Bacterial reprogramming of tick metabolism impacts vector fitness and susceptibility to infection
Samaddar S, Rolandelli A, O’Neal A, Laukaitis-Yousey H, Marnin L, Singh N, Wang X, Butler L, Rangghran P, Kitsou C, Cabrera Paz F, Valencia L, R. Ferraz C, Munderloh U, Khoo B, Cull B, Rosche K, Shaw D, Oliver J, Narasimhan S, Fikrig E, Pal U, Fiskum G, Polster B, Pedra J. Bacterial reprogramming of tick metabolism impacts vector fitness and susceptibility to infection. Nature Microbiology 2024, 9: 2278-2291. PMID: 38997520, DOI: 10.1038/s41564-024-01756-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMetabolic reprogrammingInfection of tick cellsInvestigate metabolic reprogrammingTick cellsLyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferiSusceptibility to infectionArthropod-borne pathogensMetabolomics approachRickettsia buchneriHuman pathogensMetabolite allocationDiminished survivalBacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilumSpirochete Borrelia burgdorferiAcid metabolismA. phagocytophilum infectionInterspecies relationshipsElevated levelsInfectionFeeding impairmentHuman granulocytic anaplasmosisMetabolic responseArthropod vectorsI. scapularisPathogens
Correction: The Lyme disease agent co-opts adiponectin receptor-mediated signaling in its arthropod vector
Tang X, Cao Y, Arora G, Hwang J, Sajid A, Brown CL, Mehta S, MarÃn-López A, Chuang YM, Wu MJ, Ma H, Pal U, Narasimhan S, Fikrig E. Correction: The Lyme disease agent co-opts adiponectin receptor-mediated signaling in its arthropod vector. ELife 2022, 11: e77794. PMID: 35179491, PMCID: PMC8856650, DOI: 10.7554/elife.77794.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReceptor-mediated signalingArthropod vectors
The Lyme Disease agent co-opts adiponectin receptor-mediated signaling in its arthropod vector
Tang X, Cao Y, Arora G, Hwang J, Sajid A, Brown CL, Mehta S, MarÃn-López A, Chuang YM, Wu MJ, Ma H, Pal U, Narasimhan S, Fikrig E. The Lyme Disease agent co-opts adiponectin receptor-mediated signaling in its arthropod vector. ELife 2021, 10: e72568. PMID: 34783654, PMCID: PMC8639152, DOI: 10.7554/elife.72568.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsReceptor-mediated signalingAdiponectin receptorsAdiponectinLyme disease agentLyme disease spirochetePhospholipid metabolismPhosphatidylserine synthase ITick gutReceptor-like proteinMammalian homeostasisArthropod vectorsDisease agentsRNAi assaysRNA interferenceAlternative pathwaySynthase IPathwayMetabolic pathwaysTicksInfection
Interactions Between Ticks and Lyme Disease Spirochetes.
Pal U, Kitsou C, Drecktrah D, Yaş ÖB, Fikrig E. Interactions Between Ticks and Lyme Disease Spirochetes. Current Issues In Molecular Biology 2020, 42: 113-144. PMID: 33289683, PMCID: PMC8045411, DOI: 10.21775/cimb.042.113.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComplex enzootic life cycleEnzootic life cycleMammalian reservoir hostsMolecular interactionsLife cycleDiscrete molecular interactionsVariety of animalsRelated ticksVertebrate hostsLyme disease spirocheteArthropod vectorsSensu latoPathogen persistenceWild rodentsBacterial pathogensReservoir hostsCritical roleTick-transmitted infectionsMain vectorNortheastern United StatesPast discoveriesHostTicksArthropodsSpirochetesAn Ixodes scapularis Protein Disulfide Isomerase Contributes to Borrelia burgdorferi Colonization of the Vector
Cao Y, Rosen C, Arora G, Gupta A, Booth CJ, Murfin KE, Cerny J, Lopez A, Chuang YM, Tang X, Pal U, Ring A, Narasimhan S, Fikrig E. An Ixodes scapularis Protein Disulfide Isomerase Contributes to Borrelia burgdorferi Colonization of the Vector. Infection And Immunity 2020, 88: 10.1128/iai.00426-20. PMID: 32928964, PMCID: PMC7671890, DOI: 10.1128/iai.00426-20.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTick gutTick bite siteVector-host interfaceAbility of spirochetesProtein disulfide isomerase A3Infected vertebrate hostsInflammatory responseBite siteLyme diseaseVertebrate hostsGutTick proteinsAdditional targetsMiceSpirochete life cycleSpirochete survivalArthropod vectorsSpirochetesRNA interferenceIllnessTicks
