Vessa B, Reig A, Barrett F, Whitehead C, Seli E, Franasiak J. PATIENTS WITH POOR OVARIAN RESPONSE (POR) ARE LESS LIKELY TO SUCCEED IN ELECTIVE FERTILITY PRESERVATION AND REQUIRE TWICE AS MANY CYCLES TO DO SO, INDEPENDENT OF THE DEGREE OF POR. Fertility And Sterility 2024, 122: e246-e247. DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2024.07.778.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffect of intraovarian platelet-rich plasma injection on IVF outcomes in women with poor ovarian response: the PROVA randomized controlled trial
Herlihy N, Cakiroglu Y, Whitehead C, Reig A, Tiras B, Scott R, Seli E. Effect of intraovarian platelet-rich plasma injection on IVF outcomes in women with poor ovarian response: the PROVA randomized controlled trial. Human Reproduction 2024, 39: 1495-1503. PMID: 38725194, DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deae093.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPoor ovarian responseControlled ovarian stimulationHistory of poor ovarian responsePremature ovarian insufficiencyPlatelet-rich plasmaPlatelet-rich plasma injectionsMature oocyte yieldRandomized controlled trialsPRP injectionEuploid blastocystsOvarian responseOocyte yieldOocyte retrievalIVF outcomesIntraovarian platelet-rich plasmaUniversity-affiliated reproductive centerIVF historyMature oocytesSustained implantationDATE OF FIRST PATIENT’S ENROLMENT:Euploid embryo transferInclusion criteriaPlatelet-rich plasma preparationsPreimplantation genetic testingOvarian reserve testsPoor ovarian response classification systems in the clinical setting – time for an update?
Reig A, Seli E. Poor ovarian response classification systems in the clinical setting – time for an update? Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2024, 36: 192-199. PMID: 38597510, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000950.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseOvarian responsePoor ovarian response definitionDefinition of poor ovarian responseSuccess of assisted reproductive technologiesEra of personalized medicineOvarian reserve markersAssisted reproductive technologyBologna criteriaEuploid embryosReserve markersReproductive technologyClassification systemDiagnostic criteriaPersonalized medicineCounseling toolEffective predictor
Leukocyte telomere length and DNA methylome as biomarkers of ovarian reserve and embryo aneuploidy: the intricate relationship between somatic and reproductive aging
Garg A, Seli E. Leukocyte telomere length and DNA methylome as biomarkers of ovarian reserve and embryo aneuploidy: the intricate relationship between somatic and reproductive aging. Fertility And Sterility 2023, 121: 26-33. PMID: 37979607, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2023.11.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseLeukocyte telomere lengthOvarian reserveTelomere lengthAssisted Reproductive TechnologyOvarian responseFollicular somatic cellsMethylome changesDNA methylomePrevalence of infertilityDiminished ovarian reserveSomatic cellsCellular agingEpigenetic clocksDNA methylation ageReproductive potentialReproductive declineOvarian agingSurrogate biomarkerCommon causeMethylomeART outcomesChronologic ageEmbryo aneuploidyReproductive function
The use of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in patients with poor ovarian response and premature ovarian insufficiency
Herlihy NS, Seli E. The use of intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) in patients with poor ovarian response and premature ovarian insufficiency. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2022, 34: 133-137. PMID: 35645011, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000784.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responsePlatelet-rich plasmaPrimary ovarian insufficiencyPoor prognosis patientsPrognosis patientsOvarian reserveIntraovarian injectionOvarian responseOvarian insufficiencyLive birthsRich plasmaEffect of PRPAutologous platelet-rich plasmaIntra-ovarian injectionPremature ovarian insufficiencyMultiple live birthsProspective trialCase seriesClinical trialsPatient's abilityNovel treatmentsPatientsEmbryo yieldInsufficiencyTreatmentFollicular activation in women previously diagnosed with poor ovarian response: a randomized, controlled trial
