Seizures and electrophysiological features in familial cortical myoclonic tremor with epilepsy 1
Ding Y, Cen Z, Zheng Y, Qiu X, Ye Y, Chen X, Hu L, Wang B, Wang Z, Yin H, Shen C, Ming W, Ge Y, Xie F, Yang D, Ouyang Z, Wang H, Wu S, Ding M, Wang S, Luo W. Seizures and electrophysiological features in familial cortical myoclonic tremor with epilepsy 1. Annals Of Clinical And Translational Neurology 2023, 11: 414-423. PMID: 38059543, PMCID: PMC10863925, DOI: 10.1002/acn3.51961.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsInterictal epileptiform dischargesIED indexFamilial cortical myoclonic tremorCortical myoclonic tremorElectrophysiological featuresMyoclonic tremorGeneralized interictal epileptiform dischargesDistribution of interictal epileptiform dischargesFocal interictal epileptiform dischargesThirty-one patientsStage I-IIPositive family historyEpileptic seizuresCourse of epilepsySleep-wake cycleFCMTE patientsOvernight EEGProlonged prodromeBenign courseEpileptiform dischargesFamily historyChinese cohortPhotoparoxysmal responseGenetic testingSAMD12 geneExcitatory somatostatin interneurons in the dentate gyrus drive a widespread seizure network in cortical dysplasia
Zheng Y, Xu C, Sun J, Ming W, Dai S, Shao Y, Qiu X, Li M, Shen C, Xu J, Fei F, Fang J, Jiang X, Zheng G, Hu W, Wang Y, Wang S, Ding M, Chen Z. Excitatory somatostatin interneurons in the dentate gyrus drive a widespread seizure network in cortical dysplasia. Signal Transduction And Targeted Therapy 2023, 8: 186. PMID: 37193687, PMCID: PMC10188524, DOI: 10.1038/s41392-023-01404-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSomatostatin-positive interneuronsCortical dysplasiaSeizure networkDentate gyrusParvalbumin-positive interneuronsSomatostatin-positive neuronsExcitatory transmissionDysplastic lesionsSomatostatin interneuronsPoor prognosisSomatostatin-positiveEpileptic hippocampusImmunohistochemical studiesCalcium imagingDysplasiaInterneuronsElectrophysiological recordingsSeizure generalizationCellular basisSeizuresInhibitory roleHippocampusOptogenetic studiesDentateCellular substrates
Clinical Reasoning: A 60-Year-Old Man With Asymmetric Weakness and Persistent Fever
Zheng Y, Xiang J, Zhang X, Zhang S, Ding M, Huang J. Clinical Reasoning: A 60-Year-Old Man With Asymmetric Weakness and Persistent Fever. Neurology 2022, 100: 530-536. PMID: 36914272, PMCID: PMC10074466, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000201697.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeripheral neuropathyPersistent feverAsymmetric weaknessDevelopment of rashElevated inflammatory markersAcute-onset weaknessClinical pattern recognitionDiagnostic challengeInflammatory markersDifferential diagnosisAtypical featuresElectrophysiological studiesAncillary testsTargeted treatmentNeuropathyRight legFeverLeft legDiagnosisRashPatientsInterictal-period-activated neuronal ensemble in piriform cortex retards further seizure development
Lai N, Cheng H, Li Z, Wang X, Ruan Y, Qi Y, Yang L, Fei F, Dai S, Chen L, Zheng Y, Xu C, Fang J, Wang S, Chen Z, Wang Y. Interictal-period-activated neuronal ensemble in piriform cortex retards further seizure development. Cell Reports 2022, 41: 111798. PMID: 36516780, DOI: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.111798.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGeneralized seizuresActivity-dependent labeling techniquesInterictal periodSeizure developmentIP-enabledNeuronal ensemblesPiriform cortexPotential therapeutic targetCircuit rearrangementsOptogenetic activationHistological evidenceFocal seizuresIctal eventsSeizure generationControlling coherenceCellular mechanismsEpileptic networkSeizuresTherapeutic targetInterictal statePiriformActivated astrocytes attenuate neocortical seizures in rodent models through driving Na+-K+-ATPase
