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A New Generation of Tools For Experimental Modeling Of Brain Structure And Function

March 30, 2023
  • 00:00Let me introduce Doctor Andrelevchenko,
  • 00:03who is the next speaker.
  • 00:05He graduated from the Moscow
  • 00:08Institute of Physics and Technology
  • 00:10and obtained his doctor,
  • 00:12obtained his doctoral degree from
  • 00:14Columbia University and after
  • 00:17postdoctoral experience at Caltech,
  • 00:19he started his independent position at
  • 00:21Johns Hopkins in 2001 and was recruited
  • 00:24as the founding director of the Ill
  • 00:27Systems Biology Institute in 2015.
  • 00:29And he's also the John Malone
  • 00:32professor of biomedical Engineering
  • 00:34and professor of physics.
  • 00:37Please.
  • 00:44Hello and thanks for inviting me.
  • 00:46And as as Angelica just said for
  • 00:50engineers and physicists to be in the
  • 00:53in the room with all of you is, is,
  • 00:55is always the great pleasure and and very,
  • 00:58very interesting to us.
  • 01:01It's of course I'm an engineer,
  • 01:02but I'm actually we do do quite a
  • 01:04bit of biology and what you learn
  • 01:07of course is being an engineer.
  • 01:09If you develop tools and we know,
  • 01:11all know with with tools you
  • 01:15get to discover new tools,
  • 01:17new discoveries and that's something
  • 01:19that we've really enjoyed thoroughly
  • 01:22on different different scales.
  • 01:24And what I'd like to illustrate
  • 01:26today is the use of these tools.
  • 01:29And some insights that we can gain
  • 01:31from them and the fact that you
  • 01:33actually can do it on multiple
  • 01:35different scales in terms of sales,
  • 01:39small organoids or even larger structures,
  • 01:45okay. So let's see if this. Yeah.
  • 01:49So I always run out of time,
  • 01:51hopefully not today.
  • 01:52So I'd like to immediately thank all
  • 01:55the people who helped us do this,
  • 01:58as our collaborators as well as the
  • 02:00members of the lab were truly in the
  • 02:02trenches doing all of this work.
  • 02:03Particularly for a lot of the
  • 02:08work towards the ends of flora,
  • 02:10because this has been a very,
  • 02:11very exciting collaboration
  • 02:12with the factory in the lab.
  • 02:15And a lot of things are not shown are also
  • 02:18very interesting to us and are always,
  • 02:21almost always products of collaboration.
  • 02:23And as on the hill,
  • 02:24like I mentioned for example,
  • 02:25we have been doing a lot of
  • 02:27interesting things with her lab,
  • 02:28which has been amazing.
  • 02:30So what I'd like to really focus on
  • 02:35is this combination of difference
  • 02:37approaches and how they come together
  • 02:40more specifically in the context of.
  • 02:43The fact that as we've already
  • 02:45heard the tissues and you know,
  • 02:48even if you go smaller on the
  • 02:50level of digital cells,
  • 02:52what you see is that the
  • 02:54environment is not uniform.
  • 02:55The environment can present cells
  • 02:57and tissues with gradients,
  • 02:59for example of cues of morphogens.
  • 03:03And this can occur both for stages
  • 03:06in development or in cancer,
  • 03:09for example, progression where
  • 03:10cells may migrate gradients.
  • 03:12Could be in collective cell migration or
  • 03:16reorganization of tissues in development.
  • 03:19It could be in homeostasis and wound repair.
  • 03:23So many, many instances.
  • 03:25And of course if you take
  • 03:28developmental biology,
  • 03:29I guess more or less,
  • 03:32you know, almost anywhere,
  • 03:33at least where I took it,
  • 03:35you find that there is this model,
  • 03:37beautiful model due to Lewis Wolpert.
  • 03:40Of the French flag,
  • 03:42essentially suggesting that in
  • 03:43the gradient of morphogens,
  • 03:45you can have multiple different
  • 03:48fates emerging due to the overall
  • 03:51level of morphogens,
  • 03:52sort of sort of like the cells
  • 03:54responding to the doses,
  • 03:55different doses of the input.
  • 03:57And it does frequently happen in
  • 04:00tissues and hopefully towards the
  • 04:02end I'm going to show you an example
  • 04:04that Flora has really introduced us to.