DÃaz-GarcÃa C, Herraiz S, Pamplona L, Subirá J, Soriano MJ, Simon C, Seli E, Pellicer A. Follicular activation in women previously diagnosed with poor ovarian response: a randomized, controlled trial. Fertility And Sterility 2022, 117: 747-755. PMID: 35367015, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2021.12.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseAntral follicle countOvarian reserve markersLive birth rateOvarian fragmentationFollicular activationFollicle countOvarian responseReserve markersHormone levelsPregnancy rateReproductive outcomesEmbryo transferTotal antral follicle countMII oocytesSerum antimüllerian hormoneAntimüllerian hormone levelsBirth rateMetaphase II oocytesEmbryology (ESHRE) criteriaHippo pathway inhibitionAntimüllerian hormoneSecondary outcomesFertilization cyclesIVF outcomesOvarian reserve parameters and IVF outcomes in 510 women with poor ovarian response (POR) treated with intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP)
Cakiroglu Y, Yuceturk A, Karaosmanoglu O, Kopuk SY, Korun ZEU, Herlihy N, Scott RT, Tiras B, Seli E. Ovarian reserve parameters and IVF outcomes in 510 women with poor ovarian response (POR) treated with intraovarian injection of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP). Aging 2022, 14: 2513-2523. PMID: 35320118, PMCID: PMC9004561, DOI: 10.18632/aging.203972.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseOvarian reserve parametersPlatelet-rich plasmaAutologous platelet-rich plasmaReserve parametersIntraovarian injectionIVF outcomesOvarian responsePRP treatmentProspective randomized clinical trialsRich plasmaHigher serum AMHLower serum FSHUnderwent embryo transferReproductive-age womenRandomized clinical trialsWide clinical applicationPOSEIDON criteriaSerum AMHSerum FSHPRP injectionClinical efficacyAge womenClinical trialsPregnancy rate
Emerging follicular activation strategies to treat women with poor ovarian response and primary ovarian insufficiency
Reig A, Herraiz S, Pellicer A, Seli E. Emerging follicular activation strategies to treat women with poor ovarian response and primary ovarian insufficiency. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2021, 33: 241-248. PMID: 33896920, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000703.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responsePrimary ovarian insufficiencyLive birthsOngoing pregnancyOvarian responseOvarian insufficiencyAutologous platelet-rich plasmaBone marrow transplantFemale reproductive agingPlatelet-rich plasmaIntraovarian injectionOvarian transplantationMarrow transplantReproductive agingFertility treatmentReproductive medicineWomenPregnancyBirthInsufficiencyPrevious reportsPreliminary studyMechanical disruptionAkt stimulationCutting-edge strategies
Young women with poor ovarian response exhibit epigenetic age acceleration based on evaluation of white blood cells using a DNA methylation-derived age prediction model
Hanson BM, Tao X, Zhan Y, Jenkins TG, Morin SJ, Scott RT, Seli EU. Young women with poor ovarian response exhibit epigenetic age acceleration based on evaluation of white blood cells using a DNA methylation-derived age prediction model. Human Reproduction 2020, 35: 2579-2588. PMID: 33049778, DOI: 10.1093/humrep/deaa206.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPoor ovarian responseWhite blood cellsPolycystic ovary syndromeOvarian responseOvarian stimulationChronologic ageWBC samplesEpigenetic age accelerationCumulus cellsAge accelerationYoung womenSTUDY FUNDING/COMPETINGBlood cellsProspective cohort studyGood responder groupCommon clinical challengePeripheral blood samplesPARTICIPANTS/MATERIALSROLE OF CHANCEYears of agePatient's chronologic ageGeneral health consequencesCC samplesAge-related changesAge prediction modelThe appraisal of body content (ABC) trial: obesity does not significantly impact gamete production in infertile men and women
