Mona Sharifi, MD, MPH
Associate Professor of Pediatrics (General Pediatrics) and of Biostatistics (Health Informatics)Cards
Perspectives on Medical School Admission for Black Students Among Premedical Advisers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Weiss J, Tiako M, Akingbesote N, Keene D, Balasuriya L, Sharifi M, Genao I, Latimore D. Perspectives on Medical School Admission for Black Students Among Premedical Advisers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2440887. PMID: 39441593, PMCID: PMC11581641, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.40887.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedical school matriculantsMedical schoolsFocus groupsSchool matriculantsQualitative studyPremedical studentsBlack studentsMedical school admissionsPhysician workforceStudent advisementReviewed transcriptsSemistructured interviewsShadowing opportunitiesYears of experienceMain OutcomesBlack physiciansBlack Colleges and UniversitiesTreatment of studentsPurposive samplingCollaborative partnershipsColleges and UniversitiesInductive approachNational effortsClinical opportunitiesPeer involvementImproving access to first‐line treatment for pediatric obesity: Lessons from the dissemination of SmartMoves
Finn E, Keller C, Gowey M, Savoye M, Samuels S, Fleisch A, Rogers V, Grey M, Damschroder L, Beck A, Sharifi M. Improving access to first‐line treatment for pediatric obesity: Lessons from the dissemination of SmartMoves. Obesity 2024, 32: 1745-1756. PMID: 39192771, DOI: 10.1002/oby.24107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsConstant comparative methodInterviewed key informantsHealth behaviorsObesity programsSufficient staffingInsufficient staffingPediatric obesityFunding insecurityLifestyle treatmentImprove accessOrganizational prioritiesProgram componentsProgram fitPromote fidelityKey informantsUS sitesIncreased prevalenceAdequate fundingSurvey findingsStaffingParticipantsInterviewsCOVID-19 pandemicDominant barriersObesityExternal Validation of an Electronic Phenotyping Algorithm Detecting Attention to High Body Mass Index in Pediatric Primary Care
Barron A, Fenick A, Maciejewski K, Turer C, Sharifi M. External Validation of an Electronic Phenotyping Algorithm Detecting Attention to High Body Mass Index in Pediatric Primary Care. Applied Clinical Informatics 2024, 15: 700-708. PMID: 39197473, PMCID: PMC11387092, DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1787975.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic health recordsBody mass indexPediatric primary careElevated body mass indexWeight-related comorbiditiesPrimary carePediatric primary care practicesElectronic health record dataBody mass index categoriesMass indexImprove obesity managementPrimary care practicesWell-child visitsHigher body mass indexChart reviewLikelihood of classificationElectronic phenotyping algorithmsFree-text componentsClinician typeCare practicesHealth recordsClinician behaviorLaboratory ordersProgress notesObesity managementCost‐effectiveness of a primary care‐based Healthy Weight Clinic compared with usual care
Sharifi M, Fiechtner L, Barrett J, O'Connor G, Perkins M, Reiner J, Luo M, Taveras E, Gortmaker S. Cost‐effectiveness of a primary care‐based Healthy Weight Clinic compared with usual care. Obesity 2024, 32: 1734-1744. PMID: 39192764, PMCID: PMC11361715, DOI: 10.1002/oby.24111.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHealthy weight clinicHealth care sectorObesity prevalenceIntervention costsCare sectorReducing obesity disparitiesNational implementationHealth care costsObesity disparitiesUsual careBMI changeCare costsFQHCsCost-effectiveSocietal perspectiveWhite populationHealthHealthyObesityQALYEstimated costInterventionClinicChildrenGreater reductionsBarriers to and facilitators of improving physical activity and nutrition behaviors during chemotherapy for breast cancer: a sequential mixed methods study
Puklin L, Irwin M, Sanft T, Ferrucci L, Harrigan M, McGowan C, Cartmel B, Zupa M, Winer E, Deyling M, Ligibel J, Basen-Engquist K, Spiegelman D, Sharifi M. Barriers to and facilitators of improving physical activity and nutrition behaviors during chemotherapy for breast cancer: a sequential mixed methods study. Supportive Care In Cancer 2024, 32: 590. PMID: 39141176, DOI: 10.1007/s00520-024-08789-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPhysical activityLifestyle interventionSelf-reported PA questionnaireSelf-reported diet qualityBreast cancerHealthy Eating Index-2015Stage I-III breast cancerBenefits of PASequential mixed methods studyI-III breast cancerChemotherapy-related symptomsMixed methods studyThematic content analysisBehavioral goalsSense of controlBody mass indexPA questionnaireSemi-structured interviewsMean body mass indexTranscribed verbatimIntervention armTailored educationDiet qualityNutritional behaviorMental benefitsOverview of the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity and the 2023 Clinical Practice Guidelines