  • 04:09Now,
  • 04:09so how do you do experiments to
  • 04:12try to understand the influence
  • 04:14of graded
  • 04:15inputs, whether you look at cell migration
  • 04:18or this developmental processes where
  • 04:21you have multiple different responses.
  • 04:25So there are there's a tradition
  • 04:27in by engineering that you may or
  • 04:29may not be aware of for kind of a
  • 04:31progression of different steps in
  • 04:32development of different tools.
  • 04:34And these are just some of the examples
  • 04:37essentially historically how the
  • 04:39gradient studies have been done and
  • 04:41almost always what you see and the ones
  • 04:43at the bottom are the ones that we developed.
  • 04:47The ones at the top are the
  • 04:49ones that were used before.
  • 04:50You see that it's a kind of
  • 04:52two different ideas.
  • 04:53One is the flow.
  • 04:54In the flow you have mixing of
  • 04:57liquids and within liquids you
  • 04:59can have different doses of.
  • 05:01Compound that you're interested in and
  • 05:03that gradually may generate the gradient.
  • 05:06The issue is that of course
  • 05:07cells don't like flow of liquid.
  • 05:09For the most part,
  • 05:11they die almost immediately.
  • 05:12They're very,
  • 05:13very sensitive to what happens
  • 05:15with the environment.
  • 05:16If you shake, you know your flask.
  • 05:19Sometimes you'll see a cell death,
  • 05:21and that's what you face when you try
  • 05:23to introduce cells into anything that
  • 05:25flows when you hear microfluidics,
  • 05:27microfluidics.
  • 05:29Fluidics parts should really generate
  • 05:32immediately some trepidation for you
  • 05:35because anything again that flows
  • 05:38almost always there are instances
  • 05:40where flow is important for sure,
  • 05:43for example in the material cells,
  • 05:44but generally cells are really sensitive
  • 05:46to that and they really don't like it.
  • 05:48So that is something that we recognized
  • 05:51almost immediately started when
  • 05:53we started working with cells and
  • 05:55then we had to develop a different.
  • 05:57Series of devices where it's
  • 06:00really all diffusion, right?
  • 06:02It's not nothing flows.
  • 06:03The cells are actually in this beautiful,
  • 06:05very steady environment,
  • 06:07but there are gradients and so with that.
  • 06:11So you have this example on
  • 06:13the left here where you have.
  • 06:17I'm not, I'm not going to mess it. Okay.
  • 06:19So you have this idea of a source,
  • 06:22for example of growth factory GF.
  • 06:25And the cells in between
  • 06:26looking like fish here,
  • 06:28but this is a cell and there are this
  • 06:31nice channels connecting source of
  • 06:33the GF and medium without the GF and
  • 06:36the certain gradient developing and
  • 06:38the the cells actually do respond.
  • 06:40And so you start seeing how they run
  • 06:43very happily, they run into each other,
  • 06:45they collide.
  • 06:46You can study what happens when that
  • 06:49when that occurs and you see this
  • 06:51beautiful chains of cells going up and down.
  • 06:56And let me try again,
  • 06:58maybe it will work, maybe not.
  • 07:02So we wanted to really extend
  • 07:04that a little bit to you know,
  • 07:07we've heard that cells actually live in
  • 07:09softer media and they're surrounded by
  • 07:11the cells that communicate the form tissues,
  • 07:14tissue ensembles.
  • 07:15And so can we really extend
  • 07:19this analysis now to?
  • 07:21What really is at the center of today's
  • 07:23workshop and that is organized.
  • 07:25And so this paper was the first
  • 07:27attempt to do that where it wasn't.
  • 07:30It was an organoid of breast tissue
  • 07:33that you'll see next and rather than.
  • 07:37Brain tissue that we'll see a bit
  • 07:40later and this was surf the question,
  • 07:42okay.
  • 07:42So what happens,
  • 07:44we know that in the breast there's branching,
  • 07:48there's in the periods of lactation
  • 07:51especially or around that time
  • 07:53there may be a very significant
  • 07:55reorganization of the breast tissue.
  • 07:57And in that process in the adults
  • 08:00what happens is there is a growth
  • 08:02and branching of various surf.
