • 14:37without the SMA confirming that they
  • 14:39actually are trans differentiating
  • 14:41into a mild fibroblast like cell.
  • 14:45What's interesting for us also,
  • 14:46as again at thinking about
  • 14:48the mechanics of the system,
  • 14:49is that where a healthy lung again
  • 14:51is on the order of two kilopascals,
  • 14:54a lung of IPF idiopathic pulmonary
  • 14:56fibrosis is on the order of 25K pascals,
  • 15:00the transformed TGF beta activated lung.
  • 15:04In which the parasites receded is
  • 15:06now on the order of 18 kilopascals.
  • 15:09So these cells were really capable of
  • 15:10not just migrating or get away from
  • 15:12the vessel wall and these constructs,
  • 15:14but now transforming that collagen
  • 15:16based extracellular matrix into a
  • 15:19stiffer and remodeled environment.
  • 15:22We take this information from these
  • 15:25engineered tools and we now go
  • 15:27into humans to understand more and
  • 15:30confirm that these findings are
  • 15:32actually are important for humans.
  • 15:34So this work with Erica Herzog,
  • 15:36we then worked with BI to try
  • 15:38out the tentative therapeutics
  • 15:40that were initially
  • 15:44evaluated for IPF patients,
  • 15:46but now have moved into really thinking
  • 15:49about whether or not these cells
  • 15:52exist in all forms of their process,
  • 15:55their transformation process.
  • 15:58In humans, so with our collaborators,
  • 16:02we have used single cell RNA SEQ
  • 16:05analysis to identify what is now
  • 16:08currently an unclassified cell of
  • 16:11parasite ancestry within the lungs of
  • 16:16interstitial lung disease patients,
  • 16:18IPF patients and other patients that
  • 16:21that present with lung disease.
  • 16:24This novel cell population is
  • 16:26correlated to an increasingly
  • 16:28present in these fibrotic states,
  • 16:31and the unknown population,
  • 16:33again with a parasite ancestry,
  • 16:36seems to localize itself
  • 16:37in perinkable regions,
  • 16:38suggesting that it is migrating away
  • 16:41from the vessel and contributing
  • 16:43to the fibrotic foci.
  • 16:44What is increasingly interesting
  • 16:46though is that what our findings
  • 16:48are suggesting is that these cells
  • 16:51in the intermediate state are also
  • 16:53much more reflective of stem cells.
  • 16:56They are Mick Kayla, 4C D 146 positive.
  • 17:00It's very similar to also 4 positive as
  • 17:06identified by our collaborators at UVA.
  • 17:09So our. Engineered systems
  • 17:11are now helping us inform,
  • 17:13helping to inform us as to how to
  • 17:16evaluate the data from human patients.
  • 17:21So briefly, I'll tell you a little
  • 17:23bit about how we're thinking now about
  • 17:25using the same kind of engineered
  • 17:27extracellular matrix scaffolds
  • 17:30to treat neurological injury.
  • 17:33So as many of you know,
  • 17:34there is a vast complexity
  • 17:36of the neurovascular niche.
  • 17:38It's not completely well understood how the
  • 17:41vasculature contributes to the maturation,
  • 17:44the quiescence and even the
  • 17:46migration of neural stem cells.
  • 17:49In particular,
  • 17:49we know that there is an abundance
  • 17:51of neural stem cells in the
  • 17:53SVZ or the subventricular zone,
  • 17:55and it's been suggested that as
  • 17:58the neural stem cells migrate from
  • 18:00the SVZ to the olfactory mold
  • 18:02through the rostal migratory.
  • 18:03Or a stream.
  • 18:05The the contact with the
  • 18:07vasculature really drives its again,
  • 18:10quiescence,
  • 18:10migration and survival and maturation.
  • 18:13So by taking cues from the work
  • 18:17that had been done historically
  • 18:19in around the neural vascular
  • 18:22niche and neural stem cell
  • 18:26research, we. Ought to try to
  • 18:30develop very specific regions,
  • 18:32regional mimics of the the brain.
  • 18:36What's becomes very
  • 18:37important is as I mentioned,
  • 18:39we typically use in and in tissue
  • 18:42culture things on the order substrates
  • 18:44on the order of two gigapascals,
  • 18:47but when we're working with lung or skin,
  • 18:49we're on the order of about 20 kilopascals.
  • 18:53And brain is much more viscoelastic,
  • 18:56much softer.
  • 18:57So this meant creating new systems that
  • 19:00allowed us to template or mimic in this
  • 19:03case the SPZ much more realistically
  • 19:05with on the with our mechanics on
  • 19:09the order of less than 1000 Pascals.
  • 19:12We also stain tissues of the tissues in
  • 19:15order to determine which compositional
  • 19:18proteins are part of these structures.
  • 19:21And together with that information,
  • 19:22we can incorporate those proteins and into
  • 19:27our templated mimics to represent more
  • 19:30closely specific regions of the roster,
  • 19:32migratory stream SBZ and olfactory bowl.
  • 19:35So what you'll see here is that if
  • 19:37we culture endothelial cells and
  • 19:39parasites with our neural stem cells,
  • 19:41we can start to observe neural
  • 19:44stem cell clustering.
  • 19:45This is a phenomenon that it's
  • 19:47important and required for the
  • 19:49functional migration of the NSC
  • 19:51through the rosto migratory stream.
  • 19:53And in fact the creation of these
  • 19:55tools allows us to observe first
  • 19:57hand the migration of these cells,
  • 19:59observe also their clustering
  • 20:01and chain migration,
  • 20:02but helps us to understand that
  • 20:04in fact it's the endothelial
  • 20:06cells that are driving these NSC.
  • 20:10Clustering functions and we were
  • 20:12able to isolate more specifically
  • 20:14that the secretion of M MP2 from
  • 20:17endothelial cells could allow
  • 20:18for an head hearing cleavage.
  • 20:20That then facilitated this clustering
  • 20:22and chain migration because we
  • 20:25now have a clear understanding of.
  • 20:28What the endothelial cells of these
  • 20:30constructs and what is healthy
  • 20:31for these cells?
  • 20:32We were able to coencapsulate the
  • 20:35endothelial cells and neural stem
  • 20:38cells into a biomimetic of this SPZ
  • 20:40that keeps them quiescent and deliver
  • 20:43those into a brain structure and brain
  • 20:47injury model with our collaborators at.
  • 20:51University of Pittsburgh what we
  • 20:53were able to show is that we could
  • 20:55actually allow these cells to escape
  • 20:57from these constructs and embed and
  • 20:59graph themselves within the brain.
  • 21:01The the stroked region.
  • 21:04So what I hope to have shared with
  • 21:06you is that biomatic scaffolds
  • 21:08can enhance our understanding
  • 21:09of matrix cell interactions and
  • 21:12how they drive cell behavior,
  • 21:14but we can also use cues from these such
  • 21:17models to inform therapeutic development.
  • 21:21Thank you,
  • 21:22and I think all my collaborators
  • 21:23brought their aid in this work.