The anatomy of crisis
Roennfeldt H, Hill N, Byrne L, Hamilton B. The anatomy of crisis. International Journal Of Qualitative Studies On Health And Well-Being 2024, 19: 2416580. PMID: 39417632, PMCID: PMC11488168, DOI: 10.1080/17482631.2024.2416580.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvaluation of lived experience Peer Support intervention for mental health service consumers in Primary Care (PS-PC): study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial
Lawn S, Shelby-James T, Manger S, Byrne L, Fuss B, Isaac V, Kaambwa B, Ullah S, Rattray M, Gye B, Kaine C, Phegan C, Harris G, Worley P. Evaluation of lived experience Peer Support intervention for mental health service consumers in Primary Care (PS-PC): study protocol for a stepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trial. Trials 2024, 25: 319. PMID: 38745299, PMCID: PMC11094922, DOI: 10.1186/s13063-024-08165-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStepped-wedge cluster randomised controlled trialCluster randomised controlled trialRandomised controlled trialsPeer support interventionPeer workersMental health conditionsPrimary careSecondary healthcare providersSupport interventionsHealth outcomesHealthcare providersHealth conditionsMental health service consumersManaging mental health conditionsMental health care sectorSecondary healthcare sectorsHealth service consumersControlled trialsMental health careMental health servicesPractice staff membersMental health outcomesJourney of recoveryFamily membersHealth care sectorExploring the lived experience of receiving mental health crisis care at emergency departments, crisis phone lines and crisis care alternatives
Roennfeldt H, Hill N, Byrne L, Hamilton B. Exploring the lived experience of receiving mental health crisis care at emergency departments, crisis phone lines and crisis care alternatives. Health Expectations 2024, 27: e14045. PMID: 38590099, PMCID: PMC11002315, DOI: 10.1111/hex.14045.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health crisis careMental health crisisCrisis careEmergency departmentCare experiencesExperiences of accessing careNegative care experiencesHealth crisisContext of emergency departmentHermeneutic phenomenological approachPhone linesExperiences of peopleIn-depth interviewsPhone supportAustralian adultsHuman connectionCare alternativesCrisis servicesParticipants' experiencesService usersCareShortage of literaturePhenomenological approachProvidersRisk assessment
Differences and Similarities Between Consumer- and Caregiver- or Family-Informed Peer Roles in Mental Health
Roennfeldt H, Chapman M, Runneboom C, Wang Y, Byrne L. Differences and Similarities Between Consumer- and Caregiver- or Family-Informed Peer Roles in Mental Health. Psychiatric Services 2023, 74: 1037-1044. PMID: 36987707, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20220386.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeer workersCaregiver perspectivesMental health staffMental health sectorMixed-methods designPeer workforceCaregiving experienceHealth staffPeer staffMental healthService usersCaregiversPeer roleHealth sectorQualitative findingsWork practiceQualitative dataFamily membersStaffAustralian surveyWorkforceAnalyzed dataQuantitative dataParticipantsWorkers
To Disclose or Not to Disclose? Peer Workers Impact on a Culture of Safe Disclosure for Mental Health Professionals With Lived Experience
Byrne L, Roennfeldt H, Davidson L, Miller R, Bellamy C. To Disclose or Not to Disclose? Peer Workers Impact on a Culture of Safe Disclosure for Mental Health Professionals With Lived Experience. Psychological Services 2022, 19: 9-18. PMID: 34043384, DOI: 10.1037/ser0000555.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Supporting the Sharing of Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace: Findings from Comparative Case Study Research at Two Mental Health Services
King A, Fortune T, Byrne L, Brophy L. Supporting the Sharing of Mental Health Challenges in the Workplace: Findings from Comparative Case Study Research at Two Mental Health Services. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2021, 18: 12831. PMID: 34886557, PMCID: PMC8657442, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182312831.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsManagement literatureSenior organizational leadersComparative case study researchMental health challengesComparative case study designCase study researchDirect service deliveryPersonal leaveOrganizational leadersWorkforce diversityCase study designMH challengesStudy researchWorkplace factorsMH staffIndividual performanceTeam reflectionSupervisory roleService deliveryConcealable stigmaHealth challengesMutual sharingQualitative analysisPersonal experienceSharingSubjective Experiences of Mental Health Crisis Care in Emergency Departments: A Narrative Review of the Qualitative Literature
Roennfeldt H, Wyder M, Byrne L, Hill N, Randall R, Hamilton B. Subjective Experiences of Mental Health Crisis Care in Emergency Departments: A Narrative Review of the Qualitative Literature. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2021, 18: 9650. PMID: 34574574, PMCID: PMC8471743, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18189650.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental health crisisEmergency departmentHealth crisisMental health crisis careMental health presentationsExperience of treatmentImpact of treatmentHealth presentationsCrisis careQualitative literatureNarrative reviewO'Malley's frameworkNegative experiencesSubjective experienceDepartmentTreatmentReviewExpectations of peopleFindingsEMBASEMEDLINEPoints of opportunityCINAHLPsycINFOEffective Peer Employment Within Multidisciplinary Organizations: Model for Best Practice