A potent prolyl tRNA synthetase inhibitor antagonizes Chikungunya and Dengue viruses
Hwang J, Jiang A, Fikrig E. A potent prolyl tRNA synthetase inhibitor antagonizes Chikungunya and Dengue viruses. Antiviral Research 2018, 161: 163-168. PMID: 30521835, PMCID: PMC6345585, DOI: 10.1016/j.antiviral.2018.11.017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDengue virusSignificant morbiditySafe vaccineSynthetase inhibitionEndemic areasSynthetase inhibitorFlavivirus genusMosquito-bornePotent antagonistHost factorsGroup of pathogensVirusMultiple virusesChikungunyaHematophagous arthropod vectorsAedes sppArthropod vectorsEpidemic pathogensAdditional approachesMorbidityPathogensVaccineAntagonistMortalityHuman populationVisualization of Microbiota in Tick Guts by Whole-mount In Situ Hybridization.
Moss CE, Robson A, Fikrig E, Narasimhan S. Visualization of Microbiota in Tick Guts by Whole-mount In Situ Hybridization. Journal Of Visualized Experiments 2018 PMID: 29912204, PMCID: PMC6101453, DOI: 10.3791/57758.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTick gutComplex microbial communitiesSitu hybridizationSequencing-based methodsTick genesVector microbiotaMicrobial communitiesParticular bacterial speciesRNA transcriptsResident microorganismsTarget RNAInterspecies interactionsBacterial speciesArthropod vectorsResident bacteriaHuman pathogensMicrobiota interactionsPathogen transmissionTick transmissionIxodes scapularis ticksVector-borne diseasesTick feedingPathogensIntact tissueMicrobiota
Modulation of the tick gut milieu by a secreted tick protein favors Borrelia burgdorferi colonization
Narasimhan S, Schuijt TJ, Abraham NM, Rajeevan N, Coumou J, Graham M, Robson A, Wu MJ, Daffre S, Hovius JW, Fikrig E. Modulation of the tick gut milieu by a secreted tick protein favors Borrelia burgdorferi colonization. Nature Communications 2017, 8: 184. PMID: 28775250, PMCID: PMC5543126, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00208-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsB. burgdorferi colonizationTick gutImmune responseRNA interference-mediated silencingGut microbiomeLyme disease agentBorrelia burgdorferiB. burgdorferiGutTick proteinsVivo resultsBurgdorferiPixRAbrogationTick Ixodes scapularisArthropod vectorsDisease agentsGut proteinsIxodes scapularisAlterationsGut genesMicrobiomeTick biologyMiceBacterial biofilm formationChapter 14 Translation of Saliva Proteins Into Tools to Prevent Vector-Borne Disease Transmission
Narasimhan S, Schleicher T, Fikrig E. Chapter 14 Translation of Saliva Proteins Into Tools to Prevent Vector-Borne Disease Transmission. 2017, 249-300. DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-12-805360-7.00014-9.ChaptersPathogen transmissionArthropod vectorsVector-pathogen interactionsBlood mealVector salivaVector-Borne Disease TransmissionTransmit pathogensMolecular understandingHematophagous arthropodsHost immune responseMicrobesArthropodsImmune responseSalivary proteinsPathogensHostArthropod salivaMicroorganism transmission
Genetics of War and Truce between Mosquitos and Emerging Viruses
Hwang J, Jurado KA, Fikrig E. Genetics of War and Truce between Mosquitos and Emerging Viruses. Cell Host & Microbe 2016, 19: 583-587. PMID: 27173926, PMCID: PMC7063512, DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2016.04.009.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Gut Microbiota of the Tick Vector Ixodes scapularis Modulate Colonization of the Lyme Disease Spirochete
