Drinking Goals and Attainment in a Naltrexone Trial of Young Adult Heavy Drinkers
DeMartini KS, Foster DW, Corbin WR, Fucito LM, Romano D, Leeman RF, Kranzler HR, O’Malley S. Drinking Goals and Attainment in a Naltrexone Trial of Young Adult Heavy Drinkers. Journal Of Consulting And Clinical Psychology 2018, 86: 765-774. PMID: 30138015, PMCID: PMC6435339, DOI: 10.1037/ccp0000323.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment outcomesAdult heavy drinkersYoung adult heavy drinkersHeavy drinkersDrinking goalEnd of treatmentPeak drinkingBetter treatment outcomesAlcohol use disorderImpact treatment outcomesTypical drinkingYoung adult drinkersEfficacy trialsUse disordersBrief counselingGoal settingIntervention effectsGoal-setting exercisesAdult drinkersDrinkersOutcomesDrinkingTreatmentImportant targetMidtreatment
Novel Approaches to Individual Alcohol Interventions for Heavy Drinking College Students and Young Adults
DeMartini KS, Fucito LM, O’Malley S. Novel Approaches to Individual Alcohol Interventions for Heavy Drinking College Students and Young Adults. Current Addiction Reports 2015, 2: 47-57. PMID: 26258001, PMCID: PMC4524658, DOI: 10.1007/s40429-015-0043-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAlcohol interventionsAlcohol outcomesCollege studentsHeavy drinking college studentsYoung adultsNovel interventionsAlcohol-related problemsNovel treatment approachesIntervention efficacyTreat populationAlcohol useEfficacious interventionsTreatment approachesAlcohol consumptionTreatment integrationInterventionEfficacyLimited durationAdultsOutcomesStudentsUrgent needPopulationPrevalenceTrials
How Do Perceptions About Cessation Outcomes Moderate the Effectiveness of a Gain-Framed Smoking Cessation Telephone Counseling Intervention?
Latimer-Cheung AE, Fucito LM, Carlin-Menter S, Rodriguez J, Raymond L, Salovey P, Makuch R, Cummings KM, Toll BA. How Do Perceptions About Cessation Outcomes Moderate the Effectiveness of a Gain-Framed Smoking Cessation Telephone Counseling Intervention? Journal Of Health Communication 2012, 17: 1081-1098. PMID: 22765277, PMCID: PMC3644974, DOI: 10.1080/10810730.2012.665420.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsState quitlineSmoking cessation counselingTelephone counseling interventionSmoking cessation messagesCessation counselingOutcome expectanciesSmoking statusSmoking cessationCessation messagesQuit statusHealth messagesSecondary analysisSmokers' beliefsCare messagesQuitlineIndividual perceptionsCounseling conditionCounseling interventionPreventionMenPositive outcome expectanciesInterventionOutcomesExpectancyIndividual differences
Effects of instructions on responses to the nicotine patch: a laboratory study
Fucito LM, Juliano LM. Effects of instructions on responses to the nicotine patch: a laboratory study. Psychopharmacology 2007, 194: 475-483. PMID: 17619862, DOI: 10.1007/s00213-007-0851-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPlacebo patchNicotine patchSmoking behaviorAbstinence periodNicotine replacement therapyWomen's smoking behaviourSide effect informationReplacement therapyCessation outcomesAbstinence outcomesSubjective outcomesSide effectsObjectivesThis studyPlacebo instructionNicotine instructionsOutcomesNicotine contentConclusionsThe resultsEffect informationControl conditionExpectancyPositive expectanciesPreliminary studySmokersSmoking