Kim J, Juneau C, Patounakis G, Morin S, Neal S, Seli E, Scott R. The appraisal of body content (ABC) trial: obesity does not significantly impact gamete production in infertile men and women. Journal Of Assisted Reproduction And Genetics 2020, 37: 2733-2742. PMID: 32827101, PMCID: PMC7642175, DOI: 10.1007/s10815-020-01930-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBody mass indexLower serum AMHLower serum FSHOvarian reserve parametersPresence of PCOSControlled ovarian hyperstimulationNormal-weight counterpartsMature oocytesPercent body fatBF categoriesOvarian hyperstimulationSerum AMHOvarian reservePCOS diagnosisSerum FSHIVF outcomesLess muscle massOvarian responseMass indexFemale obesityInfertility treatmentReserve parametersBody fatInfertile menObesity
DNA methylation-based age prediction and telomere length in white blood cells and cumulus cells of infertile women with normal or poor response to ovarian stimulation
Morin SJ, Tao X, Marin D, Zhan Y, Landis J, Bedard J, Scott RT, Seli E. DNA methylation-based age prediction and telomere length in white blood cells and cumulus cells of infertile women with normal or poor response to ovarian stimulation. Aging 2018, 10: 3761-3773. PMID: 30530921, PMCID: PMC6326671, DOI: 10.18632/aging.101670.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsChronologic agePremature reproductive agingReproductive-age womenWhite blood cellsOvarian stimulationInfertile womenOvarian responsePatient ageInfertile patientsAge womenPoor responseFollicular somatic cellsReproductive agingFertility treatmentCumulus cellsBlood cellsTelomere lengthAgeWomenPatientsStimulationWBCFemale ageRiskReproductive senescence
A universal freeze all strategy
Ata B, Seli E. A universal freeze all strategy. Current Opinion In Obstetrics & Gynecology 2017, 29: 136-145. PMID: 28333696, DOI: 10.1097/gco.0000000000000362.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsElective frozen embryo transferFrozen embryo transferOvarian responseEmbryo transferPatient/physician preferenceReproductive technology cyclesLow ovarian responseLive birth rateMultifollicular growthHypertensive disordersOvarian stimulationPerinatal outcomesPlacenta accretaUnstimulated cyclesNew RCTsPerinatal mortalityPreclinical evidenceSerious complicationsEndometrial functionClinical evidenceRetrospective studyPhysician preferenceContradictory resultsExcessive responseAdverse effects
Poor ovarian response in women undergoing in vitro fertilization is associated with altered microRNA expression in cumulus cells
Karakaya C, Guzeloglu-Kayisli O, Uyar A, Kallen AN, Babayev E, Bozkurt N, Unsal E, Karabacak O, Seli E. Poor ovarian response in women undergoing in vitro fertilization is associated with altered microRNA expression in cumulus cells. Fertility And Sterility 2015, 103: 1469-1476.e3. PMID: 25910568, PMCID: PMC5648585, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.02.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIVF-intracytoplasmic sperm injectionMiR-21-5p expressionPoor respondersMiR-21-5pMiR-21-3pCumulus cellsHuman granulosa-like tumor cellsMicro-ribonucleic acid (miRNA) expressionMiR-21-3p expressionLower serum E2 levelsMiR-21Elevated expressionPoor ovarian responseSerum E2 levelsReverse transcription real-time polymerase chain reactionTranscription real-time polymerase chain reactionNumber of oocytesLower E2 concentrationsAcademic medical centerReal-time polymerase chain reactionRespective age groupsMicroRNA microarray analysisOvarian responseAltered miRNA expressionE2 levels
Identification and in Vitro Characterization of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Receptor Variants Associated with Abnormal Ovarian Response to FSH
Gerasimova T, Thanasoula MN, Zattas D, Seli E, Sakkas D, Lalioti MD. Identification and in Vitro Characterization of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) Receptor Variants Associated with Abnormal Ovarian Response to FSH. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2010, 95: 529-536. PMID: 20061434, PMCID: PMC2840851, DOI: 10.1210/jc.2009-1304.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOvarian responseFSH receptorFSHR mRNAAbnormal ovarian responseOvarian stimulation protocolsForms of infertilityOocytes of womenExtracellular ligand-binding portionHormone receptor variantsOvarian hyperstimulationOvarian stimulationFSHR variantsPoor responseInfertility treatmentT cellsStimulation protocolFollicle growthFSHFertility clinicsCAMP activationCumulus cellsReceptor variantsGenetic causeRT-PCRWomen