Beatrix Training: Editing Your Online Profile (for Faculty)
December 15, 2022Information
An in depth look at updating your public-facing profile, including creating a CV, managing your publications, and adding other information to help build your online reputation.
To CiteDCA Citation Guide
- 00:08A few more people are joining,
- 00:10but let's get started here.
- 00:12Thank you all for joining today.
- 00:14We're going to review editing your profile
- 00:19and Beatrix which is the new version of.
- 00:23What was formally called the Profile
- 00:26System and we're going to go over how
- 00:28to edit your profile to update it on
- 00:30the website as well as take advantage
- 00:32of a couple of the other features
- 00:34that were recently introduced prior
- 00:37to the relaunch as vitrix and as well
- 00:41as a few features that are brand new.
- 00:45So. I'm going to get started by
- 00:47sharing my screen here.
- 00:49And just a note,
- 00:50we are recording this just so we can share
- 00:54it with others who can't join us live.
- 00:57Because we have a smaller group today,
- 01:00I'd like to try to go through this
- 01:02relatively quickly and leave lots of
- 01:04time for your questions toward the end.
- 01:06So do feel free to use the chat
- 01:10to send a question.
- 01:12Or I think this is a group that you
- 01:15can feel free to just speak up and
- 01:18interrupt me if you have a question.
- 01:20So we want it.
- 01:21This is the purpose of us being
- 01:23here is to answer your questions.
- 01:24So feel free to stop me.
- 01:27If a question comes up.
- 01:30All right, so First off, to access the
- 01:36system you will visit the
- 01:40We've also redirected the
- 01:44domain that used to lead you to
- 01:47the former version of the system.
- 01:49And after you log in with your net ID,
- 01:51you are going to end up on a
- 01:53screen that looks like this.
- 01:54It probably will not look so
- 01:57much like my view of the screen.
- 02:00What you will definitely see or may see are
- 02:04some publications to review if you have.
- 02:08Recently imported publications, or if
- 02:11you have not had a chance yet to log in,
- 02:15review those publications that were imported.
- 02:17I'll be talking a lot about
- 02:18publications a little bit,
- 02:19so I'm not going to go into that now.
- 02:22If you are someone who is
- 02:24creating news or events,
- 02:25you will see those here.
- 02:27If you've started a news
- 02:29article and finished it,
- 02:31it's going to show up on
- 02:32this dashboard for you.
- 02:33But the reason we're here today
- 02:35is to talk about editing profiles
- 02:37or you're going to want to go.
- 02:38To edit your profile is this people section.
- 02:42And once you click that.
- 02:45If you have access to more
- 02:46than your own profile,
- 02:48you're going to land on a page like this.
- 02:50However,
- 02:50I assume for most faculty you're
- 02:52only gonna have access to your own
- 02:54profile and you'll end up on a page
- 02:57that looks something like this.
- 02:58Ideally with your headshot here and you
- 03:02will be free to start editing your profile.
- 03:05For example purposes here,
- 03:08I'm going to use the same profile I've
- 03:11been using for all these presentations,
- 03:13which is Doctor Grauer's profile.
- 03:15Because he is a very complete
- 03:17profile due to his involvement in OD.
- 03:20So the very first thing I want to point
- 03:23out about the profile is if you don't
- 03:26necessarily have time to do edit,
- 03:28keep this profile up to date yourself.
- 03:30You can designate somebody to
- 03:32edit this profile for you.
- 03:34There are the communications
- 03:36professionals in each department
- 03:38who sometimes take on this task,
- 03:40but for the most part they they
- 03:43don't have the time to manage.
- 03:45Every single profile in their department.
- 03:48So if you have an admin assistant
- 03:52or someone in your.
- 03:54Office that can edit this profile for you.
- 03:56You can right at the top here in this
- 03:59editable by section click add editor
- 04:02and for example if Doctor wanted to
- 04:04grant me access to edit his profile,
- 04:07he could start typing in my name.
- 04:09It'll show up in this list and now I
- 04:11would have access to edit this profile.
- 04:16I'll just, I'm going to skip a
- 04:18little bit to point out that there
- 04:20is a similar looking field down
- 04:21here called your assistance and this
- 04:23very well may be the same people
- 04:25that you want to edit your profile.
- 04:29And the way this works,
- 04:31I just went ahead and removed myself as a
- 04:33profile editor just to demonstrate this.
- 04:35If someone is actually your administrative
- 04:37assistant, it would be great to
- 04:40enter that person in this field.
- 04:42This isn't going to display publicly
- 04:44just on the websites just yet.
- 04:46However, we do plan to add some new
- 04:49contact listing options that will
- 04:51feature this information if you've
- 04:53entered it in your profile and also
- 04:56one of the enhancements for the
- 04:58system we're focused on for next year.
- 05:00Involves reporting capabilities,
- 05:02and it would be really great if we
- 05:05could have the assistance for each
- 05:07faculty member who has one logged
- 05:10in here for reporting purposes.
- 05:12So if I was doctor Grauer's assistant.
- 05:16I could add myself here the same
- 05:18way I did for the profile editor.
- 05:21And when I do this,
- 05:23it'll say it'll prompt me.
- 05:25What I also like to give this is an
- 05:28assistant access to edit your profile.
- 05:30If I say yes,
- 05:31it's going to record me both as
- 05:33an assistant and somebody who
- 05:35can edit this profile.
- 05:36Um, so just wanted to point that out.
- 05:39I'm a few popular fields here,
- 05:42but like I said, I'd like to keep this.
- 05:44A lot of this is just data entry,
- 05:46honestly,
- 05:46so I'm not going to run through
- 05:48how to fill out every single field,
- 05:50but I do want to highlight a few
- 05:53fields that have specific purposes
- 05:55that might not be apparent.
- 05:57The first thing is you will
- 05:59see your name here.
- 06:00This is the name we're
- 06:01importing from work day,
- 06:03the Yale Yale University HR system.
- 06:07If this name is incorrect, please do.
- 06:09Either request an edit,
- 06:11this will create this will
- 06:13generate a message to us,
- 06:15but or you could just contact
- 06:19employee services directly and
- 06:22We want to make sure that your name
- 06:25is incorrect and it's sorry that your
- 06:27name is correct in the Yale system of record.
- 06:29So while you could use these override
- 06:31fields here to make sure your name is
- 06:33correct on your School of Medicine profile,
- 06:35at least if this name isn't right,
- 06:37we really should get it
- 06:39corrected and the yell.
- 06:40System of record.
- 06:42As I alluded to,
- 06:43if you'd like to go by some other name.
- 06:45For example,
- 06:46if Jonathan Grauer went by John Grower,
- 06:48he could update his display first
- 06:51name and that will update his name
- 06:55as it appears on his profile.
