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Connecticut Area Medical Physics Society (CAMPS) Spring Meeting: "Cancer Risks from CT Scans: Now We have Some Data, What Next?"

Dr. David Brenner is the Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics, Director of Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University Medical Center, and a Professor of Environmental Health Sciences. Dr. Brenner's research has been focused on developing mechanistic models for the effects of ionizing radiation on living systems, both at the chromosomal and the animal (or human) levels. He divides his research time roughly equally between the effects of high doses of ionizing radiation (relating to radiation therapy) and the effects of low doses of radiation (relating to medical, environmental and occupational exposures). In this talk, Dr. Brenner will discuss and summarize the latest epidemiologic studies indicating the significant linear associations between the radiation dose and secondary cancer risk in pediatric CT. The goal is to understand the benefit-risk balance for computed tomography (CT), and its ongoing relevance to clinical practice.


  • David J. Brenner, PhD, DSc
    Higgins Professor of Radiation Biophysics


Host Organization


Registration Fees: $40 Non-Members, $25 CAMPS Members, $15 Students


Conferences and Symposia, Lectures and Seminars


Snacks: Refreshments.
Mar 201314Thursday