Baylah Tessier-Sherman
Data AnalystCards
Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study
Stevenson J, Murphy T, Tessier-Sherman B, Pisani M, Gill T, Ferrante L. Feasibility of In-Hospital Administration of a Tool to Predict Persistent Post-ICU Functional Impairment Among Older ICU Survivors A Pilot Study. CHEST Critical Care 2024, 2: 100093. DOI: 10.1016/j.chstcc.2024.100093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRisk prediction toolsICU survivorsIn-hospital administrationOlder adultsFunctional impairmentPilot studyIn-hospital mobilityOlder ICU survivorsDevelopment of risk prediction modelsHospital-related factorsIn-hospital factorsPresence of deliriumRisk prediction modelModel discriminationPersistent functional impairmentStatistical significanceHospital settingStudy designFeasibility thresholdDaily activitiesIncreased riskInternational Consensus ConferenceConsensus conferenceSurvivorsCritical illnessBoneScore: A natural language processing algorithm to extract bone mineral density data from DXA scans.
Fodeh S, Wang R, Murphy T, Kidwai-Khan F, Leo-Summers L, Tessier-Sherman B, Hsieh E, Womack J. BoneScore: A natural language processing algorithm to extract bone mineral density data from DXA scans. Health Informatics Journal 2024, 30: 14604582241295930. PMID: 39526751, DOI: 10.1177/14604582241295930.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsT-score valuesT-scoreNLP algorithmsDXA scansFemoral neck T-scoreNatural language processing algorithmsBone mineral density dataLanguage processing algorithmsBone mineral densityExtract annotationsRegular expressionsTest dataProcessing algorithmsDXA reportsMineral densityAlgorithmMultivariate linear regressionClinical face validityRisk factorsPresence of informationDXANLPClinical validationClinical expertsAccuracy
The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study: Design, Methods, and Baseline Characteristics
Thompson T, Desai M, Martinez-Brockman J, Tessier-Sherman B, Nunez M, Adams O, Nazario C, Maharaj R, Nunez-Smith M. The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study: Design, Methods, and Baseline Characteristics. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2023, 21: 17. PMID: 38276805, PMCID: PMC10815461, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph21010017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClassification of blood pressure during sleep impacts designation of nocturnal nondipping
Mortazavi B, Martinez-Brockman J, Tessier-Sherman B, Burg M, Miller M, Nowroozilarki Z, Adams O, Maharaj R, Nazario C, Nunez M, Nunez-Smith M, Spatz E. Classification of blood pressure during sleep impacts designation of nocturnal nondipping. PLOS Digital Health 2023, 2: e0000267. PMID: 37310958, PMCID: PMC10263317, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pdig.0000267.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAmbulatory blood pressure monitorBlood pressure monitorNocturnal nondippingBlood pressurePressure monitorAmbulatory blood pressure monitoringClinic blood pressure measurementsAmbulatory blood pressureFuture cardiovascular riskBlood pressure monitoringSleep periodBlood pressure measurementsCardiovascular riskHypertension StudyTotal sleep lengthCardiovascular diseaseNondippingSleep qualitySleep efficiencyPressure monitoringSleep patternsSecondary analysisSleep onsetSleep lengthFleiss' kappa
Breast cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: moving from disparities to health equity
Richman I, Tessier-Sherman B, Galusha D, Oladele CR, Wang K. Breast cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: moving from disparities to health equity. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2022, 115: 139-145. PMID: 36069622, PMCID: PMC9494402, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djac172.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer screeningCancer screeningHealth systemHealth equityBreast cancer controlRoutine health careCOVID-19 pandemicCOVID-19 waveMammography ratesCancer controlMammography useMultifactorial conditionHealth disparitiesWhite womenScreening mammographyHealth careWomenCOVID-19Subsequent COVID-19 wavesLower ratesNumber of studiesMammographyDisparitiesPandemicSpecific patternsDevelopment of the Anthropometric Grouping Index for the Eastern Caribbean Population Using the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study Data