- 06:58And on listings, when he,
- 06:59uh,
- 07:00anywhere basically that he appears
- 07:02on,
- 07:02it's going to use this form of his name.
- 07:07Suffixes are another popular topic.
- 07:11There are a few.
- 07:12We categorize suffixes a few things.
- 07:14One is family suffixes is really
- 07:16straightforward if you go by junior.
- 07:18If you're a junior 1/3.
- 07:21You can pick that from here alternatively.
- 07:26There are a preset list of professional
- 07:29suffixes and certifications that
- 07:31you might want to add as a suffix
- 07:33to your profile.
- 07:35To add one of these,
- 07:36you simply select it from the list.
- 07:39And it will be added and it
- 07:41should be reflected on your
- 07:43public facing profile as well.
- 07:45I can resort these suffixes however I'd like.
- 07:50Although I do think we forced the
- 07:52family suffixes to appear first,
- 07:54just because it would be a little odd
- 07:56if it was such and such MD Junior.
- 08:01But the one thing I do want to call
- 08:04attention to are the academic suffixes.
- 08:06These are a little bit more involved because
- 08:09we do want to track the actual degree
- 08:13information about your educational career
- 08:15so we can to back up the degrees that
- 08:18are going to display next to your name.
- 08:21So when I open, when I select academic and I
- 08:24open these suffix options for Doctor Rauer,
- 08:26I only see BS because that is the only other.
- 08:30A degree that he has information
- 08:33for about in his education tab.
- 08:36So I'm going to skip ahead to
- 08:38the Education tab quickly just to
- 08:40demonstrate how this works.
- 08:42I see a list of doctor Grauer's
- 08:45educational history here.
- 08:46If I wanted to add a new suffix to my name,
- 08:49I would first need to add a new
- 08:52degree to back up that information.
- 08:55So let's pretend Doctor Grauer
- 08:58has a degree in audiology.
- 09:03And I would enter in this information.
- 09:06So here I do have to enter an end date.
- 09:08Again, this is just for
- 09:10verification purposes,
- 09:11but you can elect to hide it if
- 09:13you don't want to reveal the date.
- 09:15We're conferred this degree.
- 09:16I can hide that date from display
- 09:19on the website and it will just
- 09:21say that I have this degree.
- 09:23And as long as I fill in
- 09:25these other required fields.
- 09:30Hmm.
- 09:32OK, I'm gonna have to scroll here.
- 09:39Alright.
- 09:42OK, once I do that I can add this degree.
- 09:45And once it's added here,
- 09:47we repeat the suffixes here,
- 09:48just so that they're handy when you're
- 09:51modifying this education information.
- 09:52But this is a.
- 09:53This will update the same way
- 09:55it did in the Overview tab.
- 09:57I can then add a new suffix,
- 09:59click academic.
- 09:59I'm going to see my new
- 10:01degree that I've added here,
- 10:03and I can add it to my list of suffixes.
- 10:07That is how suffixes work.
- 10:11This other information it
- 10:13will appear on your profile.
- 10:15It's standard data entry process.
- 10:18If you have questions about how
- 10:19to fill out this information,
- 10:21please reach out to us.
- 10:22Any question you have about this
- 10:24tool you can always reach out to us
- 10:26either by if you're in the system you
- 10:27can if you've logged in the system,
- 10:29you can click this report a bug button.
- 10:31You don't necessarily have
- 10:32to be reporting a bug.
- 10:33Then you can click this button provide
- 10:36your e-mail providing a subject is
- 10:39helpful just so we know what the.
- 10:41General nature of the issue is
- 10:42and then you can describe it in
- 10:44detail in this message field.
- 10:45This will send us a message and we will
- 10:47get back to you and resolve whatever
- 10:49issue or answer whatever question
- 10:50you have have as soon as we can.
- 10:53Alternatively,
- 10:53you can just you can always
- 10:55e-mail us directly at
- 10:58YS
- 11:00OK, I want to quickly touch on
- 11:04headshots only because nothing much has
- 11:08changed here from the previous system,
- 11:12But one problem we've noticed
- 11:13is that some of the headshots,
- 11:16for whatever reason when they
- 11:18were imported to the new system,
- 11:20don't have are not cropped correctly.
- 11:24This problem does not affect doctor rower,
- 11:25but I have seen this affect
- 11:27a few people's profiles.
- 11:29Right now we don't have a great solution.
- 11:30For this, because there's no way for
- 11:32me to adjust this crop right now.
- 11:34We are working on a way to fix that so
- 11:36we can re crop the images and fix them.
- 11:38Do apologize if you're having
- 11:40an issue with that currently.
- 11:42I'm going to skip to the biography
- 11:44field he biography page here.
- 11:46The very first thing that will appear
- 11:49is your primary slash academic bio.
- 11:51This is a biography that will appear.
- 11:56On your school medicine profile,
- 11:59sort of front and center.
- 12:01That's where, Oops, sorry,
- 12:02didn't mean to click that link.
- 12:04That's where your primary
- 12:05bio is going to appear.
- 12:06But you may say, see a few other
- 12:09kinds of biographies on this page.
- 12:11One of them is an organization
- 12:13specific biography,
- 12:14and you'll notice that you
- 12:15can't edit these directly.
- 12:16You can submit a request to edit them,
- 12:18but you're not able to edit them directly.
- 12:20The reason for that is that these
- 12:23biographies were written for some
- 12:24specific use case on a very specific page,
- 12:26for example.
- 12:28This OP D leadership biography was written,
- 12:32I think by Doctor Brauer for so long
- 12:36with this profile as it appears on LAPD,
- 12:39simply because rather than
- 12:40showing his academic bio,
- 12:42he wanted to talk about
- 12:44his work specific to a PD.
- 12:46So that's the point of these profiles.
- 12:48It's not of these biographies,
- 12:50it's not necessarily apparent where
- 12:52this might appear on the website,
- 12:54so we just wanted to make sure that.
- 12:57We get the editorial sort of input
- 12:59here to make sure any updates
- 13:01that are made are going to make
- 13:04sense in the context of where that
- 13:06biography is actually appearing.
- 13:08If you want some change to these
- 13:10biographies to click this request edit
- 13:12button very similar to the report a bug,
- 13:14it'll just open up this form.
- 13:16You can actually it'll prepopulate.
- 13:18The field with the current biography.
- 13:20You can edit the biography right here,
- 13:23or you can just describe what
- 13:25you would like amended instead
- 13:27of directly editing it.
- 13:30Um. You may also see in your profile
- 13:35Y in patient Care biography and
- 13:37this also is not directly editable.
- 13:39This is a biography that is created
- 13:42by the Yale Medicine editorial team.