  • 08:04Parts of the of the tissue and that
  • 08:08is is triggered by e.g F the same
  • 08:11same compound that I showed you in
  • 08:13the in the last movie can trigger
  • 08:15migration of cells in a directive way.
  • 08:18So what happens with tissues?
  • 08:21And So what you can see is that
  • 08:22you again you can sort of extend
  • 08:24this technology to the same idea,
  • 08:26have a gradient now if e.g F over
  • 08:29much larger distance and organized
  • 08:31are embedded now in the space.
  • 08:34And you start seeing that they
  • 08:36actually start branching.
  • 08:37This organoid that initially was
  • 08:38the kind of a spherical thing,
  • 08:41begins to branch in a very directed
  • 08:43way towards the source of e.g F
  • 08:46what's interesting is that you can
  • 08:48either induce it or naturally have
  • 08:50some single cells around and they
  • 08:52actually don't sense these gradients.
  • 08:54So in spite of the movie that I
  • 08:56just showed you in the previous,
  • 08:58the the ligand concentration
  • 08:59gradients in this case are so shallow.
  • 09:02That individual cells just don't respond,
  • 09:04they don't sense the gradients,
  • 09:05only the tissues can sense the gradients,
  • 09:08which implies that there is some
  • 09:09sort of cell cell communication.
  • 09:11And so our analysis suggested that's
  • 09:15really the cell cell communication
  • 09:18mechanisms in this process,
  • 09:20this one branch forming here that
  • 09:23will branch more is,
  • 09:25is really all of that is mediated
  • 09:28by calcium signaling.
  • 09:29And calcium communication between the
  • 09:32channels connecting the cells.
  • 09:33So one thing that I want to
  • 09:36emphasize already in the two
  • 09:38examples that I showed you where
  • 09:40you in both cases you saw movies,
  • 09:42is that you really benefit not
  • 09:44only from the ability to generate
  • 09:46gradients or grows such organoids.
  • 09:49But also from the fact that
  • 09:51you can really peer into life,
  • 09:53either life cells or life in
  • 09:55this case life organoias,
  • 09:56and see the dynamics of the processes
  • 09:58that are of interest to you.
  • 10:00So these devices really allow you to analyze,
  • 10:04you know,
  • 10:05communication between the cells and
  • 10:07what happens with the cells and
  • 10:10shoot movies like that and analyze
  • 10:12in this case the calcium signaling.
  • 10:15So we wanted to really continue doing
  • 10:17this and of course the challenge the the
  • 10:20more interesting structures the more
  • 10:21complex structures occur in the brain.
  • 10:23And in the brain there may be different
  • 10:26types of analysis and this was termed
  • 10:29for the first time brain on the chip.
  • 10:31Now in the Community of Engineers,
  • 10:35anything on a chip, you'll,
  • 10:36you'll hear longer on the chip,
  • 10:37brain on chip it's just a big name
  • 10:40it's it's not more than that.
  • 10:41But here it's,
  • 10:43it's,
  • 10:43it's it's something that allows
  • 10:46you to start modeling the presence
  • 10:49of multiple cell types in the self
  • 10:53organizing networks and again do it
  • 10:55in such a way that can visualize this
  • 10:57in great detail and see what happens.
  • 11:01So here again you can start
  • 11:03with the progenitor cells.
  • 11:04They will not necessarily form and organize,
  • 11:07they can form clusters of cells that
  • 11:09are connected by bundles of axons.
  • 11:11At some point you can couple that to a
  • 11:14layer of endothelial cells and mimic the
  • 11:17blood brain barrier that actually forms here.
  • 11:20And you can introduce some drugs here,
  • 11:22for example,
  • 11:23on this side,
  • 11:24and study how they can potentially be
  • 11:27penetrating this blood brain barrier.
  • 11:29There's a basement membrane
  • 11:31that will form here.
  • 11:32And so even though of course
  • 11:33it's not the real tissue,
  • 11:35it starts having some interesting
  • 11:36features that you can use.
  • 11:38To start exploring what happens,
  • 11:40there is a communication as was just
  • 11:43mentioned by antalicate between the
  • 11:45neuronal cells as they different
  • 11:48shades and endothelial cells.
  • 11:50And it can introduce,
  • 11:51which we did in this case.
