YCSC Connections
Featuring updates, news you can use, events, and more from the Yale Child Study Center.
Chair's Message
It is once again hard to believe how quickly time is passing and that we are nearly two-thirds of the way through summer. It has been another busy few months at the center, as evident through the great deal of news and announcements in this newsletter.
From wishing farewell to training program graduates in June to welcoming nearly 30 new trainees in July along with several new faculty and staff members in the meantime – to honoring Juneteenth, awardees, new appointments, and retirees – it has been a joy to celebrate with so many members of our community over the past two months.
Now, as we look ahead to the start of the fall semester, I look forward to another engaging year of Grand Rounds sessions kicking off again in September – please do be sure to preview the wonderful line-up of speakers planned for the Fall semester, linked below – as well as an annual open house at our 350 George Street location now open to area providers, our annual associates meeting being planned for early November, and so much more.
I do hope you will enjoy learning more about many of these things in this month’s news. Indeed, I am grateful to our newsletter readers and subscribers for your interest, support, and commitment to children and families.
Linda Mayes, MD
Arnold Gesell Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology; Chair
Yale Child Study Center
Grand Rounds
Presented in the Cohen Auditorium on Tuesdays from September through June with a live stream available via Zoom, YCSC Grand Rounds have paused for the summer and will resume for the new academic year in September. Mark your calendar for the following sessions this fall, with additional details added to the web calendar events as they are confirmed.
Departmental News & Updates
Yale Departments of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, & Child Study Center Staff Spotlight: Melissa Dettmer
In the latest edition of a spotlight series featuring integrated business operations (IBO) and administration staff at the Yale Child Study Center, Department of Psychiatry, and Department of Pediatrics, meet the new IBO Senior Director for Finance & Administration, Melissa Dettmer, who joined Yale in June.
Introducing some of the new YCSC community members who joined in this summer
In addition to the nearly 30 new trainees who arrived at the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) in early July, meet some of the new staff and faculty members who have joined this summer: Maria Awwa, Jackie Britt-Friedman, Brianna Cairney, Chris Mansa Laporte, and Polina Ovchinnikova. The YCSC welcomes and introduces new community members on an on-going basis. All new faculty, staff, and trainees are invited to share bios and photos upon joining the department, and those who wish to participate are announced approximately monthly.
Yale Child Study Center: Honoring Juneteenth 2024
The Yale Child Study Center's third annual Juneteenth celebration took place on June 18, 2024 in the Senn Courtyard at the center’s South Frontage Road location in New Haven. The event serves as a special departmental Grand Rounds session honoring the historical significance of Juneteenth each year, while also marking the end of the spring semester.
YCSC 2024 graduates share plans and next steps
At an annual Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) commencement event honoring trainees in the class of 2024 on June 21, 2024, some of the graduates’ future plans and next steps were shared. Several will be staying at Yale in new positions, while others are pursuing opportunities both near and far.
Yale Child Study Center recognizes 2024 award recipients and retirees
On June 26, 2024, Yale Child Study Center community members came together in a hybrid format for the department’s third annual awards and recognition event to honor award recipients and retirees.
Yale Child Study Center welcomes new clinical trainees for the 2024-2025 academic year
The Yale Child Study Center welcomes new trainees to its world-renowned educational fellowships, internships, and practicum programs in July each year. Learn about this year's incoming fellows, residents, interns, and practicum students.
Wolf Selected as Inaugural YCSC Vice Chair for Professional Development & Education
Yale Child Study Center Associate Professor Julie Wolf has stepped into a new YCSC vice chair role, for professional development and education. Wolf has been a member of the YCSC community since 2005, when she joined the department to complete her post-doctoral fellowship, after which, in 2007, she joined the faculty.
Millard Appointed to Department, Hospital, Health System Positions
Hun Millard, MD, associate professor of psychiatry and the Child Study Center and interim vice chief of psychiatry and behavioral health for Yale New Haven Hospital (YNNH) has accepted the “permanent” position of vice chief of psychiatry and behavioral health for YNHH, deputy chair of psychiatry for the Yale New Haven Health System, and medical director of Yale New Haven Psychiatric Hospital.
2024 trainee pilot research award recipients announced
Lyndsey Chong, Elizabeth Edgar, and Max Rolison were selected as recipients of the third annual Yale Child Study Center Trainee Pilot Research Awards. The awards provide research funding for trainees currently enrolled in a YCSC training program for initial pilot research projects relevant to child mental health.
Yale Center for Brain and Mind Health to Fund Research by Steele, Tseng
A research project by Vaughn R. Steele, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry, and Wan-Ling Tseng, PhD, assistant professor in the Child Study Center, will be funded with a Yale Center for Brain and Mind Health (CBMH) Pilot Award.
Aneni receives grant to develop digital substance use intervention for Black teens
YCSC Assistant Professor Uche Aneni received a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Career Development Award for the development of a family-based digital intervention to address early substance misuse among Black adolescents.
Yale Professors Receive IES Funding to Launch a SEL Living Systematic Review
Yale University Associate Professors, Christina Cipriano and Michael Strambler have been awarded a new grant from the Institute of Education Sciences to launch: "A Living Systematic Review of Universal School-Based Social and Emotional Learning Programs in the United States." This initiative aims to revolutionize the availability and accessibility of contemporary research evidence for universal school-based (USB) social-emotional learning (SEL) programs in the United States.