- 13:45Again, they will work with you.
- 13:48If there is something that needs
- 13:49to change in this biography,
- 13:51please just reach out to them by
- 13:53contacting this e-mail address
- 13:54that's listed right here and
- 13:55they can update your you know,
- 13:57medicine biography as needed. Umm.
- 14:01With that, on that same topic,
- 14:04I'm going to skip ahead to
- 14:06the Patient care tab.
- 14:07If you are a specialist who is seeing
- 14:10patients through Yale Medicine,
- 14:13this is going to be a very
- 14:15important page to make sure it's
- 14:17configured properly and I think
- 14:19Denise Meyer and our communication.
- 14:21Steam is gonna be sharing a link to
- 14:22the chat shortly with some detailed
- 14:24information about how to update this.
- 14:26I'm going to talk about a few of
- 14:28these items really briefly here,
- 14:30First off.
- 14:34Are these expert?
- 14:59Come back. Very sorry,
- 15:01I just briefly lost my
- 15:03network connection there.
- 15:05It's a little odd.
- 15:06Hopefully it doesn't happen again.
- 15:09You're making us feel very comfortable
- 15:11when you have these kinds of problems
- 15:12and not feeling so inadequate that.
- 15:15Thank you for doing that.
- 15:17You're welcome anytime.
- 15:18Yeah, it's a little concerning that I'm
- 15:21in our office and the network's not
- 15:24functioning anyway, sorry about that.
- 15:26So these expertise in areas of specialization
- 15:29right now on the Yale Medicine site,
- 15:32specialists are associated with
- 15:34conditions that appear on the
- 15:36site via an AI algorithm, that is.
- 15:39Actually, looking at, um,
- 15:41the ICD and CPT codes that are
- 15:43used for billing purposes,
- 15:45we're literally just looking at which
- 15:48specialists are building against which codes.
- 15:50We're not looking at any kind
- 15:52of patient information.
- 15:53We're just trying to get some
- 15:55idea without manual input of the
- 15:58kinds of work that you are doing.
- 16:00However, as you can imagine,
- 16:02that's not always going to
- 16:04give an accurate picture.
- 16:05Of your specializations or
- 16:08your practice as a whole.
- 16:11So we've provided these fields
- 16:13that allow you to sort of override.
- 16:16Not completely override,
- 16:18but modify, I should say,
- 16:20the relationships between your
- 16:21profile and the content that
- 16:24appears on Yale Medicine.
- 16:25This first list condition conditions,
- 16:28treatments and procedures in
- 16:30which you super specialize.
- 16:31This is an important one,
- 16:32especially if you are treating
- 16:35some kind of condition that's
- 16:36very rare and it might you might
- 16:38not get all that many patients.
- 16:40So it's obviously not going to appear
- 16:42all that often in your billing codes.
- 16:45So in that case,
- 16:46you want to make sure that you
- 16:49add whatever rare condition or
- 16:50procedure that you're performing,
- 16:52treating or performing and add
- 16:55the appropriate.
- 16:56Keyword for that specialty
- 16:58if you do not see it in.
- 17:04I mean, heart, this is probably not
- 17:06the best search for rare disease. Well.
- 17:08There certainly could be something here.
- 17:10Anyway, if you do not see whatever
- 17:13condition or procedure you're looking
- 17:15for in this prepopulated list,
- 17:17please reach out to us by clicking
- 17:19this suggest new clinical keyword
- 17:21and you can simply tell us what
- 17:24the specialty is that's missing.
- 17:26Hopefully it is in our system and
- 17:28just going by some other name that
- 17:30maybe we need to add as a synonym,
- 17:32but it it is possible that we're not
- 17:35capturing every single specialty here,
- 17:36so please do use that if you're
- 17:38not seeing what you expect to see.
- 17:40Similarly, uh,
- 17:41how do you want to build your practice?
- 17:43This is a separate list,
- 17:44but it's a very similar purpose.
- 17:46If there is some procedure that you would
- 17:50like to specialize or perform more often,
- 17:54but you maybe haven't actually
- 17:56performed it all that much yet,
- 17:57it's obviously not.
- 17:58You're not going to be strongly associated
- 18:01with whatever that procedure is.
- 18:02So similarly, if there is some way
- 18:04you're trying to build your practice,
- 18:06you should add the relevant words here.
- 18:10Umm. And then these are a little easier.
- 18:14These patient interactions on these
- 18:16yes or no questions are very important
- 18:18for how your profile is presented
- 18:20on the Yale Medicine website.
- 18:23People because if.
- 18:24You see patients by appointment.
- 18:27We want to make sure that we're providing
- 18:29information for them to contact you.
- 18:30If you are a pathologist who is
- 18:32never going to have an appointment
- 18:34directly with a patient,
- 18:35then we don't want to make it seem like
- 18:38somebody could make an appointment with you.
- 18:40So this is pretty straightforward.
- 18:42There is a bit more information on
- 18:44that link that Denise shared with you
- 18:45about how to fill out these fields,
- 18:47but I I think they're
- 18:49relatively straightforward.
- 18:53Also, you will see a list of articles that
- 18:56are appear on the L Medicine site that
- 18:58you are currently associated with. Umm.
- 19:01Obviously the algorithm is not perfect,
- 19:04so if you find that you are associated
- 19:06with an article that doesn't really
- 19:07belong and you don't think you
- 19:09should be appearing on that article,
- 19:11you can use this toggle right here to
- 19:15to hide yourself from that article.
- 19:17It does help us improve the algorithm
- 19:19if you can give us.
- 19:21A reason why you don't want, hopefully.
- 19:24I think the reason will likely
- 19:25be in this list, but if not,
- 19:28please let us know why.
- 19:30That will allow you to prevent
- 19:33yourself from appearing on that. Call.
- 19:37Um, I'm going to go ahead. You know,
- 19:40I'll touch on research very quickly here.
- 19:43The research tab, uh,
- 19:44sort of similar to the bio,
- 19:46we have a brief research summary
- 19:49when you what you can.
- 19:51Ideally, this field would be
- 19:52sort of in layman's terms,
- 19:54or as close to layman's terms as
- 19:56you can get a description of your
- 19:58research and as the title implies,
- 20:00brief.
- 20:00And then we also provide a second field
- 20:02for an extensive description where you
- 20:04can really get into the nitty gritty
- 20:07of the kinds of work that you're doing.
- 20:09Um.
- 20:11The medical subject headings are these
- 20:14research interests keywords here?
- 20:16These are.
- 20:19When you select these keywords,
- 20:20this is actually really important for the
- 20:25directory of faculty research interests.
- 20:27That is a site that the
- 20:29students are directed to.
- 20:30The Med students are directed to each
- 20:33year to identify faculty who might
- 20:35be appropriate mentors for them.