Narasimhan S, Rajeevan N, Liu L, Zhao YO, Heisig J, Pan J, Eppler-Epstein R, DePonte K, Fish D, Fikrig E. Gut Microbiota of the Tick Vector Ixodes scapularis Modulate Colonization of the Lyme Disease Spirochete. Cell Host & Microbe 2014, 15: 58-71. PMID: 24439898, PMCID: PMC3905459, DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2013.12.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPeritrophic matrixTranscription factor signal transducerPathogen colonizationLyme disease spirochete Borrelia burgdorferiActivator of transcriptionGut microbiotaArthropod gutsSignal transducerLyme disease spirocheteFunctional linkArthropod vectorsMajor vectorKey glycoproteinsHuman pathogensSpirochete Borrelia burgdorferiGut epitheliumIxodes scapularis ticksColonizationGut epithelial barrierMicrobiotaExpressionGut lumenScapularis ticksBorrelia burgdorferiEpithelial barrier
An In Vivo Transfection Approach Elucidates a Role for Aedes aegypti Thioester-Containing Proteins in Flaviviral Infection
Cheng G, Liu L, Wang P, Zhang Y, Zhao YO, Colpitts TM, Feitosa F, Anderson JF, Fikrig E. An In Vivo Transfection Approach Elucidates a Role for Aedes aegypti Thioester-Containing Proteins in Flaviviral Infection. PLOS ONE 2011, 6: e22786. PMID: 21818390, PMCID: PMC3144946, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0022786.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Toll-Like Receptors 1 and 2 Heterodimers Alter Borrelia burgdorferi Gene Expression in Mice and Ticks
Fikrig E, Narasimhan S, Neelakanta G, Pal U, Chen M, Flavell R. Toll-Like Receptors 1 and 2 Heterodimers Alter Borrelia burgdorferi Gene Expression in Mice and Ticks. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2009, 200: 1331-1340. PMID: 19754309, PMCID: PMC2846271, DOI: 10.1086/605950.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGene expressionMicroarray analysisB. burgdorferi gene expressionQuantitative reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysisToll-like receptor 1Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction analysisReceptor 1Expression profilesWild-type animalsHost TLRsArthropod vectorsMessenger RNA levelsPolymerase chain reaction analysisChain reaction analysisB. burgdorferi-infected ticksGenesBurgdorferi-infected ticksRNA levelsExpressionMurine hostBorrelia burgdorferiReaction analysisWild-type miceAnimalsHeterodimers
A Differential Role for BB0365 in the Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Mice and Ticks
Pal U, Dai J, Li X, Neelakanta G, Luo P, Kumar M, Wang P, Yang X, Anderson JF, Fikrig E. A Differential Role for BB0365 in the Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Mice and Ticks. The Journal Of Infectious Diseases 2008, 197: 148-155. PMID: 18171298, DOI: 10.1086/523764.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVertebrate hostsWild-type B. burgdorferiArthropod vectorsB. burgdorferi persistenceB. burgdorferi transcriptomeDiverse murine tissuesSpirochete life cycleLife cycleB. burgdorferi B31Lyme disease agentGene productsMurine tissuesGenesWild rodentsDisease agentsDifferential rolesFeeding ticksB. burgdorferiInfectious isolatesHostBorrelia burgdorferiTicksTranscriptomePersistence of BorreliaMutants
Tick–host–pathogen interactions in Lyme borreliosis
Hovius JW, van Dam AP, Fikrig E. Tick–host–pathogen interactions in Lyme borreliosis. Trends In Parasitology 2007, 23: 434-438. PMID: 17656156, DOI: 10.1016/j.pt.2007.07.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVertebrate hostsB. burgdorferi survivalB. burgdorferi genesEnzootic life cycleSpirochete survivalGene productsB. burgdorferiArthropod vectorsGenesVector moleculesLife cycleDifferent environmentsHostBorrelia burgdorferiIxodes ticksTROSPATicksSpirochetal agentBurgdorferiLyme borreliosisMicrobesSalp15ExpressionSurvivalA Tick Antioxidant Facilitates the Lyme Disease Agent's Successful Migration from the Mammalian Host to the Arthropod Vector
