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Families, Incarceration, & Health: Structural Racism and Health: Role of Incarceration on Pediatric Health

During the month of November, the SEICHE Center for Health and Justice at the Yale School of Medicine will host a virtual research seminar series entitled: "Families, Incarceration, and Health." We invite you all to join us. Please see attached flyer for additional information, including links to register.

  • On November 9th, Dr. Rebecca Shlafer will present on "Perinatal Programs for People in Prison - Obstacles and Opportunities." Register here.
  • On November 15th, Dr. Nia Heard-Garris will present on "Structural Racism Analyzed: Role of Incarceration on Pediatric Health." Register here.

Dr. Nia Heard-Garris is a pediatrician and a physician-investigator at the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago & in the Department of Pediatrics at Northwestern University Feinberg
School of Medicine. She examines the influence of social adversities experienced in childhood and subsequent child & adolescent health. Dr. Heard-Garris is also interested in the factors that contribute to a child’s ability to thrive despite these experiences.

Her work is federally funded by the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and investigates adolescent
cardiometabolic health as well as approaches to empowerment and resilience. She believes in using research to better inform clinical practice and policy that supports children, their families, and their communities. Dr. Heard-Garris proudly serves as the
inaugural Associate Editor for Health Equity Research for the Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics. Dr. Heard-Garris
is also an active member in the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and serves as the Chair and founding member of the Section of Minority Health, Equity, and Inclusion. Dr. Heard-Garris completed a prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Clinical Scholars Fellowship at the University of Michigan. She earned her Master of Science in Health and Healthcare Research. She received her Doctor of Medicine (MD) from Howard University College of Medicine and her Bachelor of Science in biology at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. Dr. Heard-Garris, her husband, and 9-year-old son live in Chicago and as new Chicagoans they better understand the phrase “winter is coming.”


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Lectures and Seminars