Zhao J, Sun J, Zheng Y, Zheng Y, Shao Y, Li Y, Fei F, Xu C, Liu X, Wang S, Ruan Y, Liu J, Duan S, Chen Z, Wang Y. Activated astrocytes attenuate neocortical seizures in rodent models through driving Na+-K+-ATPase. Nature Communications 2022, 13: 7136. PMID: 36414629, PMCID: PMC9681834, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-34662-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAnti-seizure effectsNa+-K+-ATPasePyramidal neuronsNeocortical seizuresRodent modelsInhibition of pyramidal neuronsExcitation-inhibition imbalanceTreatment of intractable epilepsyNa+-K+-ATPase activityMinimal side effectsAnti-seizure strategyAstrocyte-neuron interactionsOptogenetic activationTherapeutic windowIntractable epilepsyEpilepsy modelSide effectsCalcium signalingTherapeutic effectSeizuresActivity-dependentEpileptic seizuresAstrocyte stimulationAstrocytesPotential targetSeizures and epilepsy in multiple sclerosis, aquaporin 4 antibody‐positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody‐associated disease
Li E, Zheng Y, Cai M, Lai Q, Fang G, Du B, Shen C, Zhang Y, Wu L, Ding M. Seizures and epilepsy in multiple sclerosis, aquaporin 4 antibody‐positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder, and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody‐associated disease. Epilepsia 2022, 63: 2173-2191. PMID: 35652436, DOI: 10.1111/epi.17315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated diseaseAquaporin-4 antibody-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderAntibody-associated diseaseMultiple sclerosisCentral nervous system inflammatory demyelinating diseaseAutoimmune-associated epilepsyCerebral cortical encephalitisConcomitant systemic infectionPresence of status epilepticusAcute disseminated encephalomyelitisInflammatory demyelinating diseaseSecondary to inflammationAcute symptomatic seizuresDrug-drug interactionsAQP4-NMOSDCortical encephalitisMultiple relapsesDisseminated encephalomyelitisImpact of treatmentStatus epilepticusDisease activitySymptomatic seizuresAntiseizure medicationsInflammatory mechanismsThe role of Na+‐K+‐ATPase in the epileptic brain
Sun J, Zheng Y, Chen Z, Wang Y. The role of Na+‐K+‐ATPase in the epileptic brain. CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics 2022, 28: 1294-1302. PMID: 35751846, PMCID: PMC9344081, DOI: 10.1111/cns.13893.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPearls & Oy-sters: Parietal Lobe Epilepsy in Disguise
Zheng Y, Ming W, Zheng Z, Jiang H, Chen C, Wu H, Wang Z, Xu S, Zhu J, Ding M, Wang S, Ding Y. Pearls & Oy-sters: Parietal Lobe Epilepsy in Disguise. Neurology 2022, 98: 509-513. PMID: 35101912, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200050.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
HMGB1, neuronal excitability and epilepsy
Dai S, Zheng Y, Wang Y, Chen Z. HMGB1, neuronal excitability and epilepsy. Acta Epileptologica 2021, 3: 13. DOI: 10.1186/s42494-021-00048-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchN-methyl-D-aspartateModulation of neuronal excitabilityAnimal models of epilepsyToll-like receptor 4Antiepileptic drug therapyInterleukin (IL)-1bTranslocation of HMGB1Multiple animal modelsDevelopment of epilepsyAnti-epileptic drugsMobility group protein B1HMGB1-related pathwayModels of epilepsyNuclear factor kappa BPotential of HMGB1Advanced glycation end productsFactor kappa BGlycation end productsNeuronal excitabilityBlocking HMGB1Downstream signaling pathwaysGlutamate receptorsHMGB1 signalingHyperexcitable neuronsDrug therapyCase Report: Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disorder Masquerading as Multiple Sclerosis: An Under-Recognized Entity?
