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Bloch Lab


The Bloch lab focuses on establishing the efficacy and safety of various pharmacological treatments using evidence- based methodologies including meta-analysis and clinical trials. Specifically, we investigate treatments of Tourette syndrome, trichotillomania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and anxiety across the lifespan. We are able to run interventional clinical trials in both children and adults with a close relationship with the Yale Center for Clinical Investigation Hospital Research Unit and the Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit at the Connecticut Mental Health Center.

We also use meta-analysis to examine the efficacy and safety of currently available pharmacological treatments as well as moderators of treatment response. We are currently working on trials examining the efficacy of cannabinoids in the treatment of Tourette syndrome and glutamate-modulating agents for anxiety, depression and OCD. In the lab we are interested in mentorship and teaching. We work closely with residents and provide the infrastructure to them to design and carry-out their own research projects.

This lab is led by Dr. Michael Bloch, Associate Professor in the Child Study Center and Psychiatry.

Participant Eligibility/Benefits

  • Adults (ages 18-60) with Tourette syndrome, earn up to $650 for participation
  • Adults (ages 18-65) with social anxiety disorder and public speaking anxiety, earn up to $300 for participation
  • Adolescents (ages 13-17) with depression and/or anxiety, earn up to $450 for participation
  • Participations will be guaranteed to receive the active study drug at some point in each clinical trial and participate in various clinical assessments

Research Interest

Evidence-based mental health treatments across the lifespan

IRB Study Titles

  • Examining the Efficacy of a Therapeutic Combination of Dronabinol (synthetic ? 9 -tetrahydracannabinol) and Palmitoylethanolamide for Tourette Syndrome (HIC #1610018525) (IND #131684)
  • Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Single-Dose Crossover Study Examining the Effects of Sublingual Riluzole (BHV-0223) on Public Speaking in Social Anxiety Disorder (HIC #1605017768) (IND #130224)
  • Efficacy of Rapid-Acting NMDA Antagnoist for Treatment of Adolescent Treatment-Refractory Major Depressive Disorder and Anxiety Disorders (HIC #1506016041)

Research Team
