YCSC Connections
This special “year in review” newsletter includes snapshots of the work of the Yale Child Study Center in 2023. Happy New Year and many thanks to the community members, funders, partners, and other supporters who make this work possible!
Chair's Message
Here we are at the start of another new calendar year, and I do hope you all found some time for rest and joyful gatherings over the recent holidays. Despite the extremely challenging times and tragic events of the world that at times seem never-ending, we continuously work as a community to remain grounded and in support of one another.
Each year at this time, I provide updates on the “state of the department” at our opening Grand Rounds after the winter recess, and this year’s talk is available to view on-line for anyone who missed it and may be interested. As I prepared for this talk, I found myself reflecting on the broader meaning of this time of year and the confluence of many cultural traditions. I thought about the winter solstice and the meaning ascribed to this time for many centuries.
This "longest day of the year” in late December marks an increase in daylight — and this theme of darkness into light, winter into spring ties this time of year together across many cultures. Certainly, there is a beauty to darkness, and as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us, only in darkness do we see the stars. What the solstice calls our attention to is how we gradually go from the cold and darkness of winter to the warmth and greater light of spring.
A picture of Stonehenge is included below to draw attention to a special arrangement here — at the winter solstice, the sun sets in between the middle two stones and with the summer solstice the sunrise is between those stones. It is an enduring mystery as to how so long ago those who built Stonehenge understood these rhythms and were able to set the stones in this way.
We can stand in awe of this mystery while also reflecting on how many mysteries we are engaged in here at the Child Study Center — mysteries and dilemmas we try to solve in ways that will improve our understanding of child mental health and the care we provide. Here again, darkness into light and mystery into understanding. Indeed, this metaphor can also apply to the past year.
As we look together upon all that has been accomplished in the department in 2023, as well as the work that lies ahead this year and beyond, it is important to keep in mind what holds us together. That is, the ways in which we are united across missions, with a focus on excellence and state of the art care, training the best clinicians and researchers that we can. This also brings us back to the importance of staying grounded, regardless of the change and challenges that we inevitably face. Staying grounded helps us to stay focused on what unites us — where, as our center’s logo depicts, discovery inspires care.
I am, as ever, incredibly grateful for all in our community, including those who support our work in a variety of ways — and I wish you all a happy, healthy new year. I do hope you will enjoy looking back upon 2023 in this second annual "year in review" — and I look forward to engaging with you all as we embark upon new projects, activities, and events this coming year.
Linda Mayes, MD
Arnold Gesell Professor of Child Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology; Chair
Yale Child Study Center
Our Mission
The mission of the Yale Child Study Center is to improve the mental health of children and families, advance understanding of their psychological and developmental needs, and treat and prevent childhood mental illness through the integration of research, clinical practice, and professional training.
Our Community
A Department Snapshot
The YCSC community consists of faculty, staff, and trainees with a wide array of backgrounds and experiences that can’t be fully portrayed by demographic statistics – and these very basic numbers portray a small picture of who we are and portion of how we identify. As of December 2023, our community consists of approximately 566 people in the following roles.
- 185 faculty with primary appointments
- 119 voluntary/community & emeritus faculty
- 104 clerical, technical, & managerial staff
- 53 postgraduate associates
- 52 adjunct faculty
- 35 fellows (clinical & postdoc)
- 18 postdoctoral associates
Of 428 community members for whom collated data (as of December 2023) are available, one quarter identify as male, with just under three quarters identifying as female and less than 1% self-reporting as non-binary. More than half of the community respondents (63.6%) self-identified as white, and 10.5% as Black or African American, 10.5% Hispanic or Latino, 10.1% Asian, 2.1% two or more races, 0.2% American Indian or Alaska Native, and 0.2% Native Hawaiin or other Pacific Islander.
- 73.4% Female
- 25.5% Male
- 0.5% Non-binary
- 0.7% Unknown gender identity
- 0.2% American Indian or Alaska Native
- 10.1% Asian
- 10.5% Black or African American
- 10.5% Hispanic or Latino
- 0.2% Native Hawaiin or other Pacific Islander
- 63.6% White
- 2.1% Two or more races
- 2.8% Unknown race
Our Commitment to DEIB
There is ample room for greater diversity within our community, and our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) continues to be a high priority across the center. A great deal has been accomplished across the department in the three years since Tara Davila, LCSW stepped into the then new role of chief diversity officer (CDO) for the YCSC. Learn more in the articles linked below, including about on-going efforts and goals in the new year and into the future.
Focusing on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging: 2020-2023 & Beyond
In the three years since Tara Davila, LCSW stepped into the new role of chief diversity officer (CDO) for the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC), a great deal has been accomplished across the department and through Davila’s stewardship. Several goals and strategies have also been set in these areas for 2024 and beyond.