Zheng Y, Cai M, Li E, Fang W, Shen C, Zhang Y. Case Report: Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein Antibody-Associated Disorder Masquerading as Multiple Sclerosis: An Under-Recognized Entity? Frontiers In Immunology 2021, 12: 671425. PMID: 34220818, PMCID: PMC8249196, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.671425.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoproteinMultiple sclerosisMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-antibody testingClinical phenotypeConus medullaris involvementUnder-recognized entityProportion of patientsSteroid-dependentMedullary involvementOligodendrocyte glycoproteinMOGADRadiological manifestationsRecurrent episodesTherapeutic responseDisease courseAntibody seropositivityUnder-recognizedPatientsAntibody testMyelitisSclerosisSeropositivityMyelinManifestationsPhenotype
IgG Index Revisited: Diagnostic Utility and Prognostic Value in Multiple Sclerosis
Zheng Y, Cai M, Yang F, Zhou J, Fang W, Shen C, Zhang Y, Ding M. IgG Index Revisited: Diagnostic Utility and Prognostic Value in Multiple Sclerosis. Frontiers In Immunology 2020, 11: 1799. PMID: 32973754, PMCID: PMC7468492, DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01799.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCohort of clinically isolated syndromeOligoclonal band positivityOligoclonal band statusOligoclonal bandsIgG indexPrognostic valueDiagnostic utilityMultiple sclerosisExpanded Disability Status Scale worseningAccurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosisMS diagnosisAttack of MSNegative oligoclonal bandsAsian populationsClinically isolated syndromeDiagnosis of multiple sclerosisElevated IgG indexEarly disease activityClinical relapseRetrospective studyDisease activityClinical challengeMS patientsAccurate diagnosisPredictive valueEvaluation of brain and spinal cord lesion distribution criteria at disease onset in distinguishing NMOSD from MS and MOG antibody-associated disorder
Cai M, Zheng Y, Shen C, Yang F, Fang W, Zhang Y, Ding M. Evaluation of brain and spinal cord lesion distribution criteria at disease onset in distinguishing NMOSD from MS and MOG antibody-associated disorder. Multiple Sclerosis Journal 2020, 27: 871-882. PMID: 32672091, DOI: 10.1177/1352458520939008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disorderNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderLongitudinally extensive transverse myelitisDifferentiate neuromyelitis optica spectrum disordersDisease onsetMultiple sclerosisAQP4-ab-seropositive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderLongitudinally extensive transverse myelitis lesionsDiagnostic performanceChinese populationAntibody-associated disordersAQP4-Ab seropositivityExtensive transverse myelitisEvaluation of brainVentricle lesionsTransverse myelitisRetrospective studyImaging criteriaPeriventricular lesionsAquaporin-4Finger lesionsLesionsDiseaseOnsetDisordersTreatment of idiopathic orbital myositis with frequent relapses: First case with tacrolimus and review of literature
Zheng Y, Zhang Y, Ding M. Treatment of idiopathic orbital myositis with frequent relapses: First case with tacrolimus and review of literature. Journal Of Neuroimmunology 2020, 346: 577316. PMID: 32668345, DOI: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2020.577316.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIdiopathic orbital myositisOrbital myositisFrequent relapsesDiagnosis of idiopathic orbital myositisPatients refractory to steroidsEnlargement of extraocular musclesRecurrent painful ophthalmoplegiaEfficacy of tacrolimusRefractory to steroidsBrain magnetic resonance imagingMagnetic resonance imagingPainful ophthalmoplegiaSteroid resistanceImmunosuppressive agentsIsolated enlargementExtraocular musclesFollow-upTacrolimusRelapseResonance imagingSymptom controlRelapse preventionMyositisPatientsSymptom recoveryGrading the Severity of Autoimmune Encephalitis: When to Evaluate?
Cai M, Zheng Y, Zhang Y. Grading the Severity of Autoimmune Encephalitis: When to Evaluate? Annals Of Neurology 2020, 87: 989-990. PMID: 32356319, DOI: 10.1002/ana.25761.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHMGB1 Is a Therapeutic Target and Biomarker in Diazepam-Refractory Status Epilepticus with Wide Time Window
Zhao J, Zheng Y, Liu K, Chen J, Lai N, Fei F, Shi J, Xu C, Wang S, Nishibori M, Wang Y, Chen Z. HMGB1 Is a Therapeutic Target and Biomarker in Diazepam-Refractory Status Epilepticus with Wide Time Window. Neurotherapeutics 2020, 17: 710-721. PMID: 31802434, PMCID: PMC7283397, DOI: 10.1007/s13311-019-00815-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh mobility group box 1Anti-HMGB1 mAbStatus epilepticusTherapeutic targetLife-threatening neurological emergencyToll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)-dependent pathwayAnti-HMGB1 monoclonal antibodyNeutralization of HMGB1Plasma HMGB1 levelsMobility group box 1Severity of seizure activityExogenous high mobility group box 1Incidence of SENonrefractory SEHMGB1 levelsPredictive biomarkersTherapeutic responseNeurological emergencyTherapeutic windowBox 1Seizure activityMonoclonal antibodiesPharmacological therapeuticsSE periodEpilepticusSeizure occurrence in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Shen C, Zheng Y, Cai M, Yang F, Fang W, Zhang Y, Ding M. Seizure occurrence in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Multiple Sclerosis And Related Disorders 2020, 42: 102057. PMID: 32222694, DOI: 10.1016/j.msard.2020.102057.