- 20:38And I'll just, I'll try to.
- 20:40Let me just demonstrate the
- 20:42site in case you're not.
- 20:44Familiar with it.
- 20:46So you can see how this works.
- 20:49Apologize,
- 20:49I should have loaded this up in advance.
- 20:53Um,
- 20:53so on this website.
- 20:56We have there are a few ways you
- 20:58can slice and dice this data,
- 21:00but we have a list of keywords that
- 21:04some at least one faculty member
- 21:06at the school has indicated that
- 21:08they are interested in researching.
- 21:10If I click one of these word keywords
- 21:13and I'd like to pick one that maybe
- 21:16has several people associated with it.
- 21:21I will see a list of the Faculty of indicated
- 21:25they are interested in this kind of research.
- 21:28I can that from there, it's kind of cool
- 21:30that they can continue continue to browse.
- 21:32We're going to expose all of the research
- 21:34interests for each of these faculty members,
- 21:36so if they see some related keyword
- 21:37that there may be also interested in,
- 21:39they can select that and continue to browse.
- 21:43We also serve a slightly modified
- 21:45version of your profile here that
- 21:48emphasizes the research a bit more.
- 21:50And one thing we add here that
- 21:53doesn't appear on normally on your
- 21:55profile are a list of co-authors.
- 21:58If we have identified that you
- 22:00have Co written a paper publication
- 22:02with another ESL faculty member,
- 22:04they will be linked here.
- 22:06So it's just a handy way for.
- 22:09Just for students to see who at the
- 22:13school is researching similar topics.
- 22:16Anyway, that is the reason
- 22:18for selecting these keywords.
- 22:19We do hope.
- 22:20I don't have a timeline for this.
- 22:22We do hope in the future to move to
- 22:24a sort of AI model similar to what
- 22:27we're doing with Yale Medicine,
- 22:28to apply these keywords automatically to each
- 22:32profile based on primarily your publications,
- 22:35which I'll get to in a second.
- 22:38But for now it is this sort
- 22:42of manual process.
- 22:43We will try to improve it soon.
- 22:45Lastly,
- 22:46I want to quickly mention research images.
- 22:49We found that this category is
- 22:52just a little too specific.
- 22:54Lots of faculty have media that
- 22:55they'd like to share on their profile,
- 22:57and it's not always research images.
- 23:00We're not going to get rid of this field,
- 23:01but we are going to move it
- 23:04somewhere else into a more generic.
- 23:06Related media bucket that you can
- 23:08then upload whatever you'd like.
- 23:09It'll display your profile.
- 23:11Make it a little simpler and less
- 23:12specific so we're not having tons of
- 23:15different lists of types of media on
- 23:17your profile, so please do use this.
- 23:19If you add something here before
- 23:22we make that change,
- 23:23it will move over to our related media
- 23:27section when that change happens.
- 23:31OK, publications.
- 23:31Umm,
- 23:32imagine we might have some questions here.
- 23:35We this is a new method that we
- 23:39have launched with Beatrix.
- 23:42We are matching publications
- 23:44to faculty using dimensions AI,
- 23:46which is a third party tool.
- 23:48Again,
- 23:49it's using AI to match authors
- 23:52to specific publications.
- 23:54Generally we have found it is very accurate,
- 23:59but we do still ask that you approve.
- 24:01These publications,
- 24:02just to be certain before they
- 24:04actually appear on your profile.
- 24:06Hopefully you don't have hundreds,
- 24:08but you may if you've never
- 24:09looked at this before,
- 24:10which obviously since it's new,
- 24:11many of us haven't.
- 24:14So.
- 24:15If you have pending publications that have
- 24:18been imported from a dimensions profile,
- 24:20you will get an e-mail about it and
- 24:22when you get that e-mail it will
- 24:25link you directly to this page.
- 24:27And to approve or reject these publications,
- 24:31you can simply go through this list,
- 24:33verify it is your publication,
- 24:36and accept it if it is, if it is not.
- 24:40This one looks like it probably is,
- 24:42but I'm oh, I should have
- 24:44mentioned this much earlier.
- 24:45I am currently in the development
- 24:47environment for the system,
- 24:49so I'm not actually changing
- 24:51the doctor's profile right now.
- 24:53So none of this is going to
- 24:55be reflected on the website.
- 24:57If it wasn't a publication I that
- 24:59belongs to me, I could reject it.
- 25:02We are working.
- 25:03I realize this is a big pain if you
- 25:05have dozens or hundreds of publications.
- 25:08Here we are.
- 25:09Working to add a multi select function
- 25:11to this table soon so that you
- 25:13could simply go through the list,
- 25:15check off all the boxes and then
- 25:16approve or reject everything at once,
- 25:18which would be a little easier than clicking,
- 25:20getting the message, clicking,
- 25:22getting the message again.
- 25:23So we're trying to stream that
- 25:25streamline that a bit for you.
- 25:27One additional note here is dimensions
- 25:31in general is very accurate.
- 25:33If you find that you are rejecting lots
- 25:36of publications, I would say more than.
- 25:39Five or even maybe 2% of your publications.
- 25:43If you're having to reject more than
- 25:45a couple publications here and there,
- 25:47the problem is likely the profiles
- 25:49in dimensions that we've associated
- 25:51with with you.
- 25:53It may be that they're just
- 25:54incorrect and we need to fix them.
- 25:56So if you see lots and lots of incorrect
- 25:58publications that you have to reject,
- 26:00please don't go through the exercise
- 26:02of rejecting all these publications.
- 26:04The real fix is to get in touch with us.
- 26:07You can click this link to
- 26:09e-mail wise Sunday editor.
- 26:10Again, you could use report a bug.
- 26:11We also have this don't see your
- 26:14publications button here that will
- 26:16prompt an e-mail to us and we're
- 26:19actually this isn't in place right now,
- 26:22but because we've had this issue
- 26:25with a few users already where
- 26:27they spend a lot of time rejecting
- 26:29publications when really we just
- 26:31need to update their profiles.
- 26:33We are soon going to be adding
- 26:35in live logic that if you start
- 26:37rejecting a lot of publications,
- 26:38we're going to prompt you to contact us.
- 26:40We just don't want people spending
- 26:42tons and tons of time rejecting
- 26:45publications that don't belong to them,
- 26:47when really we just need to fix the
- 26:49profile so that those don't appear at all.
- 26:52And that your results will be accurate
- 26:54going forward more importantly?
- 26:56Um.
- 26:58Do we have any questions about publications?
- 27:00I know that there were a bunch
- 27:01of issues with this at launch.
- 27:03We've tried to resolve a lot of them,
- 27:04but if there are questions,
- 27:06please do feel free to ask.