  • 11:52Also project cells into a more
  • 11:55developed network and see how the
  • 11:57presence of both neuronal cells and
  • 12:00in the field cells make may control
  • 12:03the behavior of this progenitor
  • 12:05cells neural progeneral cells.
  • 12:07And you can again introduce the gradients
  • 12:09now of variety of different cues.
  • 12:12So I could be B&P we've heard about some
  • 12:16examples have already been enunciated
  • 12:19and so you can have introduction
  • 12:21of multiple gradients can attended
  • 12:23that can potentially either Dr.
  • 12:25migration of the cells and how they
  • 12:27position them themselves now in the
  • 12:29more realistic model of this brain
  • 12:32tissue or what happens to them in different.
  • 12:35Concentration within this gradient,
  • 12:37right.
  • 12:38And so you can study that and of
  • 12:40course again you can visualize
  • 12:42what happens within
  • 12:43the clusters. So again,
  • 12:44this is calcium imaging before you
  • 12:46saw that in the memory tissue,
  • 12:48organoid in this case,
  • 12:50it's neural tissue, not yet organoid,
  • 12:52it's cluster of cells,
  • 12:54but you can already see how they
  • 12:58show this neuronal phenotypes,
  • 12:59how they communicate with each
  • 13:00other and they can visualize
  • 13:01calcium signaling in them.
  • 13:05So of course I already mentioned
  • 13:08flora multiple times, and I think
  • 13:11she's going to talk about that more.
  • 13:13So I'm not going to go into biology of
  • 13:17of what happens with embryos and what
  • 13:19happens with the development of the brain
  • 13:21very much other than to say that again,
  • 13:24there are gradients, of course,
  • 13:26in the developing embryo.
  • 13:28Of multiple morphogens and
  • 13:30multiple signals that really
  • 13:32define axis for developing embryo.
  • 13:35And it again is of interest to see
  • 13:38what happens either with cells,
  • 13:39single cells or cell ensembles
  • 13:41that they just showed you,
  • 13:42or even with organoids that may be
  • 13:46exposed the gradients of various
  • 13:48cues and it could be the actual.
  • 13:50Signaling molecules for something
  • 13:52that mimics them.
  • 13:53For example,
  • 13:53this G SK3 inhibitor is widely used
  • 13:55and used by flora quite a bit.
  • 13:57And so we tried to develop this radiance
  • 14:00and analyze the outcomes of that.
  • 14:03And again as I said,
  • 14:05Flora will likely,
  • 14:06I don't know exactly what
  • 14:07she's going to talk about,
  • 14:08but she will talk a little
  • 14:10bit more about this.
  • 14:12And so this devices again are
  • 14:13very similar in some sense,
  • 14:15but but have now been optimized
  • 14:17and developed and that does
  • 14:19take quite a bit of time.
  • 14:20Forebrain organize that are much
  • 14:22more complex than the ensembles
  • 14:24that they showed you before.
  • 14:26And this is what you do,
  • 14:28is you try to optimize all of this.
  • 14:29You do both analysis and experiments and
  • 14:33modeling of what happens in such devices.
  • 14:35Ultimately,
  • 14:36of course what you look at is
  • 14:39the outcome of the genetic level
  • 14:42of expression of different
  • 14:43markers of different tissues you
  • 14:45can play with concentrations,
  • 14:46different concentrations you can.
  • 14:49Do different types of analysis in
  • 14:53terms of for example different
  • 14:55hydrogel composition of collagen.
  • 14:57We just again heard from Angelica
  • 15:00that the extra cell metrics is
  • 15:02very important and so how does
  • 15:04it affected how the gradients of
  • 15:06different morphogens affected.
  • 15:07And of course even visually you
  • 15:10can see that depending on where
  • 15:11you are in the gradient,
  • 15:13in this case still 1 dimensional gradient.
  • 15:17It really defines the outcome in
  • 15:19terms of the differentiation and
  • 15:21expression of the differentiation markers.
  • 15:23Now we want to really take it
  • 15:25beyond this and since there are
  • 15:28multiple axis for differentiation,
  • 15:29if you have dorsal ventral AT axis and so on,
  • 15:34it would be wonderful to develop
  • 15:36now fields of this morphogens
  • 15:38that may be 2 dimensional or
  • 15:40high dimensional so that embryos
  • 15:42positioned in different parts of this.
