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Integrative Medicine at Yale / Yale Medical Professions Outreach Film Screening and Panel Discussion: "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare"

What: How is America’s healthcare system both costly and inefficient at the same time? What is the system’s hidden design that led to these problems? Learn about these issues at a free viewing of the award-winning documentary, “Escape Fire”, which casts a critical view of a medical industry that promotes quick-fixes and profits over patient-driven care. The film will be followed by a discussion with leading experts in the fields of integrative medicine, healthcare systems, and the history of medicine.

When: Saturday, February 1st, 2014, 2-5pm
Where: The Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street, New Haven, CT‎

Yale Medical Professions Outreach, Integrative Medicine at Yale, and other campus organizations would like to invite the Yale and New Haven community to attend the upcoming film screening of "Escape Fire: The Fight to Rescue American Healthcare." Learn exactly why we have one of the most costly healthcare systems yet some of the worst health outcomes compared to other developed nations. Uncover the hidden forces that promote the status quo of quick fixes and profits over patient-driven care. Finally, stick around for a discussion panel with leading experts in the fields of integrative medicine, healthcare systems, and the history of medicine. The screening will take place at the Whitney Humanities Center (53 Wall Street) on Saturday, February 1st at 2 pm. 


Dr. Ather Ali – Associate Research Scientist in Pediatrics (General Pediatrics); Integrative Medicine Specialist, Yale Stress Center
Dr. Naomi Rogers – Associate Professor in the History of Medicine and of History
Dr. Joseph Ross – Assistant Professor of Medicine (General Medicine) and of Public Health (Health Policy)



Free: free


School-wide Occasions, Lectures and Seminars, Community Outreach, Health/Wellness, Announcements and Notices


Snacks: Refreshments.
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