Rural Residence and Antihypertensive Medication Use in US Stroke Survivors
Tran PM, Tran LT, Zhu C, Chang T, Powers IP, Goldstein LB, Lichtman JH. Rural Residence and Antihypertensive Medication Use in US Stroke Survivors. Journal Of The American Heart Association 2022, 11: e026678. PMID: 35862140, PMCID: PMC9375512, DOI: 10.1161/jaha.122.026678.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsUS stroke survivorsAntihypertensive medication useAntihypertensive useStroke survivorsLifestyle characteristicsMedication useBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System surveyUrban residenceSurvey-weighted logistic regressionRural stroke survivorsSurvey-weighted prevalenceHigh smoking prevalenceRecurrent strokeHypertension prevalenceSmoking prevalenceRural residentsRural residenceHypertensionReported historyLogistic regressionSurvivorsGeographic disparitiesSystem surveyPrevalenceSignificant increase
Use of Outpatient Rehabilitation Among Adult Stroke Survivors — 20 States and the District of Columbia, 2013, and Four States, 2015
Ayala C, Fang J, Luncheon C, King SC, Chang T, Ritchey M, Loustalot F. Use of Outpatient Rehabilitation Among Adult Stroke Survivors — 20 States and the District of Columbia, 2013, and Four States, 2015. MMWR Morbidity And Mortality Weekly Report 2018, 67: 575-578. PMID: 29795076, PMCID: PMC6433337, DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6720a2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStroke survivorsBehavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System dataEvidence-based guidelinesDistrict of ColumbiaAdult stroke survivorsSurveillance System dataQuality of lifeSystem-level interventionsPublic health communityStroke recurrenceHospital dischargeOutpatient rehabilitationFunctional outcomeOutpatient settingLeading causeStroke rehabilitationNational guidelinesBRFSS dataHealth systemStrokeHispanic originSurvivorsHealth communityAmerican adultsLevel of education