Byrne L, Roennfeldt H, Wolf J, Linfoot A, Foglesong D, Davidson L, Bellamy C. Effective Peer Employment Within Multidisciplinary Organizations: Model for Best Practice. Administration And Policy In Mental Health And Mental Health Services Research 2021, 49: 283-297. PMID: 34478040, DOI: 10.1007/s10488-021-01162-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeer employmentOrganizational transformationOrganizational changeEffective employmentEffective organizational strategiesNon-peer staffMental healthBest practicesOrganizational best practicesPeer workersRecovery-oriented valuesOrganizational commitmentOrganization commitmentOrganizational cultureOrganizational strategiesOrganizational mechanismsOrganizational authorityMultidisciplinary organizationResource engagementPeer trainingEmploymentStudy findingsOrganizationWorkforce trainingPeer workSkin in the game: The professionalization of lived experience roles in mental health
Roennfeldt H, Byrne L. Skin in the game: The professionalization of lived experience roles in mental health. International Journal Of Mental Health Nursing 2021, 30: 1445-1455. PMID: 34137149, DOI: 10.1111/inm.12898.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsHumansMental HealthMental Health ServicesPsychiatric NursingSocial IdentificationWorkforceConceptsLived experience workforceLived experience rolesExperience rolesExperience workDistinct professional disciplineGrassroots supportActivist movementsHealth service deliveryService deliveryWorkforce developmentProfessional identityProfessionalizationMental health service deliveryGreater regulationExperience workersTheoretical positionsWorkforceProfessional disciplinesMental healthLine managersHealth nursesValuingArgumentMental health nursesFocused system
Factors Affecting Mental Health Professionals’ Sharing of Their Lived Experience in the Workplace: A Scoping Review
King A, Brophy L, Fortune T, Byrne L. Factors Affecting Mental Health Professionals’ Sharing of Their Lived Experience in the Workplace: A Scoping Review. Psychiatric Services 2020, 71: 1047-1064. PMID: 32878543, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201900606.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHow much ‘lived experience’ is enough? Understanding mental health lived experience work from a management perspective
Roennfeldt H, Byrne L. How much ‘lived experience’ is enough? Understanding mental health lived experience work from a management perspective. Australian Health Review 2020, 44: 898-903. PMID: 32753099, DOI: 10.1071/ah19261.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAustraliaHumansMental HealthMental Health ServicesPeer GroupQualitative ResearchQueenslandConceptsLived experience workforceLived experienceLived experience rolesSemi-structured interviewsCommunity sectorMental health sectorManagement understandingHealth sectorQualitative studyExperience rolesFocus groupsWorkforceExperience workManagement rolesOngoing expansionPeer roleMental healthPeer workforceSenior managementExperience of managementManagement perspectiveSectorExperienceRole clarityOthering
Taking a Gamble for High Rewards? Management Perspectives on the Value of Mental Health Peer Workers
Byrne L, Roennfeldt H, O’Shea P, Macdonald F. Taking a Gamble for High Rewards? Management Perspectives on the Value of Mental Health Peer Workers. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health 2018, 15: 746. PMID: 29652822, PMCID: PMC5923788, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph15040746.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsGrounded TheoryHumansMental HealthMental Health ServicesPeer GroupQualitative ResearchQueenslandConceptsView of managementPerspective of managementMental health peer workersManagement perspectiveManagement rolesPeer workersForms of diversityEffective recruitmentOrganizationHigher perceptionUser involvementHigher benefitsQualitative researchImpactful methodPublic health organizationsHigh rewardWorkers
The stigma of identifying as having a lived experience runs before me: challenges for lived experience roles
Byrne L, Roper C, Happell B, Reid-Searl K. The stigma of identifying as having a lived experience runs before me: challenges for lived experience roles. Journal Of Mental Health 2016, 28: 260-266. PMID: 27841058, DOI: 10.1080/09638237.2016.1244715.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
CQUniversity leads innovation in mental health nursing.
Happell B, Byrne L, Platania-Phung C, Harris S, Bradshaw J. CQUniversity leads innovation in mental health nursing. Australian Nursing Journal 2014, 21: 51. PMID: 25069187.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAttitudes of Nursing Students on Consumer Participation: The Effectiveness of the Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire
Byrne L, Happell B, Platania‐Phung C. Attitudes of Nursing Students on Consumer Participation: The Effectiveness of the Mental Health Consumer Participation Questionnaire. Perspectives In Psychiatric Care 2014, 51: 45-51. PMID: 24620923, DOI: 10.1111/ppc.12064.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMental Health Consumer Participation QuestionnaireConsumer Participation QuestionnaireMental health servicesParticipation QuestionnaireHealth servicesMental health nursing practiceIndividual care processesEducation of providersNursing students' attitudesNursing studentsCare processesNursing practiceUndergraduate nursing studentsConsumer participationQuestionnaireCurrent findingsPositive attitudes