- 27:09I I
- 27:10actually have a question.
- 27:11This is Darren. David, could you
- 27:12scroll back up for one second?
- 27:14Sure. I had a quick.
- 27:16Thank you very much. I had a question,
- 27:19could you go all the way up because I.
- 27:22OK. So I'm not seeing it here where it
- 27:24says public view versus not public view.
- 27:26I think I saw that and and I tried
- 27:29to change that on mine and I
- 27:30didn't know and then everything
- 27:32was still populating on my.
- 27:36Like when I then went in
- 27:37and looked at my profile,
- 27:38even if I turned public view off.
- 27:39So I don't know what that is exactly.
- 27:42So you understood it correctly.
- 27:45It sounds like we one issue we have been
- 27:47having since the new system launched that
- 27:49we've been trying to address is that changes
- 27:52made in the system are not reflecting
- 27:54the website as quickly as they should be.
- 27:56Generally when you're right,
- 27:58when you change a value from here from
- 28:01public to this lock icon, the red icon it is,
- 28:04it should be hidden from your public profile.
- 28:07Um, generally that should happen
- 28:09with within 5 minutes or less,
- 28:11but there is some bug that is preventing it
- 28:14from updating immediately on the website,
- 28:17so I apologize for the inconvenience,
- 28:20but that is what that option is for.
- 28:22If you set this toggle to private,
- 28:25then it should no longer
- 28:27display on your profile.
- 28:29If you do see that your profile
- 28:31isn't updating immediately,
- 28:32we we are aware of this issue,
- 28:34but it helps to know if somebody is
- 28:36actively experiencing the problem.
- 28:37So again,
- 28:38if you're experiencing that issue where
- 28:40you're making updates to your profile,
- 28:41you've waited the five minutes,
- 28:43and you're still not seeing
- 28:44it on the website,
- 28:45please let us know and we can
- 28:46use that as an example to try to
- 28:48investigate this issue further.
- 28:49I do apologize for that.
- 28:51No problem. Thank you for for
- 28:52clarifying what that is. I appreciate
- 28:54it. Sure. Thank you.
- 28:55I should also mention in this,
- 28:57so the reason why this public private
- 29:01toggle did not show up is because
- 29:03I was looking at the pending list.
- 29:05This will only show up once I'm looking at
- 29:07the publications I've already accepted.
- 29:09Pending publications will
- 29:10never appear on your profile,
- 29:12only those that you have accepted well.
- 29:13And even on top of that,
- 29:15we do want you.
- 29:17That's an important distinction.
- 29:19You might see a publication
- 29:21in this list that is yours,
- 29:22but you don't want to display on the profile.
- 29:25Please accept it anyway.
- 29:26But then you can hide it using this toggle.
- 29:29We just want to make sure we have an accurate
- 29:31list of your publications in the system,
- 29:33even if you don't want it
- 29:34to display on the website.
- 29:36Mark, can I ask you a quick question?
- 29:37This is Larry Villano. Thanks for your.
- 29:39You're being very clear.
- 29:40Thank you.
- 29:41My question is,
- 29:43I'm one of those negligent people
- 29:44who hasn't done this for a while,
- 29:45and the people around me are just
- 29:47so overwhelmed that, you know,
- 29:49they say,
- 29:48I'll help you. I'll help you. But
- 29:50it's it's really hard to get to can we
- 29:52do this part part way, you know and
- 29:54not sit down for you know, 60 hours to
- 29:57go through everything. Yeah.
- 30:00And and then just stop and
- 30:01then come back to it later.
- 30:02You totally can do that.
- 30:03You totally. OK. Thank you. Do that.
- 30:05We're also I realize we've been
- 30:08annoying annoying you a lot.
- 30:09The people who have not received
- 30:11your publications yet because you're
- 30:12receiving an e-mail every single day.
- 30:14Another every single work
- 30:17day at least weekday.
- 30:18We are working to add some.
- 30:20Customization options to that so that
- 30:22maybe you don't get an e-mail every
- 30:23single day and maybe you get it once a week.
- 30:26We don't want to really turn them off
- 30:27entirely because I'm worried that
- 30:28people are going to forget about them.
- 30:29But bugging people every single day
- 30:31does seem to kind of be overkill.
- 30:34So that we're not clogging up your inboxes.
- 30:37We are going to add some
- 30:39notification settings options,
- 30:40but you can certainly just
- 30:42do this as you have time.
- 30:44Go through even a dozen at a time.
- 30:48Accept or reject.
- 30:49It's going to save your work.
- 30:50The publications that you accept
- 30:52are going to start showing up in
- 30:53your profile and you can come
- 30:55back later and finish.
- 30:56You definitely do not have
- 30:57to do it all in one go.
- 30:58Thank you.
- 31:00The other thing I wanted to mention the
- 31:02last bit here is what I'm looking at.
- 31:04These accepted publications that
- 31:06I've already confirmed as my own.
- 31:09I can also feature some of these
- 31:12publications.
- 31:13All this does is it's going to force.
- 31:15By default,
- 31:16all of your publications will
- 31:18display most recent to furthest
- 31:20in the past at the bottom.
- 31:22You can override that order by featuring
- 31:26these publications so I could feature a few.
- 31:29We'll pretend those are my most important.
- 31:32And then in this feature tab,
- 31:34if I want these disappear
- 31:35in some particular order,
- 31:36I can hover over these dots here to
- 31:39drag and drop these and order I'd like.
- 31:42Currently this is limited to five,
- 31:45but we realize that five publications
- 31:47might be a little too difficult to
- 31:50choose just five if you have several 100.
- 31:53So we are going to bump this up to 20.
- 31:54We don't want to bump it up to
- 31:57unlimited because we actually
- 31:58in the previous system had some
- 32:00users who were featuring.
- 32:02Hundreds of publications,
- 32:03which sort of defeats the purpose
- 32:06of featuring them at all.
- 32:07So we are going to bump up this
- 32:09limit to 20 soon if you're having
- 32:11a tough time picking just five.
- 32:15Um. This. I'm going to go over a couple
- 32:21of other things really quickly and then I
- 32:22would really like to get to the CV builder.
- 32:24So let me just touch on these other tabs
- 32:27here because actually most of the the pages
- 32:30I'm skipping over are really tightly are
- 32:33very important to the CD builder itself.
- 32:36If you click on news,
- 32:38the news tab within your profile,
- 32:39the news page I should
- 32:41say within your profile,
- 32:42you will get a list of news articles
- 32:44that are submitted by folks at Yale
- 32:47that mention that you are tagging.
- 32:50Um, if for whatever reason you
- 32:52don't think you should be associated
- 32:54with one of these articles,
- 32:56maybe you have somebody just
- 32:58tagged the wrong person.