  • 15:44Field can have different combinations
  • 15:47of morphogens affecting their
  • 15:51differentiation and So what you really
  • 15:55get if you succeed in experiment
  • 15:57like this is a really snapshot of
  • 16:00not just one combination of different
  • 16:02inputs or different factors,
  • 16:04but multiple combinations present in
  • 16:06a sort of A2 dimensional those distribution.
  • 16:10And of course by modulating what you.
  • 16:13Do with these devices you can get
  • 16:15all sorts of different gradients
  • 16:17and gradient distributions,
  • 16:19and again you can do various
  • 16:21types of experimental tests
  • 16:23and simulations of all this.
  • 16:24But ultimately, again as we make
  • 16:26hopefully we'll hear from Flora and
  • 16:28this is done very much with her lab,
  • 16:31you can really now begin to examine
  • 16:35within this two-dimensional fields
  • 16:37what happens with the expression
  • 16:39now of markers that will tell you.
  • 16:43About the AP&DV or Dorsodential
  • 16:47here access imposed by Sony
  • 16:50Hedgehog and this compound that
  • 16:51they mentioned before which is the
  • 16:54G SK3 inhibitor and really look at
  • 16:56the rated changes in distribution
  • 17:00of multiple expression markers and
  • 17:02ultimately how it corresponds to the
  • 17:06differentiation in the actual embryo now.
  • 17:10I meant to insert conclusion slide
  • 17:12but it didn't come out and so well
  • 17:14I'll tell you a little bit just
  • 17:16to summarize a couple of thoughts,
  • 17:17I'll leave you with that and also
  • 17:20with what we want to do next.
  • 17:23So again I think one of the things I
  • 17:26would like to, I wanted to illustrate
  • 17:28it's no not the only challenge,
  • 17:30but one of the challenges again is how
  • 17:32do you screen multiple conditions,
  • 17:34how do you explore the influence of graded?
  • 17:38Inputs, it could be attractants,
  • 17:40growth factors, it could be morphogens,
  • 17:43could be other things.
  • 17:45So how do you study that and do you
  • 17:47really have technologies to do that?
  • 17:49And the answer is that the technology,
  • 17:51at least for that part,
  • 17:52is becoming more and more mature
  • 17:55and applicable to multiple scales.
  • 17:57You know, you can play with cells,
  • 17:58you can play with cell small cell
  • 18:01ensembles or even larger organized
  • 18:04and you really can explore that.
  • 18:06One huge limitation of course,
  • 18:08is the actual size of the organoids
  • 18:10that we are playing with, which is,
  • 18:13as already has been mentioned,
  • 18:14is really limited.
  • 18:16For example by the vascularization.
  • 18:17We don't really have vascularization
  • 18:20of organoids,
  • 18:21and therefore whatever nutrients
  • 18:23or oxygen they get,
  • 18:25they get by diffusion from
  • 18:27the surrounding medium,
  • 18:28and that means that you cannot
  • 18:30grow them beyond a certain size
  • 18:32before they become necrotic.
  • 18:33In the at the center and that means
  • 18:36that that's actually one of the
  • 18:38bigger challenges that flora and I
  • 18:40have been discussing quite a bit.
  • 18:41And then and Helica mentioned as well,
  • 18:43how do you really vascularize organoids
  • 18:45and how do you introduce that component,
  • 18:49especially because vascular
  • 18:51component can affect formation
  • 18:53of this structures as well.
  • 18:55So there's crosstalk between
  • 18:58vasculature and neural tissue.
  • 19:01So this it's a huge challenge for
  • 19:03the whole community and we're
  • 19:04trying to tackle it now.
  • 19:05And beyond that of course,
  • 19:07how can we really build it up in
  • 19:10terms of the complexity of both the
  • 19:12tissues themselves and the fields
  • 19:14of different inputs that this such
  • 19:16tissues can experience and do it in
  • 19:19the relatively high throughput fashion.
  • 19:20So this is what we are super excited
  • 19:22right now about and this technology
  • 19:24really has been progressing.
  • 19:25So hopefully it will be widely used.
  • 19:27As as it becomes available to you.
  • 19:29Thank you very much.