Narasimhan S, Sukumaran B, Bozdogan U, Thomas V, Liang X, DePonte K, Marcantonio N, Koski RA, Anderson JF, Kantor F, Fikrig E. A Tick Antioxidant Facilitates the Lyme Disease Agent's Successful Migration from the Mammalian Host to the Arthropod Vector. Cell Host & Microbe 2007, 2: 7-18. PMID: 18005713, PMCID: PMC2699493, DOI: 10.1016/j.chom.2007.06.001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMammalian hostsComplex feeding sitesLyme disease agent Borrelia burgdorferiSuccessful migrationMammalian responseTick Ixodes scapularisTick salivary glandsReactive oxygen speciesFeeding sitesArthropod vectorsTick proteinsBurgdorferi-infected miceOxygen speciesEfficient vectorCritical roleSpirochete acquisitionIxodes scapularisB. burgdorferiPathogensHostBorrelia burgdorferiI. scapularisInflammatory cellsImmune cellsSurvival advantage
OspC facilitates Borrelia burgdorferi invasion of Ixodes scapularis salivary glands
Pal U, Yang X, Chen M, Bockenstedt LK, Anderson JF, Flavell RA, Norgard MV, Fikrig E. OspC facilitates Borrelia burgdorferi invasion of Ixodes scapularis salivary glands. Journal Of Clinical Investigation 2004, 113: 220-230. PMID: 14722614, PMCID: PMC311436, DOI: 10.1172/jci19894.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsActinsAnimalsAntigens, BacterialBacterial Outer Membrane ProteinsBorrelia burgdorferiDisease Models, AnimalEnzyme-Linked Immunosorbent AssayGenetic VectorsImmunoglobulin Fab FragmentsIxodesLipoproteinsLyme DiseaseMiceMice, SCIDMicroscopy, ConfocalModels, GeneticPlasmidsRecombinant ProteinsReverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain ReactionSalivary GlandsSpirochaetalesTime FactorsUp-RegulationConceptsTick salivary glandsWild-type B. burgdorferiArthropod vectorsWild-type spirochetesTransmission of spirochetesB. burgdorferiMajor surface lipoproteinMammalian hostsGene expressionSalivary glandsOspC geneSurface lipoproteinsSalivary gland colonizationInfectious cloneOuter surface protein CGland colonizationSurface protein CTick gutMutantsOspCUnfed ticksInvasionCritical stepBorrelia burgdorferiSpirochetes
Adaptation of Borrelia burgdorferi in the tick and the mammalian host
Anguita J, Hedrick MN, Fikrig E. Adaptation of Borrelia burgdorferi in the tick and the mammalian host. FEMS Microbiology Reviews 2003, 27: 493-504. PMID: 14550942, DOI: 10.1016/s0168-6445(03)00036-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMammalian hostsGene expressionRegulation of genesAdaptation of BorreliaGene productsDifferent environmentsArthropod vectorsEnzootic cycleCurrent knowledgeLife cycleHostExpressionCausative agentB. burgdorferiBorrelia burgdorferiGenesSpirochetesTicksBurgdorferiMicroorganismsGreater abilityRegulationLyme diseaseThorough understandingFunction
Borrelia burgdorferi erpT expression in the arthropod vector and murine host
Fikrig E, Chen M, Barthold S, Anguita J, Feng W, Telford S, Flavell R. Borrelia burgdorferi erpT expression in the arthropod vector and murine host. Molecular Microbiology 1999, 31: 281-290. PMID: 9987129, DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-2958.1999.01171.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRNA polymerase chain reactionPolymerase chain reactionB. burgdorferi-infected miceBurgdorferi-infected miceB. burgdorferiMurine infectionChain reactionMurine hostImmunization of miceExtracutaneous sitesDifferential antibodyPersistent infectionArthropod vectorsIndirect immunofluorescenceBSK II mediumMiceImmunofluorescence studiesInfectionBurgdorferiAntibodiesAntigenBorrelia burgdorferi genesSmall minorityMammalian hostsNorthern blot