Hu P, Samuels S, Sharifi M. Overview of the Treatment of Pediatric Obesity and the 2023 Clinical Practice Guidelines. Pediatric Clinics Of North America 2024, 71: 919-926. PMID: 39343501, DOI: 10.1016/j.pcl.2024.06.005.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchQuantifying the Association between Pump Use and Breastfeeding Duration
Nardella D, Canavan M, Sharifi M, Taylor S. Quantifying the Association between Pump Use and Breastfeeding Duration. The Journal Of Pediatrics 2024, 274: 114192. PMID: 39004167, PMCID: PMC11499033, DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2024.114192.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-Hispanic blacksBreastfeeding durationBreastfeeding cessationPump usePregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System dataAssociated with longer breastfeeding durationNon-Hispanic whitesMagnitude of associationAssociated with breastfeeding durationLonger breastfeeding durationCox proportional hazards regressionCross-sectional analysisProportional hazards regressionNative American participantsBreastfeeding inequitiesBreastfeeding outcomesInitiate breastfeedingLive-born infantsNon-missing dataUnmarried statusSurvey completionMonitoring system dataLow-incomeStratified analysisHazards regressionDispensing of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists to Adolescents and Young Adults, 2020-2023
Lee J, Sharifi M, Oshman L, Griauzde D, Chua K. Dispensing of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists to Adolescents and Young Adults, 2020-2023. JAMA 2024, 331: 2041-2043. PMID: 38776113, PMCID: PMC11112492, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2024.7112.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBetter Guidelines and Policies: AAP's Partnership for Policy Implementation.
Lehmann C, Adams W, Chaparro J, Fiks A, Grout R, Leu M, Mendonca E, Michel J, Okechukwu K, Salmon J, Sharifi M, Downs S. Better Guidelines and Policies: AAP's Partnership for Policy Implementation. Pediatrics 2024, 154 PMID: 38864111, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2023-061360.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElectronic health recordsAmerican Academy of PediatricsAcademy of PediatricsElectronic health record developmentQuality of clinical guidelinesImprove care qualityStandardize care deliveryPracticing cliniciansAmerican AcademyClinical practice guidelinesCare qualityCare deliveryHealth recordsPolicy implementationClinical guidelinesGuideline recommendationsPractice guidelinesPatient outcomesClinical recommendationsMedical societiesInformaticiansPediatricReduce variationGuidelinesPolicy statementsUser-Centered Framework for Implementation of Technology (UFIT): Development of an Integrated Framework for Designing Clinical Decision Support Tools Packaged With Tailored Implementation Strategies
Ray J, Finn E, Tyrrell H, Aloe C, Perrin E, Wood C, Miner D, Grout R, Michel J, Damschroder L, Sharifi M. User-Centered Framework for Implementation of Technology (UFIT): Development of an Integrated Framework for Designing Clinical Decision Support Tools Packaged With Tailored Implementation Strategies. Journal Of Medical Internet Research 2024, 26: e51952. PMID: 38771622, PMCID: PMC11150893, DOI: 10.2196/51952.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsClinical decision supportPrimary care cliniciansUser-centered designImplementation strategiesUser-centered frameworkCare cliniciansImplementation scienceElectronic health record-based clinical decision supportImpact of clinical decision supportImplement clinical decision supportEvidence-based CDSPediatric primary care cliniciansTailored implementation strategiesElectronic health recordsAdoption of evidenceWell-child visitsDecision supportDiverse group of stakeholdersObesity practicePrimary carePediatric overweightHealth recordsHealth systemSemistructured interviewsOverweight treatment
Clinical Care
Mona Sharifi, MD, MPH, is a pediatrician who treats conditions including obesity, respiratory infections, asthma, sleep apnea, and gastrointestinal issues. She is the director of the Yale Scholars in Implementation Science K12 Program and co-director of the National Clinician Scholars Program at Yale University.
Dr. Sharifi's research explores childhood obesity interventions, neonatal and pediatric care, cardiometabolic disease risk in Pacific Islander children, and barriers to healthcare access. Her work has examined the effectiveness of weight loss programs and the factors contributing to their success.
Dr. Sharifi is an associate professor of pediatrics and of biostatistics at Yale School of Medicine.
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