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMOG-Ab-associated diseaseAcute symptomatic seizuresSymptomatic seizuresMeta-analysisMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated diseaseSystematic reviewMyelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody (MOG-Ab)-associated diseaseAntibody-associated diseaseSeizure occurrenceEpileptic seizuresProbability of seizure occurrenceProportion of childrenRandom-effects modelOccurrence of epileptic seizuresOccurrence of seizuresOccurrence of acute symptomatic seizuresClinical presentationMeta-analysis objectivePooled resultsInclusion criteriaPooled probabilitySeizuresDiseaseEffects modelPatientsApplication of the 2017 McDonald criteria in a Chinese population with clinically isolated syndrome
Zheng Y, Shen C, Wang S, Yang F, Cai M, Fang W, Zhang Y, Ding M. Application of the 2017 McDonald criteria in a Chinese population with clinically isolated syndrome. Therapeutic Advances In Neurological Disorders 2020, 13: 1756286419898083. PMID: 32010225, PMCID: PMC6971959, DOI: 10.1177/1756286419898083.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinically isolated syndromeChinese patientsDiagnostic performanceAccurate diagnosis of multiple sclerosisMultiple sclerosisDiagnosis of multiple sclerosisFollow-up dataDetection of MSRetrospective studyMcDonald criteriaAccurate diagnosisTertiary hospitalChinese populationInterquartile rangeLow specificitySurvival analysisDiagnostic criteriaPatientsAsian populationsSyndromeClinicSclerosisBaselineInterquartileShort segment myelitis as the initial and only manifestation of aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders
Fang* W, Zheng* Y, Yang F, Cai M, Shen C, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Ding M. Short segment myelitis as the initial and only manifestation of aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Therapeutic Advances In Neurological Disorders 2020, 13: 1756286419898594. PMID: 32010226, PMCID: PMC6971969, DOI: 10.1177/1756286419898594.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderLongitudinally extensive transverse myelitisAquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorderManifestation of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disordersLongitudinally extensive transverse myelitis lesionsNMOSD diagnosisNeuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder patientsAquaporin-4 immunoglobulin GSpinal cord magnetic resonance imagingTwo-tailed Fisher's exact testExtensive transverse myelitisFisher's exact testMagnetic resonance imagingAQP4-IgGTransverse myelitisAcute myelitisRadiological featuresDelayed diagnosisChinese patientsAxial imagesCorrect diagnosisExact testStudy of lesionsSagittal imagesMyelitis
Multidisciplinary management improves anxiety, depression, medication adherence, and quality of life among patients with epilepsy in eastern China: A prospective study
Zheng Y, Ding X, Guo Y, Chen Q, Wang W, Zheng Y, Wang S, Ding Y, Ding M. Multidisciplinary management improves anxiety, depression, medication adherence, and quality of life among patients with epilepsy in eastern China: A prospective study. Epilepsy & Behavior 2019, 100: 106400. PMID: 31634729, DOI: 10.1016/j.yebeh.2019.07.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAnticonvulsantsAnxietyChinaCombined Modality TherapyDepressionEpilepsyFemaleFollow-Up StudiesHumansInterdisciplinary CommunicationMaleMedication AdherenceMiddle AgedPatient Care TeamProspective StudiesPsychiatric Status Rating ScalesQuality of LifeSelf ReportSingle-Blind MethodTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsQuality of lifeMedication adherenceIntervention groupMultidisciplinary programBeck Anxiety InventoryBeck Depression InventoryEight-item Morisky Medication Adherence ScaleMorisky Medication Adherence ScaleEpilepsy specialist nursesOverall QOLIE-31 scoreSelf-reported seizure frequencyMedication Adherence ScaleQOLIE-31 scoresAntiepileptic drug adherenceSpecialist nursesMMAS-8Epilepsy-31Adherence ScaleSeverity of depressionQOLIE-31Anxiety InventoryTertiary hospitalDepression InventorySevere depressionPsychiatric comorbiditiesCentral Nervous System Involvement in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis: What Neurologists Need to Know
Zheng Y, Zhang Y, Cai M, Lai N, Chen Z, Ding M. Central Nervous System Involvement in ANCA-Associated Vasculitis: What Neurologists Need to Know. Frontiers In Neurology 2019, 9: 1166. PMID: 30687221, PMCID: PMC6335277, DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2018.01166.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitisPosterior reversible encephalopathy syndromeCentral nervous systemSpinal cordANCA serotypeANCA testingClinical spectrumInitiation of induction therapySpectrum of CNS involvementAncillary investigationsAntibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitisPauci-immune small vessel vasculitisCentral nervous system involvementCentral nervous system manifestationsIsolated mass lesionsReversible encephalopathy syndromeANCA-associated vasculitisPositive ANCA testNervous system involvementRelevant case reportsSmall vessel vasculitisCentral nervous system disordersNose and throatCNS presentationAAV patients