- 33:00You can remove yourself by clicking
- 33:01this little trash can icon icon here.
- 33:03That will remove your association
- 33:05with this article,
- 33:06and you should no longer appear as
- 33:08associated with that article on the website.
- 33:10Very similarly events.
- 33:13Will appear if the events that you are
- 33:16tagged in in some way will appear here.
- 33:19Whether you're the contact or a speaker,
- 33:22those events will appear here.
- 33:25You can also remove yourself
- 33:27from those if it's appropriate
- 33:29by clicking that trash can icon.
- 33:32At this point.
- 33:33I'm going to jump over to the CV builder.
- 33:37Um,
- 33:37this was available in profile system,
- 33:40though it was closer to the end
- 33:43of the profile system lifecycle.
- 33:46But what the CV builder does is it
- 33:49allows you to create a actual CV
- 33:52document in at the Yale format or the
- 33:55Yale Appointments and promotions format
- 33:58based on all the data in your profile.
- 34:01So if I go to the CV builder, I create new.
- 34:05I could create either my, uh,
- 34:08this is an important distinction.
- 34:09So there are really only two formats here.
- 34:12We have the appointments and promotions
- 34:14format and the standard Yale format.
- 34:16You'll also see this option Yale public CV.
- 34:19The only difference between public CV and
- 34:21Yale CV is that if I choose this option,
- 34:25when I get to the last step of
- 34:27the process and I generate my CV,
- 34:29it's also going to appear on my profile.
- 34:32So if you just want the document for
- 34:35your own purposes, select Yale CV.
- 34:37If you want to create the CV document and
- 34:40also post a link to it on your profile,
- 34:43then you select Yale public CV.
- 34:47I'll just go ahead and do that.
- 34:49So when I start generating the CV,
- 34:52it's going to start me through the step
- 34:56by step process where I need to select.
- 34:59Basically from all of the information
- 35:02I've entered into my profile
- 35:03what I want to use for my CV.
- 35:06So very basically I've got to
- 35:08select my contacts address,
- 35:09my contact number, the school.
- 35:13I'll continue on to the next step
- 35:16where it shows my career information.
- 35:19Obviously if you already filled
- 35:21out your profile.
- 35:22This could be a very quick process
- 35:23of just choosing what information
- 35:25I would like to show or hide on
- 35:27the CV. Importantly,
- 35:28these toggles here will not affect what
- 35:32information appears on your website profile.
- 35:35This is only going to affect what
- 35:37appears or does not appear in the CV
- 35:39document that's generated here. Umm.
- 35:41You can go through and fill out your
- 35:45CV this way and like the publications,
- 35:48it'll save all your work as you're going
- 35:50and you can come back to it later.
- 35:52But I do think it would take quite a
- 35:54while if you had had never updated your
- 35:57profile before to go through this process
- 35:59and add everything to generate the CV.
- 36:03I'll talk about that a little bit
- 36:04more in a few, but for now I'll just
- 36:07finish this generation process.
- 36:09Can I ask you a question while
- 36:11you're doing this?
- 36:12Already, you know, have a million CV's,
- 36:15including Yale, part one and Part 2.
- 36:17You know, they take
- 36:18forever for, you know,
- 36:19every five years now we do them,
- 36:21you know, for advanced people.
- 36:24Can we use any of that stuff or is
- 36:26it better to do it just this way?
- 36:28So the the do you know what I'm asking?
- 36:32I I do know what you're asking.
- 36:33The topic is going to get to in a minute,
- 36:35but I'll just talk about it now.
- 36:36Is that one feature we do not have yet
- 36:38but we are hopefully going to have.
- 36:41I'm hoping by the summer I really it's hard
- 36:44to give a timeline at this point because
- 36:46they're not that close to completion yet.
- 36:47But as a CV importing tool,
- 36:50so that we could take your CV that
- 36:52is already in one of these formats,
- 36:54you can simply take that electronic document,
- 36:57digital document,
- 36:58upload it to this tool and it'll
- 37:01guide you through a similar process.
- 37:03But. It will be sort of the reverse.
- 37:05We're going to scan that CV for
- 37:07all this data,
- 37:08try to associate it with
- 37:09the appropriate fields,
- 37:10and then the process to fill in your
- 37:14profile with data from the CV would
- 37:17simply be approving or editing and then
- 37:20approving data as it's pulled from your CV.
- 37:24OK, I understand.
- 37:24And you know we have two that are required,
- 37:27right,
- 37:28for reappointment.
- 37:29There's one with percent efforts and all
- 37:31these justifications and then another CB.
- 37:34So part one and Part 2,
- 37:36I believe that's all captured here.
- 37:38CV Builder is not my personal
- 37:40bread and butter,
- 37:42but I do know that Andrew Minatore
- 37:44in our office who has been really
- 37:47spearheading this project has been working
- 37:49closely with Doctor Rauer on all of this.
- 37:52John, I can quick comment on if it's.
- 37:53OK. Ohh, sure.
- 37:54Go ahead. Alright.
- 37:55John grower here from OD.
- 37:58Yeah,
- 37:59so CV one,
- 38:00there were a few tweaks that
- 38:01Beatrix is going to solve that
- 38:03we've had limitations with profiles.
- 38:05So we're going through and putting those
- 38:06in and working closely with Anju on that.
- 38:09As soon as we get that cleaned up,
- 38:10we're gonna move on to put a CV2 builder in.
- 38:13It's not clear yet what the relationship
- 38:15between CB1 and two builder and
- 38:17fpac would be because for those of
- 38:19you who have been part of FDIC,
- 38:21there's a lot of overlap there
- 38:22that shouldn't be.
- 38:23Again,
- 38:23the goal is to make.
- 38:24One place to put your information
- 38:26and have this together,
- 38:27but CB2 is builder is kinda Next
- 38:30up after we finished the Beatrix
- 38:33Twix tweaks for CV1 builder.
- 38:36Thank you.
- 38:39Doctor Grauer, sorry to put you on the spot,
- 38:41but we actually just got a question
- 38:43in the chat about can the CV listed
- 38:46in the profile be pulled by EU Reg?
- 38:49I'm not sure what ereg or ereg is.
- 38:52Are you familiar with that tool E Reg?
- 38:55I think. No. OK.
- 38:59Meg is a a tool that is being
- 39:02used right now by Weiss CI.
- 39:04It holds all of the regulatory
- 39:07documents for research.
- 39:08One of the one of the key
- 39:10pieces of ereg is the CV and it
- 39:14has to be updated regularly.
- 39:17And so I was wondering if you
- 39:19already have it where it's showing
- 39:22up in your in your profile,
- 39:24could that just be pulled by the ereg
- 39:27and there's other things that appear in.