16 Jan 2024On Service Leadership: Q&A with YCSC Vice Chair for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Tara Davila, LCSW
In the first in a two-part Q&A series with Daryn David, Tara Davila talks about what service leadership means to her, in line with her multiple roles in the department. Davila serves as an assistant clinical professor of social work; vice chair for diversity, equity and inclusion; and associate director of youth services.
18 May 2023New fellowship focuses on social justice & health equity
A new fellowship has been developed at the Yale Child Study Center for existing clinical fellows in the department’s psychiatry, psychology, and social work training programs. Meet the three inaugural Viola W. Bernard Fellows announced in July: Saja Almusawi, Amanda Calhoun, and Christian Edwards.
15 Aug 2023Aneni and Lowell Selected as 2023 Viola B. Bernard Prize Winners
Yale Child Study Center Assistant Professor Uche Aneni and Associate Research Scientist Amanda Lowell have been selected as awardees of the 2023 Viola W. Bernard Prize in Social Innovation in Mental Health Care Delivery.
5 Oct 2023
Our Strategic Areas of Focus
The YCSC has been serving children and families from birth through adolescence since 1911. At the core of the center's work is the mission to improve the lives of children and families through research, service, education, and policy, including through the translation of research and evidence-based practice into effective policy change, legislative advocacy efforts, and social innovation. Our work involves multidisciplinary, intergenerational, translational, and community implementation.
As YCSC Chair Linda Mayes described in her 2024 opening talk, “We have a strategic profile that integrates our clinical, research, policy, and education efforts in these particular areas. This oval shows the other themes of the Child Study Center: our focus on normative development, translational science, etcetera.” Also noted are neurodevelopment and related disorders, movement regulation, mood and emotional regulation, health and equity services, and trauma and stress. These are the areas that broadly define the department’s research portfolio, integrated across the clinical mission.
Looking Back: 2023 In Review
By the Numbers
The following numbers provide a snapshot of some of the work and accomplishments of our community members in 2023, which was yet again a busy and productive year at the YCSC. As shown in the image, referrals to our outpatient clinical services were up 7% from 2022, with approximately 58,000 scheduled appointments from January through December 2023. This number increased by 3,000 when compared to the year prior and included more than 16,500 video visits (28% of total).
- 3000+ youth & families served in the clinical practice
- 192 publications by authors with primary YCSC appointments
- 153 internal stories posted to the YCSC website
- 133 external news articles & media mentions
- 54 grants received received by 32 faculty members
- 47 research trials registered in OnCore & actively recruiting
- 21 faculty and staff promotions
Of the more than 3,000 youth and families served, the average client age was 11.7 years. Slightly more than half (52%) identified as female and 46% reported a racial identity that has historically been marginalized. The latter is broken down as follows.
- 3% Asian
- 17% Black
- 23% Latino/a/x
- 4% Multi Racial
- 0.2% Native American
- 0.1% Pacific Islander
- 48% White
- 6% Unknown
Department News Highlights
Frometa selected to lead public health team to Puerto Rico in March
Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) Assistant Professor Cecilia Frometa, PhD has been selected to lead a public health team as part of a collaborative effort between the YCSC and Yale Alumni Service Corps in Puerto Rico.
16 Jan 2023Integrated business operations model explained, and new staff spotlight series launched
Learn more about the Yale Child Study Center and Department of Psychiatry Integrated Business Operations (IBO) model and meet the IBO Directors, Steve Gentile and Ian Solomon.
2 Feb 2023Yale Child Study Center welcomes former Haskins Laboratories faculty and trainees
Following the closure of Haskins Laboratories on March 30, 2023, several research groups are bringing their groundbreaking work in various areas of developmental linguistics to the Yale Child Study Center. Learn more about their research in this overview.
14 Apr 2023Video released to combat racism against Asian-Americans
The Yale Compassionate Home, Action Together (CHATogether) team created an educational video titled “Building a Stronger Future Together: Understanding the Bio-Psycho-Social-Cultural Impact of Racism to the AAPI Community” in celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month and Mental Health Awareness Month this May.
17 May 2023YCSC Medical-Legal Partnership Webinar Released
A new 20-minute webinar is now available to provide an overview of the first of its kind Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) run in collaboration between the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) and the Center for Children’s Advocacy (CCA).
6 Jun 2023Yale Child Study Center welcomes 2023 summer interns
The Yale Child Study Center, which serves as the department of child psychiatry at the Yale School of Medicine, welcomes 24 undergraduate students from 11 universities and colleges around the country to the center's developmental science summer internship program this June and July.