Almodóvar-Rivera IA, Rosario-Rosado RV, Nazario CM, Hernández-Santiago J, Ramírez-Marrero FA, Nunez M, Maharaj R, Adams P, Martinez-Brockman JL, Tessier-Sherman B, Nunez-Smith M. Development of the Anthropometric Grouping Index for the Eastern Caribbean Population Using the Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort Study Data. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2022, 19: 10415. PMID: 36012047, PMCID: PMC9408472, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph191610415.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBlood sugar levelsHigh blood sugar levelsElevated blood sugarSugar levelsBlood sugarCohort study dataPublic health initiativesAnthropometric indicesFamily historyAnthropometric measuresBMIHealth initiativesCaribbean populationLinear mixed modelsHigher likelihoodPopulation groupsStudy dataCurrent studyMixed modelsDiabetesLevelsGroupIndexPopulationIndividualsPatient preferences for facility-based management of hypertension and diabetes in rural Uganda: a discrete choice experiment
Moor SE, Tusubira AK, Wood D, Akiteng AR, Galusha D, Tessier-Sherman B, Donroe EH, Ngaruiya C, Rabin TL, Hawley NL, Armstrong-Hough M, Nakirya BD, Nugent R, Kalyesubula R, Nalwadda C, Ssinabulya I, Schwartz JI. Patient preferences for facility-based management of hypertension and diabetes in rural Uganda: a discrete choice experiment. BMJ Open 2022, 12: e059949. PMID: 35863829, PMCID: PMC9310153, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059949.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeer support groupsAvailability of medicinesHealthcare providersPatient preferencesHealth facilitiesHealth educationRural UgandaFacility-based managementCost of treatmentLow-resource settingsDiabetes mellitusNakaseke districtDiscrete choice experimentHealthcare service deliveryAverage respondentIntervention designHTNMedicineUgandan shillingsDCE attributesProvidersGroupService deliveryTowards Reducing Health Information Inequities in the Caribbean: The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network Data Sharing Platform Usability Study.
McCall T, Date S, Alexis D, Whiteman S, Dick S, Marenco L, Campbell Britton M, Tessier-Sherman B, Brandt C, Wang K. Towards Reducing Health Information Inequities in the Caribbean: The Eastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network Data Sharing Platform Usability Study. Studies In Health Technology And Informatics 2022, 290: 834-838. PMID: 35673135, DOI: 10.3233/shti220196.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsData sharing platformSystem Usability ScaleSharing platformUsability testingAverage SUS scoreUsability studyVideo conferencingCognitive walkthroughUser satisfactionInformation inequitiesInformation systemsSUS scoreUsability ScaleEastern Caribbean Health Outcomes Research Network (ECHORN) Cohort StudyUsability ratingsError preventionPlatformSelf-administered web-based surveyCohort studyWeb-based surveyMost recommendationsWalkthroughUsabilityConferencingNavigation
Phenotypes of Hypertensive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Patterns: Design and Rationale of the ECHORN Hypertension Study.
Spatz ES, Martinez-Brockman JL, Tessier-Sherman B, Mortazavi B, Roy B, Schwartz JI, Nazario CM, Maharaj R, Nunez M, Adams OP, Burg M, Nunez-Smith M. Phenotypes of Hypertensive Ambulatory Blood Pressure Patterns: Design and Rationale of the ECHORN Hypertension Study. Ethnicity & Disease 2019, 29: 535-544. PMID: 31641320, PMCID: PMC6802166, DOI: 10.18865/ed.29.4.535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmbulatory blood pressure measurementsABPM patternsBP patternAmbulatory blood pressure patternsMore precision-based approachesAmbulatory BP patternsDiagnosis of HTNTreatment of HTNBlood pressure patternWave 2High-risk populationBlood pressure measurementsCommunity-residing adultsPrecision-based approachesAntihypertensive medicationsBlood pressureProspective studyHypertension StudyHypertensive phenotypeCardiovascular diseaseParent studyHTNEcological momentary assessmentSelf-report surveyHigh rate
Risk of Injury by Unionization
Altassan KA, Sakr CJ, Galusha D, Slade MD, Tessier-Sherman B, Cantley LF. Risk of Injury by Unionization. Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine 2018, 60: 827-831. PMID: 29727399, PMCID: PMC6131027, DOI: 10.1097/jom.0000000000001347.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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