- 39:29Ereg that could easily overlap
- 39:31with what Beatrix is doing
- 39:34and when it's. I'll have to reach out
- 39:36to YC and get some more information,
- 39:38but when you're, Umm,
- 39:40updating the CV in ereg, is that.
- 39:43Is it just a PDF document
- 39:45or is it in some specific?
- 39:48It usually it's just a PDF document
- 39:52and it has the the persons signed it,
- 39:56whether it be digitally in ereg,
- 39:59but it has to be signed and dated
- 40:01so that it's considered kind of
- 40:03like the most up-to-date CV and
- 40:06that's because it's for NIH,
- 40:07for FDA and for other regulatory bodies.
- 40:12This is part of what you need in your
- 40:15regulatory documents to to conduct research.
- 40:18OK, so that integration definitely
- 40:20does not exist right now.
- 40:22However, when I finish this process,
- 40:25I'm going to generate a PDF.
- 40:29And we could pull that into OK,
- 40:30right. So you you could at least pull
- 40:32that in there would be the manual step
- 40:34at the end to get it signed and verified
- 40:36as necessary and then upload it to erag.
- 40:39But it could certainly make
- 40:40that process easier.
- 40:41If what you need is an updated PDF,
- 40:43I can reach out to them and see if
- 40:45it's possible that we could make
- 40:47some kind of automatic poll so
- 40:48you could just check off a box and
- 40:50it will also submit it to ereg.
- 40:52But it sounds like there might be
- 40:54some the manual step to sign it,
- 40:56I'm not sure.
- 40:58Have to look into it.
- 40:59I'll get some more information from YC.
- 41:01I thank you.
- 41:02It should at least make it easier
- 41:03because you will get that PDF
- 41:04at the end of this process.
- 41:09I'm actually going to go ahead and skip
- 41:10to that and then we could just talk
- 41:12about more questions that we have them.
- 41:14So the very last step of this
- 41:16process is to generate the CV.
- 41:19Because I chose public CV,
- 41:21it's going to generate and
- 41:23publish this to my profile,
- 41:24well to doctor growers profile.
- 41:27So first I will preview what I've created.
- 41:32This does take a little bit.
- 41:35We're working to speed up this
- 41:37process as well because it does take
- 41:39a couple minutes for it to process
- 41:41and actually generate the document.
- 41:43I went ahead and uploaded it,
- 41:45loaded this earlier.
- 41:46You will end up with a preview
- 41:48that looks something like this.
- 41:50And this is the CV that's generated
- 41:53from all of Doctor Grauers
- 41:56Bitrex profile information.
- 42:01So you could download this document
- 42:04right here. It will be stored
- 42:07as associated with your profile.
- 42:08You can update it at a later date if
- 42:10you'd like and generate a new version.
- 42:12And again you can choose whether or not
- 42:15to publish it also to your profile or just
- 42:18to get the document that you need to.
- 42:21For ereg or ereg or for whatever else,
- 42:23you might need your CV 4. Umm.
- 42:29I guess that's really all I
- 42:31wanted to make sure we covered
- 42:33if there were more questions.
- 42:35I would love to get hear those and
- 42:37answer those now if you have them.
- 42:40Mark Harvey climbing here,
- 42:41could you just go back to the last
- 42:43thing I was just playing with
- 42:45creating a CV how if you don't want
- 42:47it to be shown you know to anybody
- 42:49else how do you actually turn.
- 42:50I can't find how you turn that off.
- 42:53So it's this very first step when
- 42:56I'm creating the CD, the CD type,
- 42:59if I select just Yale CV one that
- 43:02will create just create the document.
- 43:04It's only going to be viewable to me in
- 43:07Beatrix if I select Yale public CV one.
- 43:10That is going to publish it to your profile.
- 43:13OK, so if I choose the first one,
- 43:15it won't be public, then appointments
- 43:17and promotions will not never be public.
- 43:20OK. Thank you.
- 43:22I had another general question.
- 43:25Go ahead.
- 43:25OK.
- 43:26So one of the things that's always
- 43:28been difficult for me in the
- 43:29profile system was adding students,
- 43:31Yale undergraduates.
- 43:32I mean, like,
- 43:33adding collaborators as faculty is so easy.
- 43:36You just put their net ID in
- 43:38and it just populates them as
- 43:40collaborators under your faculty tab.
- 43:43And then someone said that they were
- 43:45going to fix that in this version.
- 43:47What is the way to,
- 43:49you know,
- 43:49because I have undergraduates
- 43:50coming in and out of my lab all the time.
- 43:52I'd like to keep that.
- 43:52Updated do we have we fixed that
- 43:55issue for in this system.
- 43:58Don't think this is fixed only because
- 44:00it's not really a technological issue.
- 44:02It's more of a.
- 44:06Operational issue in that we just do
- 44:10not import student data by default.
- 44:13We would have to start importing
- 44:15all that information.
- 44:19About the students by default,
- 44:20and we've just been reluctant to do
- 44:22that even though we do have lots
- 44:25of information that doesn't display
- 44:26on the websites in the system.
- 44:28It was just always sort of a privacy concern.
- 44:30If we start pulling in
- 44:33data about undergraduates,
- 44:34it honestly would not be difficult
- 44:36for us to start pulling them in.
- 44:39But it's more of a privacy concern
- 44:42than a technological concern.
- 44:44So let me take that back.
- 44:45I'm sorry that didn't make it
- 44:47into the launch, but. Um.
- 44:52Well, I can just say Liz has been
- 44:54super helpful. Thank you, Liz.
- 44:55And whenever I've given her
- 44:57and that idea she's created,
- 44:58she's created it for me.
- 45:00But I just was curious,
- 45:01I like to do things myself.
- 45:02So I was just curious if that
- 45:04was going to yeah, I understand.
- 45:05I I think we are leaning toward that
- 45:08option honestly mostly because more
- 45:10recently we've been getting lots of
- 45:12requests from students to turn them
- 45:14on so that they can get their web
- 45:16profile to appear on the medicine website,
- 45:18which they like.
- 45:19So I I think we are going to look into that.
- 45:22But it it,
- 45:24it would be a relatively
- 45:26easy update technology wise.
- 45:28It's more of the legal and privacy
- 45:30issues that we need to make sure we get
- 45:33cleared from HR before we start doing
- 45:35that or I'm not even sure it would be HR.
- 45:38Thank you, regulatory body.
- 45:39Yeah.
- 45:40So we will focus on that issue.
- 45:42Thank you for bringing it up.
- 45:44I see another question from Doctor Mecca.
- 45:49Hi, it's Marsha.
- 45:52So thanks for doing this presentation.