8 Jun 2023Yale Child Study Center recognizes 2023 award recipients and retirees
On June 21, 2023, Yale Child Study Center community members came together in a hybrid format for the department’s second annual recognition and award ceremony to honor internal award recipients and retirees.
7 Jul 2023Yale Child Study Center announces new leadership for pediatric psychology program
Learn about YCSC Associate Professor Laurie Cardona, PsyD and Assistant Professor Maggie Stoeckel, PhD as they assume new leadership positions for the department’s pediatric psychology program. Cardona is the new clinical director of ambulatory pediatric psychology and Stoeckel is serving as associate clinical director of pediatric psychology.
13 Jul 2023Someone Cares Closet: Offering free personal care products for families
Launched in 2022, the “Someone Cares Closet” (SCC) is a collaboration between Claire’s Corner Copia and the Yale Child Study Center to provide personal care and household cleaning products for children and families served by YCSC clinicians.
2 Aug 2023Annual meeting features individual stories & the impact of generosity
Nearly 100 participants joined an annual meeting hosted by the Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) on November 8, 2023 to gather YCSC Associates and other community members together and feature the multi-faceted work of the center. The annual event has been held for nearly 40 years.
15 Nov 2023Rigor, Relevance, & Reality: Education Collaboratory at Yale Advancing SEL Science & Practice
In July 2023, YCSC Assistant Professor Christina Cipriano, PhD, together with her colleagues and collaborators, launched a new, independent research lab, the Education Collaboratory at Yale. The lab is committed to advancing the science and practice of social and emotional learning in schools worldwide. In this Q&A, Cipriano shares some insight into her journey and about her team’s work.
17 Nov 2023Dr. James Comer On Life and Leadership: Looking Ahead to Fuller Inclusion
In the latest edition of the YCSC “On Leadership” blog post and newsletter column, Daryn David, PhD shares part two of an interview with James P. Comer, MD, MPH. In the first portion shared in October, he talked about how his early life experiences laid the groundwork for his leadership practices – in part two, he brings his past experiences to light in the context of today, and the future.
13 Dec 2023Songs and words for hope: Raising voices of children and youth through music
Leaders in science, education, and the musical arts join in NYC to celebrate the transformative power of children, youth, and families to build a more peaceful world.
21 Dec 2023
YCSC In the Media
What Makes Auditory Contact Different in Autism? A new Yale study sheds light on this topic
Individuals with autism may have trouble interpreting social cues or may be unable to understand the meaning of eye contact. They may also find it overwhelming or difficult to make eye contact, which may result in the avoidance of eye contact altogether.
Source: list23.com2 Jan 2023App helps grow emotional intelligence
Dr. Marc Brackett joins the WFSB morning team to discuss how the award winning How We Feel app is helping people of all ages keep connect with their emotions and improve their well-being.
Source: WFSB CT3 Jan 2023It’s never too early to teach kids about race and racial justice. Here’s how to do it—with a little help from Elmo
YCSC Assistant Clinical Professor Maysa Akbar, PhD, ABPP, who also serves as APA’s chief diversity officer and interim chief of psychology in the public interest, is teaming up with Sesame Street and APA to use psychological science to create resources for children and caregivers to talk about race.
Source: APA.org8 Mar 2023What Does it Mean to be 'Nonbinary?'
Christy Olezeski, PhD, associate professor of psychiatry and director and co-founder of the Yale Pediatric Gender Program, told Yahoo! Life the biggest misconception people have about nonbinary people is that they’re “going through a phase,” which she explains is far from true.
Source: Yahoo! Life14 Mar 2023Five key questions educators ask about SEL
Insights from research help educators navigate the deluge of information about school-based social-emotional learning.
Source: Kappan27 Mar 2023Health Headlines: CDC report shows rise in number of children diagnosed with autism
April is Autism Awareness Month, a time that health experts say is critical as new information and research continue to come out about autism. YCSC Professor James McPartland talks about a recent CDC report in an interview with WTNH Channel 8. Watch the interview.
Source: WTNH-812 Apr 2023Autism-related genes converge on microglia and dopamine in zebrafish
Study findings add to the growing evidence that genes with disparate functions can play similar roles in brain development.
Source: Spectrum News12 May 2023Clinic Aims to Co-Create New Approach to Environmental Justice
The Goldman-Sonnenfeldt Environmental Protection Clinic (EPC) at Yale Law School partnered with Elevate Policy Lab of the Yale School of Public Health and the Yale Child Study Center, Yale School of Medicine to build out a new model of environmental justice practice grounded in civic engagement methods.
Source: YLS Today30 May 2023The State of Teen Mental Health
In this video with MedPage Today Editor-in-Chief Jeremy Faust, MD, YCSC Psychiatry Resident Amanda Calhoun, MD, MPH is interviewed along with Washington University Assistant Professor Jessi Gold, MD, MS to discuss the state of youth mental health in the U.S.