Yuen Honored with American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Psychodynamic Faculty Initiative Mentorship Award
Eunice Yuen, MD, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry and in the Yale Child Study Center, was selected as a 2024 recipient of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Psychodynamic Faculty Initiative (PsyFI) Mentorship Award.
Zhang Selected as American Psychiatric Association Foundation Leadership Fellow
Yale Child Study Center first-year clinical fellow Richard Zhang was selected by the American Psychiatric Association Foundation as a Leadership Fellow as part of the foundation’s pipeline program for future careers in psychiatry.
Summer 2024 Interns Present Their Research
Friday, July 26th marked the 2024 Undergraduate Developmental Science Summer Internship Poster Symposium. This year’s event showcased the remarkable work of 17 Yale Child Study Center interns from 11 universities and colleges across the nation, highlighting the innovative research and hands-on learning experiences that define this prestigious internship program. The Education Collaboratory is proud to have hosted three interns, all of whom presented their summer research at the symposium.
Yale researchers to present at 2024 APA Convention
Interdisciplinary researchers from Yale School of Medicine, including the Center for Emotional Intelligence in the Child Study Center, will present their latest work at the 2024 American Psychological Association (APA) Convention in Seattle, WA, from August 8-10. Their contributions include 3 paper presentations, 2 posters, and 1 skill-building workshop covering emotion science, social and emotional learning (SEL), educator well-being, and creativity. Highlights feature studies on moral injury in educators, assessments of educator well-being, strategies for adolescent creativity using technology, supporting students’ emotion regulation, and insights from the How We Feel app on emotional co-occurrences. The APA convention, hosted by the world's largest professional organization of psychologists, provides a platform to share research aimed at advancing understanding and practice in psychological science.
YCEI and RULER Represented at the CT Empowered to Lead Symposium
The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence took one step closer to making CT the first emotionally intelligent state at the 2024 CT Empowered to Lead Symposium.
Upcoming Special Events
- Sep 202410Tuesday
YCSC Grand Rounds: Looking Ahead to the New Academic Year—Bringing our Community Together
Yale Child Study Center
Speaker: Linda Mayes, MD
- Sep 202419Thursday
Yale Child Study Center Open House
- Nov 20247Thursday
Yale Child Study Center Annual Associates Meeting: The Impact of the Digital World on Children's Health
Speakers: Andrew Solomon, PhD , Uche Aneni, MBBS, MHS, Kimberly Hieftje, PhD, Katherine Battle, PhD, Preston Ebaugh, MD
News You Can Use
ADHD and DNA: Bedside-to-bench, International Study Sheds Light on Genetics
Recently released study findings from researchers at the Yale Child Study Center and Yale Department of Psychiatry indicate that rare genetic changes that are spontaneous – and not inherited from parents – may contribute to the underpinnings of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Can't understand your teenager's behavior? Psychologists have tips to offer
YCSC Associate Professor Eli Lebowitz is quoted in this CNBC article on how to understand adolescent behaviors, providing some tips on managing anxiety in teens.
Source: NBC New York - CNBCOpinion: Helping Students Manage Conflict
Answering questions designed to regulate emotions may make it easier for students to find solutions to common disagreements.
Source: EduTopiaReport Addresses Key Issues in Legal Battles over Gender-Affirming Health Care
Professor Anne Alstott of Yale Law School and Dr. Meredithe McNamara of the Yale School of Medicine, the co-founders of The Integrity Project at Yale Law School, have co-authored a report with a team of international scientists that takes an expert, evidence-based approach to discussing key issues at stake in current legal battles to preserve access to health care for transgender youth.
Source: Yale Law SchoolHighlighting Yale’s Neuroscience Research
To better understand the impact of NIH funding, U.S. Sen. Richard Blumenthal visited Yale School of Medicine for a tour of neuroscience lab facilities and a discussion with neuroscience researchers.
In the Media
Scientists May Have Discovered the Cause of Autism
YCSC Harris Professor James McPartland is quoted in this Newsweek article about a potential link between the risk of autism in children and fatty acids in umbilical cord blood.
Source: Newsweek30 Jul 2024The Value of Emotional Intelligence
YCSC Professor Marc Brackett explains the importance of emotional intelligence in our lives and how it can help us make better decisions and have healthier relationships.
Source: NPR2 Aug 2024Play-based learning is now a law in CT. What that means for kids, parents and educators.
Connecticut teachers want you to know that “play-based learning” is not an oxymoron. For years child development and education experts have praised the benefits of play-based learning — a pedagogy that drives organic and lasting academic growth through activities that spark curiosity, engagement and joy in young students. Now, Connecticut legislation makes an explicit commitment to play-based learning in statute. The Gesell Program in Early Childhood at the Yale Child Study Center's Director, Dr. Peg Oliveira, weighs in on the importance of this new law.
Source: The Hartford Courant6 Aug 2024How we prevent long-term hospitalization of at-risk children
YCSC Assistant Clinical Professor Victoria Stob is quoted in this column about the implementation of the Intensive In-Home Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Services (IICAPS) program in Rhode Island. The author indicates how critical this program is in addressing unmet needs for children and families int he state.
Source: The Newport Daily News9 Aug 2024How to make AI more emotionally intelligent
Drs. Robin Stern and Marc Brackett share the importance of integrating emotional intelligence (EI) with AI to maintain human connections. They advocate for prioritizing EI in education, leadership, and tech design to ensure AI enhances rather than replaces our humanity.
Source: Fast Company9 Aug 2024