- 45:54I just wanted to make sure
- 45:57I understood that this so,
- 45:59so I have previously edited in
- 46:03the Yale profile system like
- 46:05adding these things to that,
- 46:07so it sounds like Beatrix
- 46:09even to the Yale profile.
- 46:11So does it go backwards like does the Yale
- 46:14profile stuff that I've entered before?
- 46:16Will that be populated and any attract?
- 46:20Unclear.
- 46:21So so Beatrix is the next
- 46:23version of Profile System.
- 46:25Profile System essentially is no more,
- 46:28but as you can see,
- 46:29this has all that functionality.
- 46:31Any edits you made in the profile
- 46:34system are present in Beatrix.
- 46:36If you see any issues there, do let us know.
- 46:39But as far as I know,
- 46:40all of the data,
- 46:42all of the edits made in
- 46:46should be reflected in the profile or
- 46:49event news, whatever you're editing.
- 46:52And
- 46:53It's just that when we upgraded the system,
- 46:55we also renamed it.
- 46:58OK, thanks.
- 46:59I probably just missed that.
- 47:01And my second question is?
- 47:05That the PDF that gets
- 47:06printed out then from the CD,
- 47:08is that in the exact format
- 47:11that is needed for promotion,
- 47:13or does it still need to be edited?
- 47:15In small ways it should be in that format,
- 47:19obviously.
- 47:19You might want to review and double check,
- 47:21but it yes, it should be.
- 47:23We've been working with faculty
- 47:25affairs to make sure that the
- 47:27CV that is printed is the one
- 47:30that you're going to need for
- 47:32that promotion process.
- 47:34Thank you.
- 47:37Another question from Doctor Russiano.
- 47:41Yeah Mark, just a question about Beatrix.
- 47:44Sorry to be paranoid but I'm from psych
- 47:47is that is this a Yale program or is this
- 47:49something you bought from someone else,
- 47:51the matrix program and so like are we
- 47:53going to get a million emails you know for
- 47:55advertisements and things once we do this,
- 47:58this is a system that was built in house.
- 47:59It's it's just the next
- 48:01iteration of the profile system,
- 48:03previous in-house system.
- 48:05It's just the next version.
- 48:07It's actually the the name Beatrix is.
- 48:11Are Beatrix Hamburg, who was the first
- 48:14black graduate of the medical school?
- 48:16We just, we just wanted to give
- 48:18it a name that was more easily
- 48:20identifiable in the profile system.
- 48:22We called it a few different things over
- 48:24the years and it started to get confusing.
- 48:25So we wanted to give it more defined
- 48:27name that we could easily reference.
- 48:29Wonderful.
- 48:29I just wanted to make sure it was private.
- 48:31Thank you. Ah, I see.
- 48:34Another question,
- 48:34another raised hand.
- 48:37Quick question, for new faculty
- 48:40that are getting onboarded,
- 48:43what is the expectation of when they're
- 48:46Beatrix profile should be up and running?
- 48:48Is that something that we
- 48:50can pull from somewhere?
- 48:51Like if we're having a faculty member
- 48:54join us from another institution,
- 48:56is there a way to pull
- 48:58all of that information?
- 49:01It's that sort of thing,
- 49:02yeah. So there's not a way to pull
- 49:05that information easily right now.
- 49:06It is sort of a manual process.
- 49:09I don't think there's any set expectation
- 49:11for when the profiles filled out today.
- 49:14Obviously the sooner the better.
- 49:16But the CV importer I was mentioning earlier
- 49:19that we're really hoping that that'll
- 49:22make process much easier for new faculty,
- 49:24especially those coming from other
- 49:26institutions who are already going
- 49:28to have a very robust CV so that
- 49:30they can upload that document to the
- 49:32system and follow a sort of like
- 49:35TurboTax style process to decide
- 49:37what information goes in there.
- 49:40Profile.
- 49:41I'm we're hoping that's available next year,
- 49:44but we don't have it available just yet.
- 49:47So it is sort of a mostly manual
- 49:49process unfortunately for now.
- 49:54Thank you for that. Oh,
- 49:56and Liz just shared a link about some with
- 50:00some onboarding information for reference.
- 50:03And in fact, you say one thing is,
- 50:05John, is, you know, for new faculty,
- 50:06if it's a question of when should
- 50:08they put in their information,
- 50:10this is what's populating their page
- 50:11when they type in their name, Yale.
- 50:13I would encourage them to do it right away,
- 50:16just so that they're known locally. I mean,
- 50:17the CV is a wonderful secondary thing,
- 50:19and maybe it'd be great way for
- 50:20their initial appointment to do that.
- 50:22But even if it's just a question of
- 50:24making it known that they're here,
- 50:26I would encourage them early,
- 50:27even if it's not an official requirement.
- 50:31We do have very good search
- 50:33engine optimization.
- 50:33On these profiles.
- 50:34So if you have a profile,
- 50:36if you search your name,
- 50:37and especially if you search
- 50:38your name plus the word Yale,
- 50:40it should be the very first thing
- 50:41that comes up on any search engine.
- 50:43So.
- 50:44There's definitely some built-in
- 50:46incentive there to get make sure
- 50:49all of your work is reflected there
- 50:51and for fellows and postdocs,
- 50:53is this the same?
- 50:54Would this be the same?
- 50:56You know, we could tell them, hey,
- 50:58go ahead and do this, you know.
- 51:00Yeah, they certainly can.
- 51:02We actually, so we have information
- 51:05about every university employee.
- 51:07It's on the systems only really
- 51:08actively used by the school medicine,
- 51:10school public health right now.
- 51:12But yes, any Yale employee
- 51:14has a profile in this system.
- 51:16OK, the reason why I'm asking all of
- 51:18this is because I'm currently working
- 51:20at Child Study Center with we're coming
- 51:22up with a like an onboarding packet.
- 51:25And so if this is something that needs
- 51:28to go into that packet for onboarding,
- 51:30then we should tell our fellows and
- 51:32we should tell our postdocs and and
- 51:34faculty that they have to do this.
- 51:37That would be wonderful.
- 51:39And I would definitely lean
- 51:41on that information that Liz
- 51:42linked to a few minutes ago.
- 51:44So you don't have to rewrite
- 51:46content that's already there.
- 51:47You can just link people off to.
- 51:49But yeah, that would that would be great.
- 51:51Thank you. Thanks.
- 51:56Any other questions?
- 52:01Alright. Thank you all so
- 52:03much for attending today.
- 52:05If you think of questions later,
- 52:07please do reach out to us at
- or you can
- 52:13log into and send
- 52:15us a message with this report,
- 52:16a bug button and just let us know.
- 52:20Thanks so much for attending
- 52:21and for your questions.
- 52:23Have a great day everyone.