Source: Medpage Today13 Jun 2023Nothing worked for her teenage son's depression, until his doctor suggested ketamine
In this CNN Health story, a mother talks about her fears of losing her son to treatment-resistant depression, and a doctor's suggestion to try a medication off-label changed everything. YCSC Associate Professor Michael Bloch addresses some factors around ketamine treatment and research.
Source: CNN3 Aug 2023Brain 'Organoid' Study Hints at the Origins of Autism
Research using three-dimensional replicas of the developing brain created in a lab dish is shedding new light on autism spectrum disorder.
Source: U.S. News & World Report11 Aug 2023More Screen Time Linked to Delayed Development in Babies, Study Finds
One-year-olds exposed to more than four hours of screen time a day experienced developmental delays in communication and problem-solving skills at ages 2 and 4, according to a study published today in The Journal of the American Medical Association Pediatrics.
Source: The New York Times21 Aug 2023Physical and mental health toll on people trapped in war zones as Israel conflict continues
YCSC Professor Steven Marans is quoted in this article addressing the increased risk for anxiety and depression for residents of war zones.
Source: ABC News10 Oct 2023Tipping the Scales: Supporting the Intergenerational Needs of Families Impacted by Substance Use Disorders
In a webinar on November 8, 2023 hosted by YCSC Associate Research Scientist Amanda Lowell, PhD, participants learned about research linking the neuroscience of addiction and trauma to parenting struggles and developmental risks in families affected by parental substance use. The implications for parenting interventions that target parental mentalizing capacity and child attachment security were also reviewed.
Source: NYC Early Childhood Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Center8 Nov 2023The 10 Most Significant Education Studies of 2023
YCSC Assistant Professor Christina Cipriano, PhD was named in this article along with her team's work on the impactful meta-analysis titled "The state of evidence for social and emotional learning: A contemporary meta-analysis of universal school-based SEL interventions" and ranked one of the top ten most significant education studies of the year.
Source: edutopia7 Dec 2023A patient called me a racial slur. Unfortunately, my experience is universal.
In this opinion piece for the Boston Globe, YCSC Psychiatry Fellow Amanda Calhoun addresses how racism from patients is a violent rite of passage for Black doctors.
Source: Boston Globe13 Dec 2023Yale School of Medicine event uses food for healing
YCSC Assistant Professor José Paez, who also serves as Associate Program Director of the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program, along with Child Psychiatry Fellows Sherab Tsheringla, Kayla Isaacs, Bonnie Yam, Alexis Benedetto, and Joseph Knoble, recently volunteered to cook for the Bridgeport community on the reclaimed Brownfield Mt. Trashmore. This was the second time this event occurred, coordinated by Tsheringla; this concept was born from the hackathon he hosted last year, with Attorney Suzi Ruhl from the Elevate Policy Lab. Channel 8 covered the event.
Source: WTNH News 817 Dec 2023
Departmental Events
Celebrating Black History Month 2023
Over 125 Yale Child Study Center community members joined together in February to recognize Black History Month and highlight Black voices during a special Grand Rounds session titled, “The Struggle is (Still) Real: Reflections on Modern Day Black Resistance.”
8 Mar 2023YCSC Celebrates Social Work Month
March is Social Work Month and this year’s theme is Social Work Breaks Barriers. The Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) is celebrating social workers and honoring the profession in a variety of ways this year, with related trivia and prizes, a special Grand Rounds event, and more.
13 Mar 2023Honoring Women’s History Month 2023: Stories of being a woman academia
On April 5, 2023, 50 Yale Child Study Center (YCSC) community members came together by Zoom to extend and honor Women’s History Month with a special community meeting to lift the voices of five faculty members who volunteered to share their experiences as women in academia.
6 Apr 2023Yale Child Study Center Community Celebrates Professional Progression
Several members of the Yale Child Study Center community recently came together in person to celebrate and recognize recent academic and professional progression among faculty and staff. Department Chair Linda Mayes (pictured) provided opening remarks and served cake to attendees.
11 Oct 2023
Looking Ahead to 2024: Staying Grounded
Learn more about what lies ahead for the YCSC in the "state of the department" talk given by Dr. Mayes on January 9, 2024. Returning to a theme she presented in September on Staying Grounded In the Midst of Change: Looking Ahead to the New Academic Year, she commented, "Being grounded focuses us on what is most meaningful — how our community values and centers care and discovery — and how we care for each other."
View the session recording for a more in depth review of 2023 at the YCSC and be sure to save the dates for the upcoming special events highlighted below as we enter a new calendar year. For more events, including Grand Rounds sessions confirmed for the spring semester, visit the YCSC web calendar.